- May 11, 2017
- 3,109
- 11,015
I can respect that stance, and now one last hypothetical to run past you:I do not agree.
It is best to say the truth, than coddle someone with a lie.
There is a crazy eccentric billionaire on the loose. They have read everything you have said here, and taken a great interest in this situation. They track you down, and find you with their vast resources. With them they have brought two things. You ammuse them and they want to play a game with you. They call it the "The Stick and the carrot game".
The carrot: An orange suitcase embroidered with carrot shaped stickers and $10,000,000 inside it.
The stick: A regular stick but it has dog poop on the end of it.
They tell you that "Only a good bunny rabbit will get the carrot. Otherwise you get the stick."
They approach you, and request your phone. Out of morbid curiosity you comply giving it to them. There are plenty of numbers in there.
Now it is time to set their terms. They have looked through your contact list.
Their terms are that you must call as many friends and family members as it takes in your contact list until you can convince one of them to call you a bunny rabbit without letting them know about the stick and carrot game. The billionaire wants you to convince them that you are a "Bunny-Kin" and now identify as a bunny rabbit. Of course this is entirely untrue. You just need to get one person to address you as a bunny to win the carrot.
Would you say:
A) Hand me the phone! I got people to call I want to win that ten mil!
B) I will never lie! Hand me the dog poop stick and get out of here!
If you refuse or fail you will have the stick as your reward.