
Nov 8, 2017
I really didn't understand the attribute system, in theory every time you play you can increase your stats for the next play but apparently this increase has no effect, and the event stranger in yellow look like there is a very especific order to do to avoid the endgame that has nothing to do with your status.


Active Member
Nov 9, 2021
Sorry I thought you were talking about the game as a whole, well I don't know if the Safe Edition will sell honestly.
It's a bit of a testing ground if it does I'll do it for future projects if it does not then I won't.

And BTW here are the princesses that will be added in the DLC :)
View attachment 1019437
I checked of four NPC women. It's disappointing that none have big labia.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
bruh they dont have any endings for the demon princess who I wanted so much damn it
All the girls have endings (harems and solo).
If you think the DLC is too hard just ignore the DLC girls and the king in yellow should not trigger.
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Sep 11, 2017
rough guide for leap of love

This guide is a rough guide to leap of love. First ill shortly touch upon difficulty.
There is hard, which resets your stats every playthrough and wont show you whom to find where.
there is normal, which does carry over stats and show you where people are
and there is easy, which gives you extra stats
I played on normal and will try to make a guide that follow normal and hard. Ill also first discuss the base game before dicussing the DLC (dark princesses)

In game you have 30 days to get a princess, if you didnt get a princess at day 30, you get a bad end. To get a princess, you need to get all the right flags set.

Each day is split into morning and afternoon. Sometimes you also have an evening. This is on day 7, 14, 21, 28. The evening will always be spent at the castle.
Every morning you can do one of 4 things (sometimes extra options unlock, but generally not).
-training field (+1 prowess)
-market (+1 charm)
-library (+1 knowledge)
-forest (+1 random stat, sometimes you get +2, also you can meet the fairy here (see later))

-visit a princess (availability depends on the situation)
-wander around (will create a random encounter)
-market (sells you specific stuff at specific moments, only accessible on days 7, 14, 21 ,28)
-context sensitive stuff (unlocks at certain points)

evening (only day 7, 14, 21, 28, you always visit the castle)

There are a few crucial events you need to be aware off, if you dont take care of these, you will die seemingly at random.
-the assassination plot
to counter this you need to listen in on day 7 at the castle, then make an excuse when youre caught. Then at day 21 you either need 40 knowledge, or get a forgery at the market at day 28. Or have X prowess or get a sword at day 21. If you dont do this youll just die.
-the evil wizard attack
at day 30, when you got your princess, the wizard will show up and try to sacrifice her. To counter this. Go to the forest between day 14-21 (youll see his face on normal/easy, its on even days generally) then investigate. Then wolves attack you, and you need >15 in any stat to counter them, or have meat (market day 7). Then you need to go to the library in the afternoon between day 21-28 to find out about the elder sign. You need X knowledge for this or the rune parchment (market day 14). Then at day 30 you need either X of a stat, or have the brick+socks (brick is day 14 market, sock is day 7).
If you avoid these two events most of the issues you find are resolved.

Fairy event: this is an important event. If you use the same morning option 5 times, then go to the forest. Youll meet a fairy. You will get +3 in the stats you didnt spam (so if you go to the library 5 times, then go to the forest, you get +3 in prowess and charm) and the stat increase you get from that one specific stat is doubled (again, with library that would mean you will now get double the knowledge)

The market:
The market is available at the afternoon phase at day 7, 14, 21, 28. And offers the same wares on the same days, but only on those specific days (you cant get meat at day 14 for example). Items at the market allow you to avoid specific stat checks.
Day 7: scroll and meat (scroll is good and lets you pass the knowledge check in the library when you want to get the sigil, meat is bad as it lets you pass the dogs when you investigate the evil wizard, but you should have >15 in any stat by that point)
day 14: potion and socks (potion allows you to bypass prowess or charm during day 14 in the castle, brick is used with the sock and generally bad)
day 21: sword and brick (sword is good, it allows you to bypass a prowess check, brick sucks)
day 28: forged papers (allows you to bypass the knowledge check at day 21)

