- May 13, 2017
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But... You know. I would like it EVEN MORE if there was a PC-Domme Threesome route. I get that none of the combinations etc. may fit. But stillYay! I'm glad you like it!
But... You know. I would like it EVEN MORE if there was a PC-Domme Threesome route. I get that none of the combinations etc. may fit. But stillYay! I'm glad you like it!
Dominate. The whole tiresome history of humankind.But... You know. I would like it EVEN MORE if there was a PC-Domme Threesome route. I get that none of the combinations etc. may fit. But still![]()
The double negative is confusing me, so just to clear up any confusion:Dominate. The whole tiresome history of humankind.
Thank you, New Wanderer, for making domination a mere, consensual, game.
But I don't doubt it's what you meant, diestormlie.
I'll be so happy if and when the dev finally revamps those rollover buttons. Black font on a dark blue background is unreadable. The inclusion of a little red to turn things purple when highlighting actually makes it worse.
*sigh*Replying to myself but this is getting ridiculous. This is fucking unreadble in this scene.
View attachment 2183409
Okay dude or dudette, I'm going to be blunt. You and like one other person are literally the only people who have ever complained about the button color. Thousands of downloads, hundreds of patrons. And it's literally basically just you. Worse, I can't understand your issue. I can read those buttons perfectly fine even in the thumbnail, without exploding the screenshot. And that's after you maliciously chose the single worst example in the game. And this coming from someone with coke-bottle thick glasses despite all modern science can do to shrink lens thickness.
I deliberately and intentionally choose a button color that wouldn't stand out like a sore thumb during H-scenes, but would still be readable. And, for pretty much everyone that isn't you, it's been completely fine. Done exactly what I wanted. Which...sort of explains why I haven't bent over backwards to change the color for just your complaint. Eventually, I will likely add an option somewhere in the UI to switch to an alternate button color, in recognition that some people with either differing vision or radically different monitor settings apparently have trouble. I'm honestly assuming that's the issue for you. I have extremely good monitors that produce extremely high-fidelity color. If you're using a crap monitor with poor color display (or have fucked with your gamma and light settings for any reason), I could easily see the exact same image being significantly different for you. Hence why I can read even your thumbnail fine when you apparently have issues with the full-screen game.
Understandably, I think, I don't consider this a priority issue. Having said that, I'm also not an asshole. Or, at least, I try not to be. Since I haven't been bothering to encrypt the game in any way, you basically could have fixed the issue yourself for your version with 10 minutes of work in nearly any editor. Work that I've now done for you. Attached to this post is a zip file called Button Color Fix. Extract it and copy-paste the contents into the main Left Hand Magic folder. Accept the overides and it should (I haven't actually tested it, this is a quick fix) replace every one of my custom buttons in the entire game with alternates in a pink/red with the same black text. Frankly, since it's almost literally the opposite color spectrum as the original buttons, if you still have issues...they are your issues. Not the game's or the colors.
Reading through that I can only wonder why you didn't fix the issue, since no one beside you, basically, complained about it, instead of throwing a temper tantrum.That is an improvement. The problem wasn't the button color though. It was the black text. You had a low intensity value black font on a low intensity value blue button that had a slightly better low intensity value rollover color. It was the CONTRAST between the font and the button background that sucks.You must be registered to see the linksIt is especially important for people with low vision, so your low priority issue is actually an accessibility thing that may be driving some of your market away. This could have been instantly solved by making the font white on rollover at the very least and making the normal value font something like a 33% grey instead of full black.
I was in software dev possibly for longer than you've been alive and had my first taste of what we used to call Man Machine Interface (MMI) development on this thingy called a Ramtek RM9400. Adobe and Photoshop didn't exist, but I did have some dead tree college texts that I used to write my own interactive RGB/HSV color picker in FORTRAN while I was working on the display system of a weather app. I didn't get a proper paint program until about 5 years later with my first C= Amiga 1000 and a copy of Deluxe Paint from a startup called Electronic Arts WAAAAY before they began to suck.
So yeah, I actually was getting annoyed to a point where I would have taken matters into my own hands. There's only one of me and a fair number of bugs which are both unintentional and possibly sado-masichistic acts by a deranged programmer.
Reading through that I can only wonder why you didn't fix the issue, since no one beside you, basically, complained about it, instead of throwing a temper tantrum.
