VN - Others - Completed - Kuroinu Chapter 1 ~the Dark Elf Queen, Loyal Subject, And Married Holy Knight~ [Liquid]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    All 3 chapters cover 3 women each and repeat a lot of story content.

    The story is weak to say least and the lore is disjointed, created more to e used against women rather than having any sense or connection to other lore introduced.

    The characters are all very one dimensional. MC just about self gratification and women one trait that defines them that is also what is exploited.

    There is no gameplay or choices except which path you going to follow next, lad before first choice in women then keep repeating same choice to end.

    The script is abysmal, every second dialogue is totally meaningless arggh ohhhh eghhhh crap even after everything is over explained in previous dialogue and in what you can see.

    There are some totally ridiculous fetishes and there are some disturbing ones and yes some enjoyable ones (the fear of heights gargoyle flying rape for example) . The amount of content is large so most people will find content they like and content they dislike.

    So if you looking for good story do not bother. If you want a happy ending don't bother. On other hand if you like a little rape. mind break or corruption escapism without any distraction then this is one for you.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The artwork of this game is good if you're into manga, but... oh boy, the actual "game"!

    First of all let me tell you that I very much like non-con-fantasies, but these here are just cringy and boring. I started skipping faster after the second scene when I realize that the descriptions include not much more "thrust thrust thrust", "suck suck suck" and other cringe-worthy texts mixed with over-the-top character speeches that make you facepalm.

    I don't really understand why they didn't make this a cheap porn, all you do is clicking like a madman without ever having a choice! Even virtual novels have more choices than this!

    Well, I know one reason and that is the fact that a porn would require more than 3 pictures per scene. In this "game" there's just walls of texts stretching the few imagines it has to offer.
    In fact you can already tell this game is no game at all because it doesn't have a "load" or "save" button, just "start", "continue" and "end".
    Like a film but, as I mentioned, a very cheap one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    ## Intro ##

    This is a very long drawn out story pretty much just about defiling women ... YUMMY :D <3

    I won't lie. I feel very awkward for being offended by Zippity's review, especially over a game like this, but it's just fantasy and fun. Nothing here is real and I feel quite literally no shame about loving this game and it's sequel.

    ## Actual Review ##

    This is a game about a medieval fantasy setting where a bunch of women are being mercilessly raped, gang raped, humiliated and so on and so forth.

    For me, this is the only type of porn game I genuinely enjoy, and among them, this one is a "Must Play" 5/5.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Complete...

    This is a very long drawn out story pretty much just about defiling women... Disgusting...

    The visuals are all Hentai stills... They do not change very quickly, and don't really add that much to the overall story beyond the sex scenes... The text box spreads the words to fit the box and therefore sometimes letters are spread way apart or slammed together, making it not so great to read sometimes...

    The script has hardly any spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a band of mercenaries who's whole goal is to take over all the lands and rape every woman they can, and form what they call a Cuntry... Which in essence is laws requiring all women to submit themselves for sex whenever asked...

    Most of the text in this thing revolves around dialogue and monologue about all the different realms reactions to this assault, with all the rape/gang rape scenes being very long in length... I couldn't keep reading this for very long, as it seemed to be nothing but a degrading women themed game, extremely sexist (in both visuals and text) and disgusting... The mercenaries basically treated every woman like a toy to have their way with until they were a broken heap of flesh on the ground, completely ruined both mentally and physically...

    Overall, I'm not sure how someone could make this thing let alone play it and get any real entertainment out of it... It is horrible and wrong on many different levels, not only in it's subject matter but how it objectifies women in all extremes... I recommend anyone with a soul, to avoid reading/viewing this thing...