Regarding touching grass, I'm fully aware of the irony. I don't think what I'm doing is arguing with people as I don't think anyone is really wrong to think whatever they want about this game as the whole situation is so ridiculous and unprecedented that I can find no comparison. I just don't want people to get all up in arms about this game being delayed as it won't get anyone anywhere, and there are more important things in life. Personally I visit this site here and there as I go about my day, it's good fun. Plus, I like discussing this game, I think it's overall pretty great and the art is 10/10 for me. That's worth the $3 alone.
Regarding them stalling intentionally, maybe they are? Personally I think it's more like someone just working on a passion project, there are no deadlines and they do it just for fun. Like someone building a model train set in their house, or playing Animal Crossing for far too long. Of course, the difference is there's money involved here, but for me what makes the difference is that they're not making you pay each month to access the game. You CAN but you don't have to. If they did charge $3 a month that would be fairly certain scam activity as they are fully incentivsed to stall as much as possible. Also, when they complete this game, they have so much content they can add as DLCs that they could work on it until the end of time, so the money would just keep flowing.
Personally, I give them my $3 a month. If that pays for the great art and fun gameplay that updates every few months, that's worth it to me. I spend a lot more on a lot less! Would I reccomend doing it? Hell no, spend your money somewhere else. Am I delusional? Probably, but I still have my fun. Everyone else, my $3 covers you!
The arts are great I'll give you that. NullGhost is racking in money with his own art Patreon for a reason.
If it's a passion project, they will not sell its meager update for however amount.
$3 is a not a lot as a single transaction, but it racks up very fast as a monthly per patron payment.
And what value does Kemo Coliseum offer for this $3? It could be worse, but it's still not good.
Btw, They paywall the game, you can't play unless you pay
at least $3 a month - or play a cracked leak.
There're tons of genuine devs doing passion projects, some are
totally free with optional financial support options, some with
optional paid early access but still free.
There're also tons of genuine devs doing business, they sell games they made, providing equal value to the money they are charging for.
Kemo Coliseum on the other hand, is doing it for money, and with shady practices at that.
If you are charging people for however amount you set up, you have the Obligation to deliver in the timely manner.
Selling has a totally different dichotomy from donation / supporting.
It's very easy to see if the dev are genuine, or bad actors with malicious intent,
as long as you look at what they are doing, not what they are saying nor what you wish it is.
I can give them the benefit of the doubt, that they still plan to make the game, just went greedy on monetisation (who don't like free money for doing nothing?

Not like some others that's purely using their "game" as a vehicle to milk as much as they can.
But that's already a very buyer beware stance.
At the End of the day, you are responsible for your own money and time. Who are we to condemn you for where you want to waste them on. Not to mention value proposition is a subjective topic.
BUT we also don't hv the obligation to hold onto Your Value whatever you set it.
I'm just here to call out what the dev is doing, for anyone who cares but failed to see thru.
BTW, your $3 won't cover anyone. It's straight into their pocket, not into the project.
Unless you mean you are the one who's doing the leak, Then I apologise for my stupid misunderstanding,
This really reminds me of those gacha players, hving the power fantasy that they think just cuz they pay (more) than anyone else, they are the sole reason the game exist - In a sense, they are not wrong,
the game exist this way cuz the dev can milk them without much effort involved. Even funnier the devs are holding them hostage, "if we don't pay, the game will die".