Also, when you act like an entitled brat you really can't expect the respective Dev to be overly respectful towards you.
Congratulations on behaving like an annoyed brat.This wasn't my first post about it. I got dead air. Most devs at least reply and often provide a fairly quick fix since a lot of my posts are a traceback with an analysis and a suggested code fix. Then there are the jerks who fuck with hard pauses and cps overrides because they've probably never read a book in their lives and don't understand how that triggers speed readers. Those scripts usually get an immediately nuking and re-upload where they often get several likes from other users. The dev here didn't use any color values or other renpy scripting elements so it wasn't just a matter of throwing it into emacs and doing a couple of hacks. So instead of good 'ole find and grep in a shell to isolate the problems, I would have been forced to browse through the script and the directory structure. I wasn't annoyed enough yet to do something that the dev may have already had a tool in their workflow to load a project and flip a color from black to white and be done in about 5 minutes.
Also not annoyed brat. More like annoyed old timer who's probably learned and forgotten more about software over the years than most framework jockeys.
If this was an actual bug that makes playing the game hard or impossible for the majority of players I could 100% understand your angle as well as your frustration, but it is apparently a rather fringe issue.This wasn't my first post about it. I got dead air. Most devs at least reply and often provide a fairly quick fix since a lot of my posts are a traceback with an analysis and a suggested code fix. Then there are the jerks who fuck with hard pauses and cps overrides because they've probably never read a book in their lives and don't understand how that triggers speed readers. Those scripts usually get an immediately nuking and re-upload where they often get several likes from other users. The dev here didn't use any color values or other renpy scripting elements so it wasn't just a matter of throwing it into emacs and doing a couple of hacks. So instead of good 'ole find and grep in a shell to isolate the problems, I would have been forced to browse through the script and the directory structure. I wasn't annoyed enough yet to do something that the dev may have already had a tool in their workflow to load a project and flip a color from black to white and be done in about 5 minutes.
Also not annoyed brat. More like annoyed old timer who's probably learned and forgotten more about software over the years than most framework jockeys.
You're right, you've been around longer than I have...and learned all the horrible UI ideas from the last 40+ years in the process! Congratulations? I think?That is an improvement. The problem wasn't the button color though. It was the black text. You had a low intensity value black font on a low intensity value blue button that had a slightly better low intensity value rollover color. It was the CONTRAST between the font and the button background that sucks.You must be registered to see the linksIt is especially important for people with low vision, so your low priority issue is actually an accessibility thing that may be driving some of your market away. This could have been instantly solved by making the font white on rollover at the very least and making the normal value font something like a 33% grey instead of full black.
I was in software dev possibly for longer than you've been alive and had my first taste of what we used to call Man Machine Interface (MMI) development on this thingy called a Ramtek RM9400. Adobe and Photoshop didn't exist, but I did have some dead tree college texts that I used to write my own interactive RGB/HSV color picker in FORTRAN while I was working on the display system of a weather app. I didn't get a proper paint program until about 5 years later with my first C= Amiga 1000 and a copy of Deluxe Paint from a startup called Electronic Arts WAAAAY before they began to suck.
So yeah, I actually was getting annoyed to a point where I would have taken matters into my own hands. There's only one of me and a fair number of bugs which are both unintentional and possibly sado-masichistic acts by a deranged programmer.
In addition to you being the only person complaining about the buttons. You're only other post was idiotic rambling about how you couldn't get All the Girls at once in a game with Routes for each girl. Which was so painfully moronic that multiple other people called you out on it before I even got a chance to reply to that post. Suffice it to say, I have basically zero reason to consider you even remotely competent. Particularly when, for some god awful reason, you even now are under some delusion you would have needed to do anything to the code to fix the button issue. Literally all I did for that quick patch was dump the PNG files for the buttons (which are literally labeled as buttons in a folder called GUI elements, which is about as blunt as you can possibly get) into photoshop and change the hue/saturation/light values. Since I built things the sane way, replacing those files changed every instance of button use in the entire game. No code required. Hell, I didn't even open Renpy.This wasn't my first post about it. I got dead air. Most devs at least reply and often provide a fairly quick fix since a lot of my posts are a traceback with an analysis and a suggested code fix. Then there are the jerks who fuck with hard pauses and cps overrides because they've probably never read a book in their lives and don't understand how that triggers speed readers. Those scripts usually get an immediately nuking and re-upload where they often get several likes from other users. The dev here didn't use any color values or other renpy scripting elements so it wasn't just a matter of throwing it into emacs and doing a couple of hacks. So instead of good 'ole find and grep in a shell to isolate the problems, I would have been forced to browse through the script and the directory structure. I wasn't annoyed enough yet to do something that the dev may have already had a tool in their workflow to load a project and flip a color from black to white and be done in about 5 minutes.
