VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Klee Prank Adventure [v1.16.1] [Pinkmochidango]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It just gives you, what you expect. And it does it really good. Especialy If you know the characters and the whole setting. :)
    Art is also really good in this one.
    Some character routes could have been longer or have more scenes, but overall a 5/5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of complete 1.16.1 version after acquiring almost everything (only missing a few RNG-reliant scenes)

    It's a great game full of content, and I WOULD give it a 5/5 for being an incredibly arousing Genshin spoof...except for one little problem.

    There seems to be an issue regarding persistent save progress when it comes to content records. As in, there ISN'T any. The moment I close the game, all my photos in the album and scenes in Mona's cauldron are gone. I have to keep a save at every single H-scene I find, which defeats the whole point of a gallery system.

    EDIT: After resolving some technical issues on my end, the gallery problem was fixed. It was really the only thing keeping me from rating this game higher, so now that it's resolved, this is a masterpiece as far as quick-and-dirty fap games go.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty funny vn type game about Klee corrupting the other girls while pulling pranks. The scenes are very high quality, and the dialogue is hilarious. The genshin girls look great so this is an easy 5/5 from me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A very enjoyable game, for me probably one of the best out there.

    Story: Consistent with the game it is based on and very entertaining if you played at least a few hours of the original game. It contains girls from Mondstadt till Inazuma. Hopefully there will be a sequel with the next region-girls.

    Animation & Renders: Damn, well done, if only every game had this well made animations and well made renders.

    Sound: Also very good, all places (or most) have BGM, which makes it better than most ones makes it more alive as some other don't have any sound ans such game feel dead to me.

    Playability: Very entertaining! You can control where to go next from the map screen and do not just follow a straight path as in other RenPy games.

    Performance: No hitches or other problems, which I would expect with my MidClass gaming rig. It also works well on Linux as a result of using RenPy (Python).

    Bugs: None that I am aware of.

    Voice Acting: Some voice clips from the original game which makes this even better and the H-scenes have well-supporting moans from the females. I enjoyed them very much.

    Amount of content: Massive, I played it for some 10-12 hours and enjoyed it very much. It made me come back after every few hours and now after finishing it I am missing it very much and would very much like a sequel. It has many different girls and I enjoy that the kept the proportions of each girl as it should be and did NOT XXL-size all the girls, which is something that I really hate. Variety makes all the different for me. :)

    Summary: Well made and fun game, which I very much enjoyed playing and would buy a sequel in a heartbeat (and yes I bought the game because it really was very much worth it). I can only hope the dev will releases sequel after finishing the current (Phoenix) game.

    Thanks again to the dev(s), a well made game which must not have been easy to make and I hope to see more of this in that quality in the future.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent! I played a very old version and compared to final, I'm relieved to say it turned out for the better.

    Truly good game, with some minor things to cover up to make it perfect.

    Waiting for a DLC forFontaine and Natlan coming soon someday, you'll enjoy this game a lot, I'm telling you!

    BTW, some 'how to' could be great for people who wants to understand the game, but it does have rich story.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Not fully animated and voiced ... decent art not that great and not that bad .... it's decent

    i really love the concept but i don't like the mmf ... but i like the ffm

    and the orgy i really hate it ... it's not my thing
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6855285

    Pretty good! Fantastic art but a little too linear for my taste. Probably would've liked it more if i was invested in Genshin at all. The dialogue is also pretty well written, and I like the story - but again I feel like im not really understanding everything since I have no idea about what Genshin and it's characters are like.

    You should def try this one out!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Unique and sexy concept. (Innocent MC pranking and documenting the world.)

    2) Massive amount of thought-out and varied content. While everything follows the concept of corruption, each scene is substantially different.

    3) Diverse cast of unique characters. No copy-pasting of the same personalities.

    4) A full, immersive world. Interactions between various characters, group scenes, and especially the random scenes of characters interacting you can stumble upon make the world seem active and lived in. No "Empty world syndrome" here.

    All in all an amazing game. You may dislike it if you don’t like the main fetishes, but at that point the quality of the game doesn’t really matter any more, does it?
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is simply a masterpiece, combining complete perversion and at the same time sweet passion, although this passion is mainly between girls, with men, girls have mostly one complete perversion, and the super sweet and beautiful minx Klee is simply the highlight of this game. It’s quite a shame that at the end of the game there is still less they began to deprive her of attention in pranks. I really liked the game, I didn’t think at all that the game would be so interesting, but on the other hand it was very simple and understandable. In the end, of course, I felt a little sorry for the girls, but it wasn’t that we weren’t to blame for the ending so... but still, when we already fell in love with the girls so much, we wanted them to find happiness for themselves in the end, and not to be whores that are used by everyone who wants them. In any case, I hope not. And they will have a Happy End.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Bob Wanker

