After the wait for this update i must say it was really underwhelming.
Instead with the multiple LI's we spend most time with strippers/prostitutes and then there is that Liam plot which overstays it's welcome...seriously, can we just shoot him in the face, preferably with a shotgun and be done with it.
Him appearing and getting away is as annoying as it is with comic villains...and fucking no, i don't want to pay for a therapy for this dude, just a bullet in his head will do fine.
Or hire someone to kill Liam, we already know that his friend, which doesn't want to snitch, knows where he hides.
After all the shit he pulled, the clear threads and the police saying 'well no can do, sucks to be you', that seems a resonable thing to do.
MC lying again straith in Alice's face with, oh only going to the stripclub because of my friend, i was basically forced to go, the dude was really depressed....yeah, he had blue balls, poor him

She still hasn't reached the official girlfriend status... she is just pregnant and they love each other, but hey...
Then there is Rose, after seeing her multiple times how she doesn't like how her mother treats her like a kid and wants to make her own decisions, what do we get.
Well yeah i still like lets set up dates with him and my mom...which makes it clear she doesn't like him, nor approves of him because of serious character flaws like having no car and not having enough money, being a boxer and getting hit on his head a lot...and if she decides that she likes him i will date him again..., seriously

And not even a choice to say no to this moronic idea of you know, 'come back if you have grown up and can make your own choices'.