Also not annoyed brat. More like annoyed old timer who's probably learned and forgotten more about software over the years than most framework jockeys.
If this was an actual bug that makes playing the game hard or impossible for the majority of players I could 100% understand your angle as well as your frustration, but it is apparently a rather fringe issue.
Look, I most likely wrote some not-so-appropriate/unfair critique before as well, it's just that 1 really shouldn't double down on it.
The Dev is very active in the discussion & I can tell from my own experience that they are certainly not the type to be unreasonable, it's simply a matter of how you approach things.
I mean they even provided an attempt at fixing your issue after already being quite annoyed by your attitude, despite it literally being your own, personal goodie and most likely no one else will feel like using it.
That said please keep in mind that there is a very slim chance NovusPeregrine makes a living from the games here & very likely they have a normal day-time job that might even be kinda stressfull & time consuming, everyone has personal affairs to deal with, so tackling a rather unique issue someone has with LHM might not be high up on the list of things to deal with asap.
In regards to the "why not fix it yourself?" thing...if it's something someone less versed than you could do in 5 minutes it just seems even more logical to just quickly deal with it, that would have taken less time than writing your posts most likely. Not really an "issue" but I genuinely don't understand it.
You're right, you've been around longer than I have...and learned all the horrible UI ideas from the last 40+ years in the process! Congratulations? I think?
Unfortunately for your ranting, I've actually had considerably more modern classes than you in UI design specifically for games. The degree has honestly proved pretty fucking worthless in an industry that doesn't take such things seriously, but I actually have a honest-to-god Bachelor of Science in Game Software Design. Which means you're actively trying to lecture a specialist in their own field. I hate to burst your bubble (no, actually, I don't). But GAME UI design is generally specifically designed to blend in, not stand out, in order to prevent issues with immersion-breaking UI elements. I designed the UI, in so much as I modified it at all from Renpy's base, to be specifically unobtrusive.
In addition to you being the only person complaining about the buttons. You're only other post was idiotic rambling about how you couldn't get All the Girls at once in a game with Routes for each girl. Which was so painfully moronic that multiple other people called you out on it before I even got a chance to reply to that post. Suffice it to say, I have basically zero reason to consider you even remotely competent. Particularly when, for some god awful reason, you even now are under some delusion you would have needed to do anything to the code to fix the button issue. Literally all I did for that quick patch was dump the PNG files for the buttons (which are literally labeled as buttons in a folder called GUI elements, which is about as blunt as you can possibly get) into photoshop and change the hue/saturation/light values. Since I built things the sane way, replacing those files changed every instance of button use in the entire game. No code required. Hell, I didn't even open Renpy.
I have, despite you being super bratty and hyper-aggressive (despite apparently being old enough to know better), provided you a personalized solution. And your response was to try and lecture me, despite my having explained my reasoning. Including pointing out that I fully intend to eventually provide a flippable option in the UI for those rare people that have an issue with it. In a game that's currently only about 35% complete, it's a low-priority issue. Accessibility options aren't exactly something a sane developer focuses on when a game is in super early access mode. Such options are generally part of the polish phase of development, near release.
Now, I have better things to do. So goodbye. You've officially succeeded in blatantly and repeatedly insulting me enough to block any and all notifications from you.
