I've played a few VN's by now, so far there's been less than a hand full that made enough of an impression for me to remember what they were about when a new update got released. And even less that made a big enough impact in the first chapter/episode/whathaveyou to make me go

. But this one is definitely one of them. Just finished chapter 2 and can't wait to find out what happens in the ones I still have to play through.
Great music, cool animations, cool characters, nice realistic feeling story
And knowing that you'll have to make a choice at some point makes it so you actually pay attention to how the game progresses and which choices you make instead of simply relying on a walkthrough that steers you in a direction of whatever the walkthrough creator's preferences may force you.
Also a nice touch you get warnings when a crucial decision has to be made. Not sure if they'll have consequences in the long but judging how chapter 2 ended for me, I feel there's still opportunities.
PS. I know this it the mod thread, but the VN for which this mod was made is definitely one of the best I've come across so adding it here seemed just as good an opportunity as in the game's thread