The princesses:
there are 3 princesses and 1 queen you can get:
Princesses: Blanche (knowledge)
charlotte (prowess)
Diane (charm)
queen (all 3 stats)
fairy (secret)

Each princess has 5 meeting points. If you clear all of these you will be able to marry her at the end of the game (day 30).
The requirements for each stat pass are:
encounter 1: 5
encounter 2: 10
encounter 3: 15
encounter 4: 20
encounter 5: 25

for the queen:
encounter 1: 3
encounter 2: 6
encounter 3: 9
encounter 4: 12
encounter 5: 15

You can only visit each princess once before day 7, then you can visit them more. If you visited a princess (and passed her check) you will get a dance scene with them during the evening phase where you get +1 in the stat they are aligned to. (so if you met Blanche and charlotte, you will get +1 knowledge, +1 charm during the evening phase).

Short guide: Spam the stat of the girl you want, go to the forest to meet the fairy after 5 days, make sure you pass the stat check before you meet the girl, get the approperiate market items for the stats you didnt spam (like forged papers if you didnt get high knowledge). You have a lot of room for error.
fairy is a bit more hidden, but easy. Do every morning training spot 5x, go for the blessings 3x (so library 5x, then forest, training field 5x, then forest, market 5x, then forest) then go to the forest 5x until you can chose to marry her instead. Then go to day 30, go to the forest in the afternoon, and you get the fairy ending.

You can get 5 harems:
Blanche+ Diane
all 3 princesses
all 3 princesses+queen.

To get these harems: you need to clear out the girls you want. If you have the DLC, you can get an event if they are both 1 step away from being completed, in that event you will clear both of them and opens up the harem ending. Because you have the same amount of time but more girls, you will need to plan out your approach.

Short guide for harems: Get to the fairy ASAP, meet every princess before day 7, that way you will get +2 in every stat (since youll dance with all the girls, and the queen gives+1 in every stat). Then keep going to the fairy after doing every other stat-up 5 times. That way you get her boost 3 times (which gives even more since the double stats bonus also applies to her bonus, so the +3 you get on knowledge will become +6 if you already got the blessing for that).

Dark princesses DLC:
In the DLC you will get 3 more princesses to charm. Each princess is aligned with 2 different stats. You will get stats if you visit them as well. You cant visit them after day 10. And finally, they open up a new event you have to deal with (king is yellow).

encounter 1: 9 knowledge
encounter 2: 11 knowledge+prowess
encounter 3: nothing
encounter 4: 13 knowledge and prowess to activate, if you have <15 prowess you get a sex scene bad end. if you have 13 knowledge 15 prowess you can continue her route
encounter 5: 17 knowledge and prowess, will trigger at night
encounter 6: 24 prowess and knowledge, accept deal
encounter 7: 25 prowess and knowledge, automatic at night
encounter 8: 30 prowess and knowledge, get one of the normal princesses to step 5

encounter 1: 7 knowledge and charm
encounter 2: 10 knowledge and charm
encounter 3: 13 knowledge and charm
encounter 4: 16 knowledge and charm
encounter 5: 21 knowledge and charm
encounter 6: 28 knowledge and charm at the castle (day 14, 21, 28)
encounter 7: got the charm at the castle
encounter 8: 30 knowledge and charm

encounter 1: 7 prowess and charm
encounter 2: 10 prowess and charm
encounter 3: 13 prowess and charm
encounter 4: 16 prowess and charm
encounter 5: 21 prowess and charm
encounter 6: church in afternoon (if you never did anything blanche you first have to go to blanche once to get her out of the church)
encounter 7: 26 prowess and charm
encounter 8: 30 prowess and charm