You are completely wrong about your assumption that there only were no complaints about the UI because the players left disgusted with the UI.Have either of you ever worked with somebody with severe vision problems? I have. Wearing cokebottle glasses doesn't count if they allow you to perfectly view the buttons. I So don't give me the "entitled brat" bullshit until you've been forced to kick up the font size on your complicated client server app from what was 10pts to over 50pts on what was then at the time a hi-res 1920x1200 display so that an almost blind middle aged customer could read things with her coke bottle glasses from about 6 inches away. I got paid for that help and the training on the app that went with it, and the travel and hotel expenses too. If the app I was selling my services on had a black font on a dark blue background, you can be damn sure that customer and the company that employed her would be calling into the help desk to open a bug report that would have it replaced with a black font on a white or paper colored background within minutes of it appearing in front of the software control board. So yeah, it IS a bug. I'm old and my eyes aren't as good as they were when I was in my twenties. I know people in worse shape than me who would probably drop this VN when they coudn't read the ui or were maybe color blind and can't discern blue on black.
Speaking of VNs and dropping.... It's dropped what? 5 releases so far over about 6 months? The forum only has 7 pages. I volunteer to proofread and playtest over on Sluttown which has been dropping monthly for a little over a year now. Its forum is over 70 pages. Its one of the reasons why I don't drop everything and fix every single problem I run into with a VN I dl'd. Have you considered whether the lack of complaints may be due to people who took a quick look and moved on? Maybe because they had issues with the ui?
As for modern design classes there's uni, tech schools, online interactive, seminars and articles on breaking tech written by the creators. Some of this stuff is world class while there's a lot that is simply sold by Betsy DeVoss style educational grifters who got bored and moved on from their MLM "Avon Calling" style scams from the 1980's. I suspect a lot of those are for game programming because the bro's all want to flock to that instead of real time embedded programming in Green Hills Multi. I mention that I've probably forgotten more than I've learned over the years. It's usually a clapback to some new dev fresh out of whatever school who thinks they know more than me about framework du jour. I wonder if they have even read the gang of four book on software development patterns. While I learned about that, event driven programming, real time, multithreading, Q/T and Python, etc, I was forgetting about Algol, Pascal, Modula, REXX, DCL, LISP, Perl and Tcl/Tk.
Some stuff you can never learn in a class. I still don't think there's a formal curriculum anywhere on Software Configuration Management other than maybe at a CC as an adult ed course. You will also usually be left to your own devices trying to figure out how a M$ Certified Solitaire Expert managed to fuck up their Active Directory Domain Server so badly it takes you several days, googling and a bunch of Wireshark runs before you can configure your Linux boxes' Samba config and fix their registry hive enough to get it to join their domain.
You are completely wrong about your assumption that there only were no complaints about the UI because the players left disgusted with the UI.
I guess the 163 patrons over on patreon are delighted to hear that you basically deny their existence and have the number of pages in a thread on a pirate forum as a main mean of judgement.
Plus you are talking about "regular" software being made disabled proof.
This is a Visual Novel.
A VISUAL Novel and as such not really intended for users that are visually impaired in any kind.
Dude, this could've all been avoided if you said 'hey, the text on the buttons is hard to read, can you go light text/dark outline or dark text/light outline' instead of immediately throwing a shitfit about how the dev has no idea what the fuck they're doing and is violating the ADA.You know most people walk away from a thing without complaining right? Try googling "percentage of customers who respond to a survey" sometime and you will find some percentages, but also think about basic human apathy and what sort of stimulus/response can be involved. The stimulus/response element will probably also be a corrupting effect on the results. For an example I give you the god awful employee engagement survey usually conducted by some multi-tentacled monster formerly known as one of the members of the original Big 8 Consulting Agencies. This seemingly innocent bit of fluffery as it might appear to a fresh uni grad, is actually a landmine that may be poised to flush them out of their first paying job. That's quite a change from the days when rando corpo would mail me a dollar in an envelope trying to get me to respond to a survey. Those of us with brains just took the dollar and threw it away. Those of us were already learning the life lessons of not getting involved and just walking away.
Engagement survey seperates the ladder climbing ass kissers from normal folk and those who are about to be laddered. The blame for this fine practice of corporate douchebaggery can be laid at the feet of Jack Welsh, formerly undead CEO of General Electric and all of his hellspawn minions who went off and drove the likes of Boeing, HP and other former giants of industry into the toilet. The usual result of the survey is that if you have legit criticism of the compnay, you will have your thoughts ignored and instead usually be marked for laddering in spite of the fact the "Engagement Survey" said that everything is anonymous. MY ASS. What makes you think that the link you got in your CORPORATE email that you will open in your CORPORATE browser on your CORPORATE desktop is anonymous? If you got suckered into thinking that, you SHOULD get laddered the next fiscal period or the next time coporate decides to lay off a few thousand to juice the CEO's performance bonus? We herd are conditioned throughout our careers to keep our heads down.
