Even with this explanation, why write it that way? Why write MC that way? This game fails to have us (the player) connect with the MC. How are most of us gonna relate to a super wealthy dude who has had virtually no struggle that we can relate to.
I get the idea that's trying to come across, but it fails horrendously.
He was wealthy way before I entered the scene as a writer. That's not even something that could be rewritten so easily without a major overhaul. I once floated an idea at moon for a plot point once that went something like, "How about we make him lose his fortune some how, then he gotta earn it all back with some prize fights?" Then we talked about it, and we both thought it over a bit and decided that's not a very good idea.
I suppose all the guys on here can relate deeply to his foot long cock that can literally ejeculate a gallon of jizz? Same with the rippling muscles of his 6'6'' body?
They can't!?
He is made that way for a reason...
If we made the guy a part time bartender / boxer, with an average sized dong that shoots a normal amount of cum, and beer belly that is average height... He would surely be much more "Relatable" to a lot of the players myself included. The problem with that is he would be a lot less fun to play as, and he would have entirely different sets of problems.
So, we had to sacrifice his gritty realism on some level in order to make him more "Alpha" / "Giga Chad".
He is fun to play as for the same reason it is fun play a game where you are a super hero with super powers. Even though the players don't have the same powers.
MC does have other struggles he dealing with besides money that people can relate to. I'll give some examples:
-The loss of his parents
-Estranged Sister
-Viciously attacked by a criminal
-Recovery from the attack
-Relationship problems such as being dumped by Rose
So, as we take away from him worrying paying the bills on time, or perhaps repaying medical or student loan debts we add other problems people can relate to. However, that doesn't mean that other people in his life do not or will not suffer from money problems. Which being a billionaire offers him an easy "Money Solution".
I'll give 3 examples of how his wealth has helped him help love interests in the game so far.
1) Alice... How about I buy you all these nice dresses, put a roof over your head, and hire you as a secretary. If not for MC having deep pockets she may very well have become a homeless hooker or even gone back to her abusive ex Liam.
2) Leah... Giving her a big tip when out to eat at her new restaurant then later on when she is getting evicted offering her her own place or to stay at his place.
3) Violet... She doesn't live with her parents again... Offers her a job similar to how Alice was offered a job, this time as personal security and well paid along with getting her a car... and Alice a car.
All these girls get more independence and freedom thanks to MC having money.
Coming up at the strip club... Who would be more fun to play as? Average Joe or Money Bags?
knew as soon as I played this update people were gonna throw a fit about Violet and I had my popcorn ready.

In the end as long my mc puts a baby in her I don't care.
That's one possible eventual outcome. Big round belly! For her that's even more complicated as she is a fighter and will need to give that up while pregnant.
You still don't get it sadly, firstly men like the MC who are in sports not only can throw much stronger punches and be faster, but also can survive a lot more of damage, especially against any woman and she beaten him with one lucky hit doesn't cut it. There's no heart when your opponent can destroy you in seconds, and only arrogant fools in this case an arrogant woman, who never been teached a lesson, will be arrogant to think that can take upon big, strong man, who is a champ in boxing and be the winner in this. There's no gentlemen's in a fight, he may hold back, if it's a playful thing, or light sparing, but not if she really wants to beat him, also a fighter is always prepared to be hit, and if she can actually land dangerous attacks, only a weak man will let her beat him, a fight is not a game, it's a direct show of dominance, and you the champ being beaten by some woman, who boxes, it's just ridiculous, the sparing could have ended, just because she is tired of not been able to beat him, and he will make it up to her in some other way, they could have been playful and flirty during this, at best she could have hit him once or twice, because he's not allowed to attack, but you wanted to emasculate him, because a woman can beat a man, the mentality like yours is well known to me, there's many brainwashed "Womanists" nowadays sadly. A champ been knocked out by a woman who is weaker, smaller, slower and nowhere near his level, also he's wearing big gloves, which only adds to his defense, she's been frustrated that can't even hit him which also makes her even more predictable, suddenly been able to hit so hard and true out his defense, that the power of this punch knocking him out cold, it's just absurd.And don't make me laugh with this she's a such a good soul underneath, moody bitches with attitude and masculine energy get the "Bye Sign", until they learn to respect others.
Not only are they different genders MC is also in a much higher weight class than she is currently which makes things even less fair and way more in his favor... Like I said before... If they actually had a real fight it would be a one way squash match where she gets really hurt possibly even dies... However MC was not throwing any punches and was not expecting a one inch punch to be thrown, then it connects... It did the trick. If you look at the entire engagement prior to that he has everything in control, she is not throwing anything nearly that powerful, and there were only a few seconds left and he was about to win.
That being said MC has learned a new punch thanks to Violet which will eventually be an extremely powerful tool in his hands that will lead him to more victories.