Studio? LOL .. did u see this tool ? probably not

P.S. check the video
Nah,not yet,you're right,a powerful tool
but it still disturbing because currently the tool isn't even circulated yet in international modder community i know (discord,reddit,HF,Anime-sharing), what the use of great tool,if we can't use it afterall,it will be different story if it circulated and large amount of modder begin to use it,but from what i see,i think that the mod is private tool of the author, idk if my searching ability is lacking,because can only find the video uploaded by those one modder which use that tool in-action, other modder not even use it,also the date of video was released before the Play Home full version is released
EDIT: after asking around on several forums,it's confirmed for now that the author of the video is selfish one that his mod is only for his private use and he not even sale it , so yeah, the majority of modder still wait for official studio which probably months as i expected