Dunno, never had any trouble with double demons either - then again, I only ever fought them on F3, so, you know, with basically completed builds
Goblin Veteran, not sure why everyone is complaining about him? The only time I had real trouble with him was when I ran into him first on my like, idk, 3rd run? Wasn't paying attention, had a random bleed card and a trashy artifact from an event (20 damage after 7 turns), got owned within a 2 point margin on my hp

Just have to play carefully - he doesn't even take too much longer than others, since he has generally less hp than other encounters.
Honestly the hardest bit about Goblin Veteran is that it takes you out of the usual thought pattens for most fights, owing to the fact that their damage changes throughout your turn. For most enemies you follow the same basic pattern of "Add Powerups > Use Weaken > Shield Up > Damage Out", occasionally pausing to calculate if you have the space to power up and shield up, or only deploy certain powerups, etc. The other few variations from this (e.g. Corps Commander werewolf) tend to be easier, too.
Veteran, on the other hand, keeps you looping back, having to calculate if this attack is going to push you over and by how much, and some other factors (e.g. is "Weakened" applied already, do you have the artifact that boosts Weaken, do they have bleed applied, do you have the skill that boosts your shield by the leftover cards in your hand, and I think something else but can't remember what it is atm). Most other encounters can be autopiloted through once you're on your >50th playthrough.
Anyways, I can try to look into skeleton animations since all I have left to do is some grinding for loss animations and events on F3. Also, can confirm Da'rrva Improved Spells and Merchant vs Werewolfes Victory as event animations.
Cheers. I was 99% on Da'rrva and the Merchant vs Werewolves one but just hadn't gone through and unlocked the latter. The former... I'm just not sure why that was still Yellow, might have forgot to change it. Been a while since I last played.
Wrong. All enemies are available on both modes. Double lesser demons is an enemy encounter for the Dungeons.
This was my first thought, and I know RNG can be fucky with the game sometimes, but I don't think I've ever encountered them on Normal since they were removed at some point after 1.5.1. When I'm back on the game I'll grind out the rest on normal and if I get a positive encounter I'll note it. The fact that they were pushed back despite being not that hard has left me unsurprised by their spawn conditions though.
The defeat scenes are kind of a pain to get because I'd already got some, but they didn't save due to quitting the game after getting back to the Main Menu (I was still new to the game and didn't know about this bug). Now I've to get myself all the way to the Depths and to the Dungeons just to surrender for each missing defeat scene. It kinda made me lose interest in the game since I've all the non-defeat scenes already unlocked and I've reached max level a while ago.
Do you know when this came up? I don't recall ever seeing this problem back when I was grinding out stuff, and I definitely quit the game after a run a few times. I think beating the game on Normal may not have triggered a victory properly, immediately after the 2.0 version released, was the nearest I encountered. Unless you mean quitting before going back to the main menu?
The two hardest enemies for me:
Pounder (without the earring that makes weaken -50% damage)
Orc Warlock (without starting the fight with enough Lust for Temptation or without the Lover perk that reduces Temptation cost to 3)
Tbh I found most of the Level 3 enemies significantly more challenging, but yeah, Pounder was probably the biggest pain in the ass. Massive increasing damage and extra damage-self cards in the deck weren't fun.
As for the scenes with the skeletons; there is ONE for defeat and ONE for winning. Both involve 2 skeletons (regardless of their type combination).
There is also ONE for defeat and ONE for winning for the bone pile. This one involves only 1 skeleton.
There is an unique scene for losing against the double Werewolves in the Dungeons merchant event.
This is harder for me to test now (because I've unlocked them all), but I do distinctly remember the "loss scene not unlocked" indicator on the "Submit" button changing in both the bone pile and individual skeleton fights, which is why I put that up:
- First run through to Level 3, the first enemy I got was the bone pile, and my card choice was shit so I submitted, got the solo skeleton scene.
- On a later run, I went better but bleed-heavy, so couldn't kill the bone pile before the second skeleton popped up. That caused the "new scene indicator" to come on, but I didn't lose in that fight.
- Similarly, when taking on two more advanced skeleton types later, the "loss scene not unlocked" indicator was on when both of them were standing. After beating one, that indicator went off.
That said, this could have changed since whatever patch I was on. The differing behaviour between spawn types of the same enemy had me wary, as that doesn't usually happen. The only time I've seen it before was on the "Disruptor" event spawn used to change scene depending on how many of the live humans were left at the end of the match, despite the enemy type being the "good" humans rather than "bad" (although they were already fucking so idk?).