Dark princess harem: Finish all the girls, pick Jezebel at the end
Jezebel+diane ending: Get Jezebel to step 8, then get both Diane and another princess to step 5, now for some reason you can sacrifice Diane and still get get in the end, but I think you should sacrifice the other girl. Then marry Jezebel in the end.
Violaine+charlotte ending: Get to encounter 7, then go for charlotte (make sure you meet charlotte once before day 7 so you can rush her later), you should be able to meet both at the graveyard now. Then pick Violaine at the end
Calista+diane ending: get calista to step 6, get diane to step 4 (I think, not 100% sure) and you should be able to meet both in the church. Finish them both and pick calista in the end
Super harem: This is the most challenging harem. To get this, you need to get the queen+princess harem, turn down orcus his demand to turn over humanity, get the solus protectus and medallion from the two other princesses, +30 in every stat, and then you should be able to go to the cave once again. Then afterwards max out the 2 other dark princesses. (make sure you dont continue them before you did the dark cave bit, if you do, you lose the medallions)

King in yellow event:
If you visit a dark princess, the king in yellow event will happen. First, at day 10 you will go to the streets in the morning. You will get an option to open a door. If youre above 12 prowess, you break the lock and die. So if you have that, dont try it. The next day you can go to the castle. YOu can keep asking, but if you have >12 charm, you will die. So leave early. Then you can go to the forest. If you have >12 knowledge. You can read the book, and you will go crazy. However, if you burn the book, you have no proof and you will die at day 14. So you have to keep your knowledge at <12. Since you have to accept this option.
So in short: keep knowledge below 12 until you read the book and be careful with the other events. Once you read the book and didnt die, you can use it to stop the show.

page 1 queen meeting 2 queen meeting 1 blanche meeting 2 queen meeting 1
page 2 charlotte meeting 2 charlotte meeting 1 charlotte meeting 1 diane meeting 4
page 3 diane meeting 5 fairy meeting 2 queen ending queen ending
page 4 queen ending blanche+charlotte blanche+charlotte blanche+diane ending
page 5 blanche+diane blanche intro blanche ending blanche ending
page 6 blanche meeting 5 diane+charlotte diane+charlotte charlotte ending
page 7 charlotte ending charlotte intro diane ending dianne ending
page 8 diane ending queen+princesses harem queen+princesses ending princesses ending
page 9 princesses ending princesses ending princesses ending fairy ending
page 10 fairy ending calista meeting 4 calista meeting 5 violaine meeting 4
page 11 violaine meeting 1 calista+blanche ending calista+blanche ending calista ending
page 12 dark princesses ending dark princesses ending dark princesses ending dark princesses ending
page 13 diane+jezebel ending diane+jezebel ending jezebel meeting 1 bad end jezebel meeting 4
page 14 jezebel ending jezebel meeting 8 super harem violaine+charlotte ending
page 15 violaine+charlotte violaine ending


Active Member
Jun 21, 2018
For anyone who is curious:
  1. New wiki link is The one on the main page is broken [lol they work fast, it works now] and this one has info on how to get the princesses (including dlc)
  2. To stop the yellow king, you need to follow the mask options and choose
    1. Investigate the first time
    2. Avoid the man in the prison cell
    3. Have Knowledge (in the parentheses) below 12 (on easy at least). You can do this using console codes or just getting good with the run. Console code is knowledge_score = xx (change out knowledge for prowess, money, or charm for the other variables)
      1. For the alternate variables during NG+, use max_variable_score = xx . It seems that NG+ content uses the standard and the base game switches over to the max scores. Easy way to keep knowledge down and progress fast?
    4. Need to be dumb to not get corrupted by book when reading it. Then give the king a warning during day 14 banquet.
  3. To get the final True harem ending, the wiki says to get the four harem ending (they all need to be at the stage of proposal, they will appear in a bubble after finding out what the king has been up to) and have the relics from the church for Calista (ghost princess/queen) and sunlight relic from the vampire questline. You can find out how to kick Orcus's ass by refusing him and progressing with Balaam's quest where you find out how to use the ancient sigil. If it keeps saying you are running away in fear, give the amulet to the ghost princess and try again.
  4. There is a time flux device you can use to repeat a day (2-5 uses before the game kills you for it). Go to each learning site (forest, library, market, and training grounds), then on day four wander around and talk to the genie in a box. Choose I want to become big to get the device. Supposedly using it ASAP helps to give you more uses with it. Or just use console code like the loosers we are and use day = xx
You're all welcome, spent longer than I want to admit to get all the endings. I wish the final True ending was animated though, but you can't have everything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I included a final save for those who want cheap faps. Add it to the game folder.
thx but we need persistent too!
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Oct 1, 2017
So I followed the guide and I can't manage to get the harem ending. I assume I'm doing something wrong because, on the day when I'm supposed to buy a potion, the queen is in the market. Not sure if that's relevant to the harem ending but since the closest I can get is Charlotte+Diane something must be wrong.

