Played it just now. Some pointers and questions:
- Interesting menu music, but why didn't it continue playing after we start the game? Having background music during the entire game would set the right mood and improve immersion (as it happens latter, when the music resumes)

- Many characters speak without their mouths open. It feels they're trying some kind of telepathy

- Spacebar should allow us to skip the bellydance animation and the title animation after the prologue
- Animations look a bit stiff. More frames to them would do wonders
- The city map could have the interactive places with some kind of always-on subtle outline to help identify them faster
- I would suggest adding more people in the castle, even if just as background like the guards near the throne room door. It would make things more lively
- Doors that seem interactive but do nothing should, for now, not be interactive at all
- The Morning and Afternoon icons are too similar. Perhaps a higher use of red on the Afternoon to help distinguish between them?
- The interface decor is quite nice and the hint system works well
Edward seems to be a total brat, lol. That family will need lots of help and time to make him a disciplined man

I was expecting some action with the maid