    A very solid game with a surprising amount of content. The game is designed in a very straight forward way and offers hints for almost everything to unlock. I feel like this game values your time. There isn't really any grind, and there isn't any time system in place. This allows events to take place freely, no waiting or skipping time. I have not played this parodies source material, so I have no prior knowledge of the characters, however I don't feel its needed to enjoy the game. This game is very much worth a try.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, I am absolutely blown away by this game. From start to finish, it encapsulated everything I love about hentai games and then some. The attention to detail in the renders, the immersive storytelling, and the intuitive gameplay mechanics all combine to create an experience that is truly unforgettable.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, ive never played Genshin, nor will I. That said this game is the ideal mix of no grinding, sexy outfits and humiliation that i love to see in a game. That said id love it if the MC did some of the sex (i know why they didnt but they could have aged her up or introduced another pov caracter or something)
    10/10 IGN
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game and quite entertaining, the only thing that is strange is that everything happens in Mondstatd and there is no trace of Venti lol.
    It was a good idea that the girls kept their personalities, although later in the scenes they were all thirsty for semen.
    Although at the beginning there is a hint of grinding for the photos, as you get a little further on you have plenty of money for what is needed and the images are of all kinds, I give it an extra point for putting in a certain way the "innocence" of Kleen to the jokes and scenes (although sometimes it seems like he knows more than he seems), although scenes could not be added for the missing characters (for obvious reasons lol) it would have been interesting if they came out to give their opinion, like, for example, Nahida .
    Finally, the models and situations are of good quality and a final extra point for completing the game, which rarely happens. Definitely recommended.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Klee Prank Adventure v1.16 ...

    ... as a game:
    * Poor story. Klee doing pranks which leads to lewd situations, nothing more.
    * Good dialogs.
    * Has BG music, sounds and voices.
    * No bugs, no crashes.
    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design isgood. It uses the same models that the original game, at least, they are so identical.
    * Scenes are well directed. Vanilla scenes, kinky scenes, a lot of girls...
    * Animations are good.
    * Has BG music, sounds and "moans" (so no voices).
    * Has a good Gallery Mode. It give u hint to unlock all scenes/photos.

    So reccomended to all Genhin Impact fans. One of best parody games out there.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game especially if you have previously played Genshin Impact. The numerous scenes are pretty hot. There is minimal grinding for more (money) and even then it is a satisfying grind as you get to see the polaroids.

    Needs more Eula tho
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I was initially going to pass on this since I'm not really familiar with Genshin but the 4.5 rating convinced me otherwise, which I'm thankful for.

    The art/animations are great and there's a lot of content. It's sort of a corruption/harem game where the girls are pretty corrupted to begin with, and the MC mostly watches the action.. which can be a bit disappointing at times.

    One noteworthy aspect of this game is that it feels very... streamlined. In theory it could be grindy, with there being a resource system and some minigames to gate advancement, but instead it's all pretty trivial. You can acquire money basically by clicking a couple buttons over and over. The game has about 10 main girls who you can unlock new costumes for and ~20 or so extra side girls, and perhaps my own "complaint" is that it's easy to just fly through all of the content pretty quickly, and it might have been better if the progression had been padded/slowed more.... but given the choice between "too fast" and "too slow" I'll take too fast any day.

    There are a couple rough edges that indicated that some content was cut, and maybe that will be addressed in future patches. As is though this is still a solid game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually one of the best game with Genshin characters right now.
    Fan dialogue and moments because Klee MC in this game.
    The girls and most of scene look great even though it is Koikatsu.

    This game completely done in 1-2 year and get regular updates for all this time.
    Waiting for next project from this develor.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A really great game. There's a lot of content, the pacing is good, there is no grinding, the story is good. I was afraid of the use of Koikatsu first, but the creator of this game really is a master in term of creating scenes with Koikatsu. Really, a very great game, that everyone should play.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Well got to say its the first time playing not just an underage FC but also a FC that never gets to be part of anything sexual other then watching, so yes you can say this a 100% pure voyeurism game, so if your into that you will proberly love this one.

    Still its a fun little game so take it for what it is, you see plenty of lesbian scenes and dudes fucking girls mostly due to the pranks you do with FC which is what game is all about.

    As for the story there isent really any, plot is all about pranks that turns into blackmailing people into doing sexual things and thats about all there is to it.
    It does have some fun moments so its enjoyable to play.

    The girls look great even though it is Koikatsu its still above average.

    Animations are as what you can expect from this character type, which is good enough to enjoy and there is plenty of them.

    Music is nothing special just the standard background stuff, it does have voices some times and voice effects in sex scenes.

    I would love to see another game from this dev with a MC where the male will do the pranks and be part of the fun.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Worth your time, absolutely.

    *Fans of voyeuring won't be disappointed, the whole game is basically about spying on people.
    *Lots of girls from Genshin for Klee to prank, which often results in very embarrassing experiences for them.
    And lots of laughing for you and Klee. :devilish::coffee:
    *Good humor, and a lot of it.
    *Good ambient and various other sound effects. Background ambient music could use more variety though.
    *Partially voiced in a fairly pleasant English.
    *Character models look good but there are backgrounds that are just screenshots taken from Genshin, those need to be replaced since they're not that good.
    *Animation is present in the game in some scenes, some of it was disappointing tbh could certainly use move frames shoved into it to make it smoother and less robotic. In some other scenes it looked better, maybe the dev been replacing old crappy animation with better stuff, in which case - good job. :whistle::coffee:

    Dev totally should do another game after this one that takes place when Klee is an adult, and this time.. perhaps it'll be time for a bit of payback for all the pranks Klee had played on the citizens of Mondstadt. Hehe~ :sneaky::coffee: And after sorting out all that, Klee could become a queen of her very own Mondstadt whore-kingdom. She sort of already is in a way.
    Well, certainly some cool ideas to look forward to if things ever pan out.

    Anyway if you're in the mood for some lighthearted fun, this is it. Have fun~ :giggle::coffee: