Ren'Py - Abandoned - Kingmaker [v0.17] [Kingmaker]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Giving 4* because what is there is some of the best. Unfortunate its abandoned, and unfortunate some of the game mechanics are janky. It doesnt make sense that only the stolen lands can be conquered, how are the mechanics for that any different than the other provinces?

    The raids in this game are game breaking (destroys your provinces and they are wildly overpowered). Upgrading all of the production and roads etc will still have you running on a massive deficit, no matter which taxes you implement.

    Its also unclear how you trigger the elves story line, which I never figured out in my gameplay
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    "Kingmaker" is an adult visual novel that provides a unique blend of storytelling, role-playing, and erotic content. It stands out for its engaging narrative and character-driven gameplay, allowing players to immerse themselves in a fantasy world filled with intricate plots and colorful characters.

    One of the game's strengths is its well-developed characters, each with distinct personalities, backstories, and relationship arcs. This depth enhances the player’s emotional investment, making the interactions feel meaningful and rewarding. The choices players make can lead to varied outcomes, affecting not only romantic relationships but also the story's overall direction.

    The art style is another highlight, with beautifully crafted visuals that bring the characters and settings to life. The game features multiple scenes and scenarios, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. Additionally, the inclusion of humor and lighthearted moments adds to its charm.

    Overall, "Kingmaker" is recommended for those who enjoy adult-themed games with rich narratives, character development, and striking visuals. Its blend of erotic content and storytelling makes it a compelling choice for players looking for something more than typical adult fare.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I love this game... yet I very rarely play it.
    the characters, the art, the scenario. I like them all.

    Unfortunately the game is very buggy.
    You often need to restart your save due to major changes to the mechanics.
    It is a slog to re-train every time, it was ok if done only once. but redoing it every few updates sucks.
    Cheat codes could help but they change every update so they gotta be re-leaked.

    There is an easy difficulty setting which is nice... but adds a bunch of additional bugs.
    Make sure to play on normal to avoid a lot of nasty bugs
    If the technical issues were fixed I would have rated this a 5 star
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    We need more content with this setting imho. I've seen a few in development, but this is the first one to engage me with the mechanics. Maybe I'm biased since I've been engrossed in CK3, but it definitely has some flaws, (mainly early access type stuff). I'm really looking forward to updates :)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game terrible no clue so what on and the cheat does not help progress the game. I lost so many hour just doing stupid things oh well i am stupid for downloading this game. Maybe i wait next year to play.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The best word for the VN is overwhelming. The game tries too much for what it is. The management system doesn't feel fruitful, meaning why, what reward will I get when I reach a 100% roads, production. Its not clear.

    Army management system isn't relevant currently unless I'm mistaken. All this combined with the numerous traits to grind distracts from an interesting premise of managing kingdom and producing an heir.

    The art is nice however. Props to having it hand drawn.
    No animations which is fine
    And the characters are nice
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Written after all hope seems to be lost of a new release, since the discord channel seems to have been deleted after months of no activity. The game had potential, any medieval lore with kingdom management is always a good draw. The game itself was OK though, grind your stats to pass checks and raise your kingdom to see some boobies along the way. It was very buggy by version 11.4, too many to even list and without cheats it was a long grind for few scenes that was OK at best.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Every strange event that occurs in the game it crashes and resets your current skills and you go back to 0.
    I played one and Not sure which game is stable. You have ask dev. one is not stable. (might need label them next time)
    I had upgraded everything can't unlock all buildings, or sex scenes.
    Its very restrictive game play.
    Maybe next time for developer I think if your going patron lvl modify the avatar appearance and his dick and testicles?
    Especially when he signs witch contract he can re-modify events like example Church can be de-funded and turn house of sin? I was thinking lot about that -> there not lot you can do add make it your own kingdom, gallows execution and grow your kingdom processing isn't seen.

    If there was secondary map option inner castle map where you upgraded the castle some. like had dungeon, escape route, hidden garrison, harem, knights, food and drink storage, crops, garden, small village, chapel, training field, throne room, observatory tower, battlements, etc.

    Witch event repeats sometimes, is there a way people can find out who really took the children?

    Avatar -King needs level up means? glory to lust event happens at every level up sequence
    Or a festival.
    Some part of game made me think it would so easy if there was Elder daughter incident who was futa or just eldest daughter who King never assume was girl but was pregnant with Liam? That sequence of event would been interesting?

    How would female Heir respond to Liam and King dying? Revenge or would be so different,

    Game graphics aren't bad for now, its just that bugs are killing the game.

    Punishments in medieval era were death, or public execution, if want light humor events why not stocks or public transformation, Public transforming male into female who disrespected the king and then have them put to work in tower of filthy.

    Seems that game itself too family friendly. There no explanation of what happens or risks, I request next time to place some sort in game wiki so warns the player doing so might make their game unbalanced or make their game break.

    Sound and Music are okay might need to improve make so. music and trumpets.
  9. 3.00 star(s)



    Okay, first of all, its hand drawn, thats a plus in my opinion, but sadly, its really nothing to write home about. think first year deviantart level of art.
    I would say 2/5 on that front but with +1 being purely for my love of 2D illustrations vs 3D. Final score on that end would be 3/5.


    From purely managment standpoint gameplay is ok, but considering that you know nothing about, for example, your current speed of pop grows, and how disbanding a troop doesnt give it back for some reason, you have to study mechanics of the game based mostly on your failures. Which is kinda annoing. 4/5 On that front. At least for a text based game.


    This is where the game fall short IMHO. The ideas and the setting itself are great, albeit somewhat generic.
    But the fact that you are basically locked into one morality and all of your choices are only resource managment based, sadly wastes most of its potential.
    Like, you are the king, yay!
    But you are being responsible to the point of being boring. No brothels to visit or manage, no snobby merchant wifes and daughters to bully, no right of the first night pesant girls to claim, no captured bandit girls and rebels to keep in the nicer parts of your dungeon as personal pets.
    The game dosent shy from the concept of slavery itself, but MC is a good boy, so he cant, for example, restore it as a law, and then lead a vindictive raid on the elves to pay them in kind for their slave raids.
    In short, roleplaying potential is practically gutted, and in what is mostly text based games with few illustrations here and there thats whats most important. 2/5.

    I really do hope that in the future creator will add some additional options to interact with local love interests aside from the most vanilla ones. Like groaping former queen's ass, making the maid remove his clothes for him for example.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Riddled with bugs a 2d hand-drawn medieval themed micromanagement game that has an awesome foundation but lacks in content. The role of medieval ruler is an interesting trope and this one would be a great game if it weren't boring, unfinished and broken. The biggest drawback is very poor content (v 0.10.) As for now, there is just very little to do. Game events are simple, repetitive and mostly self-explenatory. There are only few people at your court that you can interact with with content for couple short (and repetitive) text events (you're constantly being presented with a message: "that's all for this version" etc.) There's a lot of personal stats that you can grind with no clear reason what they are needed for. A very basic groundwork for a game and in the current state it is sadly not worth playing. As for bugs - I've been playing several times and only can get to as far as week 15; after a second or third battle an error message pops out and game crashes.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Xo Mo

    This is a micromanagement game with dozens of options and no guidance. The very few "tutorial" slideshows move by so fast, you have to rollback to re-read them multiple times to comprehend...

    The art is fine, but lacking. The music is monotonous but unobtrusive.

    After 2 in-game 'months' I still had no clue what was going on or what I was supposed to be doing.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of clicking through the game days with a little of content behind it. Interactable characters have content for only several short events. Text events to be precise. Lot of stats that you can grind with no clear reason why they are needed for. For now it isa very basic groundwork for a game, but in the current state is not worth playing.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, I came looking for a royal harem simulator (probably will be a thing later) , but got lost in the mechanics of the game and the potential for growth (add enemy's attacking your kingdom every now and then so my GAINT WALLS can be put to use, also include a Ballista (because reasons) ) in future releases. My only criticism is (could be a bug) that if you do not interact with any of your family or other characters before days 3-5 (I can't be bothered I've got skills to grind out to pass skill checks) then you will never see them for the rest of the game (rip mom and sis...... I mean roommate and landlady).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Even tough it’s riddled with bugs and doesn’t have much content (v 0.9), I believe it has a awesome foundation. The art style is pretty simple, but enough for my tastes. What fascinated me is that even though most individual components (art, content, …) are a little lacking, the whole is really fun to play.
    A few choices/edicts which are a little more on the evil side would be nice ( e.g. edict: “Right of first night” so that the poor noble who is accused every week on my play-through can rest easy, or actually later implementing slavery, possibly only when allied to the elves, etc.)

    Hope this project stays alive and thriving with new content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Очень интересный проект! Несмотря на свою невзрачность графического исполнения, игра затягивает своей глубиной и проработкой характеров главных героев и второстепенных персонажей. Скажу честно, что наиболее интересна сюжетная линия Королевы-вдовы, но и остальные персонажи тоже очень интересны. Хочу пожелать автору успешного развития проекта и большого количества последователей с финансловой поддержкой (сам занес деньги на Patreon).

    Very interesting project! Despite its nondescript graphic design, the game is addictive with its depth and elaboration of the characters of the main characters and minor characters. I will say honestly that the most interesting storyline of the Queen-widow, but the other characters are also very interesting. I would like to wish the author a successful development of the project and a large number of followers with financial support (he brought the money to Patreon).
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty decent. Good on different Characters. Not that heavy on decisions and events are random and repeatable, but skills play well into them. Some themes are not expanded not enough. How much Fanstasy is there and therefore how is the church to be seen. A kind of World map is missing, as we do interact with plenty people outside the kingdom. 4,5/5

    I personally like the Art very much, even so simple. It also remind at the non pornographic games in that genre. Can be improved a lot, but even without an extra artist it will stay decent. 3,5/5

    Gameplay is also good. Still early in development, but the skill System and Events are quite fitting and also the development of the Crownlands are okay. Laws and 4 Interest groups are also good. Even though laws can be rewarding they are not interesting enough. Also in Erotic Game there could be more interesting issues about it. 4,5/5

    Overal 4/5 with emphasis on Gameplay and story and less in Art and that still in it's early phase of development.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written code, obviously a work in progress, so we gotta wait for some more content. I'd like to see less focus on skills, wars, and storyline ...and more chick banging ...especially dowager queen :D
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    interesting story
    some what challenging gameplay
    forces you to make hard choises
    you are mf king
    fun to play

    there is few h scenes
    it doesnt hold your hand
    getting the grip is kinda hard
    if you dont like management games you wont like this
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite being an early version Kingmaker has already grabbed my attention with its setting and game-play. Essentially a princess maker style game with the player taking on the role of a prince with the responsibilities (and privileges;)) that follow. The role of medieval ruler is one that appeals heavily to me and Kingmaker easily fufills that fantasy. I simply cannot wait for more content as the game is currently in its early stages!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Such a horrible game, bad art boring game play , as a fan of these type of games it is hard for me to see games like this of my favorite genre , i would recommand a remake for this game if it is still possible , you cant build a fun game if you start boring like this.