I really don't think any of them are that old. TBH I really think everyone is in their 20's. Lexi is a newer musical artist who is most likely in her 20's. At no point did she consider the MC an older man.
I really wish Drifty would get rid of the hideous gray (silver) hair on the MC and tell us how old everyone is supposed to be.
Did he not once say during comments when the Steph wars were raging or even earlier that they were somewhere between 22-25? That is also what more or less fits with the time lines.
Edit: Saw Drifty set out what for him is canon. Yeah different school systems all over the world can make things pretty confusing. Middle school in my country can see people graduating between 16-19 years old depending type of middle school can be 4-6 years, if early students and how fast they went through their school career. Well at least with his time line Steph is way less off a cradle robber with the hard age of 17 for the age MC received the money, so will accept his one.
Linda and Mc should be no problem anyway though as long as not shown, since they are same age, do not know how US States thinks about it, but my countries legal system does not see any reason to interfere with relations between two same or closed age teens as long as is consensual. Besides nobody here wants to enter the mess that would be there since in that case both teens would be guilty and not just one.

We prefer to keep our jails free for more serious criminals, jail time is expensive.