EDIT: Ok so I switched some things around to get the potion which pretty much did nothing. The only other thing that is probably messing this up is I can't go to the gardens on the 22nd day. I am instead forced to go to the tavern. Then on the 24th day, I can't go to the tavern and am forced to go to the garden to attend the Charlotte+Diane event. Then on the 25th day, I can't go to the castle so I go to the library. This leads to me not being able to go to the library or anywhere else on the 27th day. So I can only either wander around or go to the wizard event.

EDIT 2: So I got the three princesses, apparently not allowed to finish all of the events... I'm assuming I just do the same thing to get the queen in it? Although I think her ending happens automatically... This game is actually very frustrating when all the instructions are vague af.
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Aug 15, 2020
Beautiful art and story! :)
guys once i got end with queen only(not all four) but now I can't get it again! When i use that save it ends in big harem(all four) does anyone knows why?


Jan 3, 2021
All the girls have endings (harems and solo).
If you think the DLC is too hard just ignore the DLC girls and the king in yellow should not trigger.
I suggest you put that advice somewhere in the game... New players like myself will keep bashing their heads against that wall over and over (maybe disable the DLC content until a run get past week 2 and that's when you add the message on how to avoid that event?)

Also, instead of a generic "check failed" in the corner say something like stat is too high... I kept trying to get it higher and higher since the first time I got the book I was raising int...
I got out of that because of random clicking and inertia: I was raising something else and did the chain anyway, which was dumb since my understanding was that i needed more int, and that the chain was not ideal to farm stats... You shouldn't bet on that to save people from themselves XD


Jan 5, 2020
Someone please update the walkthrough to contain the route to marry the demon princess as well


Sep 11, 2017
So I followed the guide and I can't manage to get the harem ending. I assume I'm doing something wrong because, on the day when I'm supposed to buy a potion, the queen is in the market. Not sure if that's relevant to the harem ending but since the closest I can get is Charlotte+Diane something must be wrong.

EDIT: Ok so I switched some things around to get the potion which pretty much did nothing. The only other thing that is probably messing this up is I can't go to the gardens on the 22nd day. I am instead forced to go to the tavern. Then on the 24th day, I can't go to the tavern and am forced to go to the garden to attend the Charlotte+Diane event. Then on the 25th day, I can't go to the castle so I go to the library. This leads to me not being able to go to the library or anywhere else on the 27th day. So I can only either wander around or go to the wizard event.

EDIT 2: So I got the three princesses, apparently not allowed to finish all of the events... I'm assuming I just do the same thing to get the queen in it? Although I think her ending happens automatically... This game is actually very frustrating when all the instructions are vague af.
You need all the princesses without queen before you can get all the princesses+queen. Don't do the event that gives you a pair of princesses, get all the princesses to just 1 step short of finishing their route. Then you can meet them all in the end. The truth potion at the market just allows you to avoid the prowess/charm check at day 21


Nov 22, 2018
Oh how I wish this game had VN tag, I like the art and LOVE the addition of voice acting but to get to anywhere the gameplay itself is simply too much effort.


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
Oh how I wish this game had VN tag, I like the art and LOVE the addition of voice acting but to get to anywhere the gameplay itself is simply too much effort.
Don't forget it's animated now too we just updated it on Steam with the missing animations :)
So 39 animations in all (24 base game + 15 DLC) :)

If you like the game and would like us to make the second DLC (Orc, Elf, and Cat princesses) buy it on steam or as for now it did not sell enough for us to do it and we are hopeful the animations will bring more players :)


Jan 5, 2020
Can someone please give me an save file where they have almost completed or completed the demon princess route
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