Dude, dudette, or other. This is a
Wendy's porn site, not a social media platform. Please don't actively twist my words to mean something I didn't say. When I said 'actual lesbians,' I meant
people identifying themselves as lesbians contacted me. I don't know or care what their physical gender was. I was differentiating between people who
identify as lesbians and people who merely
think they know how lesbians think. I don't know what you identify as (and don't care). But what you originally said, that Futa's scan as lesbian to you, came across as someone on the outside looking in. That they come across as lesbian
for you. I was re-emphasizing that they are a grey area by pointing out that people
self-identifying themselves as lesbian have contacted me and told me they were turned off by there being cocks involved at all, even attached to a futa. The point was that even some people that actively identify that way don't 'scan' futas as lesbian. Hence, grey area. But that's a giant mouthful, and one I didn't feel the need to go into in excruciating details.
I apologize if that came off as snippy, by the way. You just managed to firmly press one of my 'instant irritation' buttons, is all. That sort of assumption just irks the hell out of me. Why does everyone have to default to being offended, instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt >_<? It wasn't directed at you specifically, so much as the sentiment you accidentally invoked

It's actually the opposite. Incest content is
incredibly easy to find. But that's actually for some pretty dark reasons. Unlike most other kinks, the origin point of incest fantasies is frequently actual mental health issues stemming from childhood abuse. In some parts of the world, incest levels of some degree, particularly father->daughter,
actually occur in as high as 62% of the population. (In other parts of the world it's as low as 3.2%. Notably, however...it's never actually absent. Humans are fucked up.). Worse, several other issues, such as childhood abuse, often manifest later in life as 'daddy/mommy' obsession. The things I've heard from a few professional dom friends...well, some of it I wish I could scrub from my mind.
No, not everyone who has an incest kink comes from a background like that. Obvious, but I figured I'd better say it before someone yells at me

. It's tragically common, though, and the porn industry ruthlessly takes advantage of it. Incest is one of the most searched for content types across virtually all adult platforms...and thus it's also an easy market to throw random half-assed content into for nearly free money.
Didn't I? Ah well, it's easy enough to fix. If you skip it, the gloryhole part of that day
doesn't happen at all. You enter the gloryhole, but safeword
before anything happens. If you do, Arianna backs off and you simply go back out into the club with a promise to talk it over later (which doesn't currently happen, as I need patron feedback first). I also made it possible to do the blowjob portion, but then choose to safeword for the sex part so that Arianna takes over. Essentially, I did my best to let someone choose their character's level of 'okay with it.'