Next we have the patreon game or whatever you want to call it. Some people use these numbers as some sort of popularity rating or whatever. Ever heard of a thing called money laundering? Ever wondered why some games like Summertime Saga or Big Brother were such money gushing milk cows with a crap story, bug ridden script and/or ridiculous grind while others blew your socks off with stunning story writing or renders while officially having only 10 patreon members and getting abandoned? Maybe wait until a platform gets to Steam or whatever instead before you start using subscriber numbers.
In place of these numbers, the F95 version of "engagement" is how much of a response does the thing get? I've already cited that.
Finally you seem to be walling off accessiblity as something that should only be in the professional software market. You do realize renpy has accessibility, localization and internationalization elements built into it right? Why would they do those things if they were only meant for the professional sofware market? I was just starting my career when text to speech was just coming out with a company that had the bizarre nameYou must be registered to see the linksstarted marketing a product that got picked up by the FAA. That seems like a helluva lot of foreshadowing considering renpy has a self-voicing mode that you can turn on for your latest episode of Honey, I boinked the kids. Who says VNs are "not really intended for users that are visually impaired in any kind"? Your Futa Grandma might have both a medical condition AND a visual impairment.
A "Fuck this game, the buttons are too hard to read!" is not a survey.You know most people walk away from a thing without complaining right? Try googling "percentage of customers who respond to a survey" sometime and you will find some percentages, but also think about basic human apathy and what sort of stimulus/response can be involved. The stimulus/response element will probably also be a corrupting effect on the results. For an example I give you the god awful employee engagement survey usually conducted by some multi-tentacled monster formerly known as one of the members of the original Big 8 Consulting Agencies. This seemingly innocent bit of fluffery as it might appear to a fresh uni grad, is actually a landmine that may be poised to flush them out of their first paying job. That's quite a change from the days when rando corpo would mail me a dollar in an envelope trying to get me to respond to a survey. Those of us with brains just took the dollar and threw it away. Those of us were already learning the life lessons of not getting involved and just walking away.
Engagement survey seperates the ladder climbing ass kissers from normal folk and those who are about to be laddered. The blame for this fine practice of corporate douchebaggery can be laid at the feet of Jack Welsh, formerly undead CEO of General Electric and all of his hellspawn minions who went off and drove the likes of Boeing, HP and other former giants of industry into the toilet. The usual result of the survey is that if you have legit criticism of the compnay, you will have your thoughts ignored and instead usually be marked for laddering in spite of the fact the "Engagement Survey" said that everything is anonymous. MY ASS. What makes you think that the link you got in your CORPORATE email that you will open in your CORPORATE browser on your CORPORATE desktop is anonymous? If you got suckered into thinking that, you SHOULD get laddered the next fiscal period or the next time coporate decides to lay off a few thousand to juice the CEO's performance bonus? We herd are conditioned throughout our careers to keep our heads down.
Next we have the patreon game or whatever you want to call it. Some people use these numbers as some sort of popularity rating or whatever. Ever heard of a thing called money laundering? Ever wondered why some games like Summertime Saga or Big Brother were such money gushing milk cows with a crap story, bug ridden script and/or ridiculous grind while others blew your socks off with stunning story writing or renders while officially having only 10 patreon members and getting abandoned? Maybe wait until a platform gets to Steam or whatever instead before you start using subscriber numbers.
In place of these numbers, the F95 version of "engagement" is how much of a response does the thing get? I've already cited that.
Finally you seem to be walling off accessiblity as something that should only be in the professional software market. You do realize renpy has accessibility, localization and internationalization elements built into it right? Why would they do those things if they were only meant for the professional sofware market? I was just starting my career when text to speech was just coming out with a company that had the bizarre nameYou must be registered to see the linksstarted marketing a product that got picked up by the FAA. That seems like a helluva lot of foreshadowing considering renpy has a self-voicing mode that you can turn on for your latest episode of Honey, I boinked the kids. Who says VNs are "not really intended for users that are visually impaired in any kind"? Your Futa Grandma might have both a medical condition AND a visual impairment.