I wanted to love this game, but it did not want to love me back.
To be fair, I did play it on Normal difficulty, the highest of the three, but still, I don't think "Normal" should imply this level of torture, should have a different name.
This is one of the most brutally difficult games I've played in my fucking life, H or not, and I've played some hard shit, most of it 2D like this game. Both the combat and the platforming in this game is ridiculously unforgiving, and while the movement and attacking isn't bad by any means, I don't think it's buttery smooth enough to make these torture chambers that are the levels in this game fun. Out of all the super difficult games I've played this is definitely the least enjoyable one, so don't just think I hate hard games, it is the complete opposite.
Honestly, I do think most of this is on purpose, the game does feel like it wants to have an oppressive atmosphere, and it complements that with some absolutely diabolical level design that is made specifically to make the player suffer. That part where I have to get the laser weapon and then go back the whole way I came through without a checkpoint, with every enemy respawning, is EVIL.
That said, I vastly prefer all of this to the H games that are way too easy for their own good and just aren't fun as a result.
In fact, all of this I would not only forgive, but say it makes the game amazing, if it wasn't for one crucial flaw: The scarcity of game over CGs. The game complements its super oppressive atmosphere and the suffering of everything killing you all the time with the fact that almost every enemy rapes you on death. This is the perfect direction to go, the problem is that these animations are a very small bundle of pixels and while I would've been all for them when I was a younger teen and horny for everything, I am not so easily turned on now. This is where the CGs come in, they may not be animated but they're high definition. I don't LOVE the artstyle but it's good enough. The BIG problem with these is that only a handful of enemies have them, the rest don't trigger them. Literally only like one or two enemies per major area have one. Just... why? I get that this wasn't made by some big company or anything but given the amount of enemies, the dev only would've had to draw like 10 images or something. It's the most random ass enemies that have them too. At least the bosses all have one... Oh yeah, the bosses. I did not particularly like any of them. Boss 1 is boring, boss 2 is one of the worst designed, most frustrating and luck based bosses I've played in a video game, and boss 3 is... fine, I guess, it's just not super interesting and can feel a bit unfair at times due to the random nature of its attacks.
After all this torture, you'd think the game would give you a big reward and REALLY make you feel good about beating it, I would've really appreciated that... And to the game's credit, the ending is seemingly happy, showing the protagonist walking around in what seems like a safe place, but... I just wished it was longer, something just a bit bigger, something that made it all almost feel worth it. It wasn't that, it was a 5 second cutscene.
Some of these issues seem like they might've been planned to receive solutions in the game's new version that was being made for Steam in 2021, but sadly the dev has completely vanished from the internet with no signs of life for almost three years now (to the point that some people are even speculating that they might be dead), so we'll never see neither that nor any of their promising looking upcoming games. Honestly this isn't bad at all for a dev's first game (I assume it kinda was their first game?), it lays a great foundation for the dev to learn and grow from and make much better and more polished games in the future, so it's a shame they only got to finish 2 games before vanishing and one of them isn't really to my taste at all (Eroico)
After all this, why is it still 3 stars? Well, I'm rating it by action H-game standards, and by those abysmally low standards, it's not terrible, just kinda mid leaning towards okay, I guess. As I said before I VASTLY prefer this level of difficulty to the detrimentally low difficulty of most other action H games, so that definitely helps this game's enjoyment and rating A LOT. It can be fun at times, it has a few fun aspects and sections, its pixel art and overall atmosphere are done pretty decently, the music is decent too ig, and I got a couple quite nice faps out of it. It just tortured me way too much for how little H value I got in return, relative to that suffering. 6.5/10 I guess.
Extra note: I literally can't mention this game since it would break the reviewing rules, but Kurovadis does have an extremely obvious spiritual successor made by another dev. It's not perfect and it doesn't carry over the brutal level of difficulty at all, but I generally vastly prefer it in every aspect. It came out recently.
To be fair, I did play it on Normal difficulty, the highest of the three, but still, I don't think "Normal" should imply this level of torture, should have a different name.
This is one of the most brutally difficult games I've played in my fucking life, H or not, and I've played some hard shit, most of it 2D like this game. Both the combat and the platforming in this game is ridiculously unforgiving, and while the movement and attacking isn't bad by any means, I don't think it's buttery smooth enough to make these torture chambers that are the levels in this game fun. Out of all the super difficult games I've played this is definitely the least enjoyable one, so don't just think I hate hard games, it is the complete opposite.
Honestly, I do think most of this is on purpose, the game does feel like it wants to have an oppressive atmosphere, and it complements that with some absolutely diabolical level design that is made specifically to make the player suffer. That part where I have to get the laser weapon and then go back the whole way I came through without a checkpoint, with every enemy respawning, is EVIL.
That said, I vastly prefer all of this to the H games that are way too easy for their own good and just aren't fun as a result.
In fact, all of this I would not only forgive, but say it makes the game amazing, if it wasn't for one crucial flaw: The scarcity of game over CGs. The game complements its super oppressive atmosphere and the suffering of everything killing you all the time with the fact that almost every enemy rapes you on death. This is the perfect direction to go, the problem is that these animations are a very small bundle of pixels and while I would've been all for them when I was a younger teen and horny for everything, I am not so easily turned on now. This is where the CGs come in, they may not be animated but they're high definition. I don't LOVE the artstyle but it's good enough. The BIG problem with these is that only a handful of enemies have them, the rest don't trigger them. Literally only like one or two enemies per major area have one. Just... why? I get that this wasn't made by some big company or anything but given the amount of enemies, the dev only would've had to draw like 10 images or something. It's the most random ass enemies that have them too. At least the bosses all have one... Oh yeah, the bosses. I did not particularly like any of them. Boss 1 is boring, boss 2 is one of the worst designed, most frustrating and luck based bosses I've played in a video game, and boss 3 is... fine, I guess, it's just not super interesting and can feel a bit unfair at times due to the random nature of its attacks.
After all this torture, you'd think the game would give you a big reward and REALLY make you feel good about beating it, I would've really appreciated that... And to the game's credit, the ending is seemingly happy, showing the protagonist walking around in what seems like a safe place, but... I just wished it was longer, something just a bit bigger, something that made it all almost feel worth it. It wasn't that, it was a 5 second cutscene.
Some of these issues seem like they might've been planned to receive solutions in the game's new version that was being made for Steam in 2021, but sadly the dev has completely vanished from the internet with no signs of life for almost three years now (to the point that some people are even speculating that they might be dead), so we'll never see neither that nor any of their promising looking upcoming games. Honestly this isn't bad at all for a dev's first game (I assume it kinda was their first game?), it lays a great foundation for the dev to learn and grow from and make much better and more polished games in the future, so it's a shame they only got to finish 2 games before vanishing and one of them isn't really to my taste at all (Eroico)
After all this, why is it still 3 stars? Well, I'm rating it by action H-game standards, and by those abysmally low standards, it's not terrible, just kinda mid leaning towards okay, I guess. As I said before I VASTLY prefer this level of difficulty to the detrimentally low difficulty of most other action H games, so that definitely helps this game's enjoyment and rating A LOT. It can be fun at times, it has a few fun aspects and sections, its pixel art and overall atmosphere are done pretty decently, the music is decent too ig, and I got a couple quite nice faps out of it. It just tortured me way too much for how little H value I got in return, relative to that suffering. 6.5/10 I guess.
Extra note: I literally can't mention this game since it would break the reviewing rules, but Kurovadis does have an extremely obvious spiritual successor made by another dev. It's not perfect and it doesn't carry over the brutal level of difficulty at all, but I generally vastly prefer it in every aspect. It came out recently.