- Aug 29, 2020
- 1,940
- 3,683
I'll make one more attempt to explain.The "Time of Choosing" has yet to come. He is a lonely young man...
Right now he is just kinda trying to "Have fun", and forget about the psycho that wants to murder him and Alice. When he gets to a more stable state of mind he will have more clarity of direction. One day he may just sit down and ask himself... "What do I really want?" Then he will peruse that.
The "Time of Choosing" hasn't come yet. Be patient he hasn't grown enough yet to make such a choice yet.
That picture you paint in your comment is not the MC that you've presented in the game.
First of all you haven't written him as someone who lacks discipline or willpower. He's a successful boxer whose life has revolved around several strengths, among which those two are central. He gets laid by attractive women literally whenever the mood suits him.
Liam may be a psychopath, but he's not an imminent threat, and the MC has the means to neutralize him almost without effort. He doesn't need Rob to find him security, he has contacts there from when he was still associated with the casino. Further his casino contacts make it effortless to hire a private investigatory firm to find Liam. He has the money and contacts to do this with almost no effort. Remember the line "the rich own a private airplane the wealthy own an airport"? You say he's a millionaire, but you're talking hundreds of millions of dollars. Liam is solved by a phone call, perhaps two.
He's living with Alice with whom, at minimum, he's already formed a deeply invested intimate friendship if not a good deal more. The others around him regularly inject themselves into his life to check on him. So in fact he's only as isolated as he chooses to be, and lately he's chosen not to be. In fact you allow the player to determine the degree to which the MC is isolated. In my run he's not isolated at all.
Rose is an 18 year old, living at home with her overly protective mother. An adult in the eyes of the law, but hardly one in reality. The MC is 25. A fully self sufficient adult. He's been making his life choices on that basis for YEARS. As far as Rose was concerned, there was NOTHING unstable about his thought processes. In the interaction with Rose, his only regret is that his attempt to deflower her based on his lie was stopped by her mother's interruption. In fact your statement that "he is just kinda trying to "Have fun"" makes his choice even more damning when his self gratification comes at the expense of an innocent young girl.
Everyone has a story. Everyone hits hard times of one type or another. Difficult times do not remove the consequences of certain choices. It doesn't matter when the "time of choosing" will occur. You've ALREADY had him make a choice that strips him of his humanity turning him into a predatory asshole, and all the excuses don't matter. Principles, honesty, honor, and integrity, aren't something you can turn on and off based on convenience or circumstance. A choice that so fundamentally identifies the nature of the MC should be left to the player.
All that said, I really enjoy your VN and think it's generally excellent. This is my opinion. Obviously opinions vary.