Poor poor Robin...hardly anyone loves her

I find Robin strangely alluring. Not quite sure why, but there's something about her combination of wits, class and goofiness that really works for me. Unfortunately, her actual availability is exceedingly unclear. Kira introduces their nebulous relationship in the breath she (apparently) asks the MC if she'd need to break up with Robin to be with him. I'm hoping I misunderstood that, but it's all exceedingly vague at the moment.
In other news, I decided to give this game a try. I'm very glad I did, though I do worry that this is a game that is always going to be a bit out synch with me. The atmosphere and art design in general are fantastic. The characters are lovely, likeable and memorable. Both the humor and drama generally hit home. There's a lot to love here.
My concern is that the plot seems to determined to veer off into territory that undermines all the fun I'm otherwise having. The much-discussed Steph backstory is the most obvious hiccup, but I found the entire road-trip to Lexi's mansion headscratching. It's not even that it's implausible - I was willing to role with that - it's that having the whole cast drop everything to rush off and do something so nonsensical just seems to make the "legitimate" dramas they were facing a minute ago feel... hollow. I'm not even sure if this a failure of the writing or just a sign that I'd be more interested in a spin-off story than the one Drifty is trying to tell.
Still, I'm eager to play more even with those concerns. Being a notorious nitpicker and general cynic, any game that has me actively trying to ignore problems in order to enjoy more of it has to be doing
something very right.
So many thanks and good luck in the future, Drifty!