RPGM - Completed - Legend of Queen Opala II Golden Edition [Final] [SweGabe]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all - this is a certified hood classic.
    Second of all, most negative comments regarding this or any other game of the series stems from people completely not getting the tone of the setting, which is hypersexual. There's no such thing as sexual monogamy for the player or any other notable NPC. There's whoring and fucking to be done, and you gotta be ready for that when playing it.
    I'm pretty partial to games where a man claims every woman for himself and only himself. These are not those games. But for the type of games they are, they're wonderful.

    Funnily enough now that Roundscape Adorevia got a steam page, there's reviews like that there too. "Too much cheating". Nah man, that's just the type of game it is.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating of final version is a 7/10
    Huge caveat that the ratio of game to porn is heavily game leaning, if you don't like rpgm battles and don't want to do hundreds of them, then grab a save. If you're like me and like jrpg style games with a lot of content with porn sprinkled in, then you'll definitely want to try it out.

    Art: 4/5
    Animation: n/a
    Gameplay: 3.5/5
    Sfx: 1/5

    Took me about 70 hours for the main game and well over a hundred to complete basically everything. There are several hundred illustrations to collect and lots of post game content with NG+ even having value if you're a completionist. Probably the most gameplay dense game on the site, but I realize a lot of people aren't looking for that.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible series of games. The game series has 3 games:
    LoQO 1
    LoQO 2 = This game.
    LoQO 3 aka LoQO Origins

    All 3 games share the following problems:
    -Extremely ancient RPGM engine (can not update it to modern RPGM because RPGM has shit backwards compatibility)
    -Typical grindy walking simulator with bad combat that you have come to expect from bad RPGM games.
    -Horrible resolution. only way to play on a modern monitor is to alt-enter to see in full screen which turns squares into rectangles.
    -No quality of life features like text fast forward.

    They share a universe but are not really related.
    You are not supposed to play them in order.
    For each game, the other 2 games are not canon.
    They are each a standalone game.

    This game LoQO 2 is probably the worst of the 3.
    You play as Kai (or custom name).
    It is a total bait and switch. They pair you up with a "lesbian best friend" who is actually a horrible friend.
    I expected us to help each other as wingmen. But instead she is constantly cucking you.
    You are very clearly playing as her sidekick, you are not the main character of the story.
    But wait there is more, she isn't the only one. Everyone and everything else is fucking your waifus too.

    Now there are 3 art styles you can choose from...
    Western, Eastern, and Clean.
    But they are not actually complete.
    So no matter what you choose you will have some scenes that have no illustration.
    You need to replay the game 3 times on the different art styles to see all the scenes.

    There are barely any scenes involving you. Almost all scenes are cucked.
    Also, if you grind the affection points of your "harem" to the max your reward is... trading cards of them getting raped, blacked, gang-banged, gang-raped, or fucked by horses and dogs.
    Dev went into damage control mode and explicitly stated that those pictures are not canon... They are just "fun" little extras you are "rewarded" with that has nothing to do with the game and didn't actually happen.
    Which for some reason you are awarded with for after grinding affection with "your" harem?

    Look, can we please be honest and upfront about the content of a game instead of doing bait and switch?
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    very poor balance. the combat system is designed to waste time (very low enemy attack, but very high enemy HP), the map system is a mess, forces you to walk through the same mazes again and again to reach some destinations, and CGs and dating sim system feels like it's been lacking considerable attention. Time waster. Don't play the game, just go find a full save if you are interested.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    BEST RPGM EVER!!! i once play this game in 2012, and i love this game so much, this is not only hentai, but also interesting game. Hope there's more sequel to this title. the story is interisting too..
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I have at least 30 hours of playing, nothing just moving around , beating some monsters and that stuff . Collecting pictures and finding Mr. Hen'tai in box its good thing but what i hate is low resolution of game , not full screen :(

    You have a lot to do in this game , but i think more scenes and that stuff will be nice , and giving gift to build relationship with girls in crew. (like a option , not just once when you are alone with them)

    One of hard things is that 100 lvl castle where you beating a lot of enemies but unlock good stuff from boss ( :cool: ) , with super extra tool > Save Editor < game is easy , and without that i will sure have at least 50 + hours in game or i will not play at all . Its hard but good in same time ,

    I would love to be LoQO 3 , and biger map , more scenes , not just beating monsters .
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the largest and most well made RPGs of this genre that I have ever played. Many hours of content, with multiple playthings worth of content to see. It has both hot girls and an actual good plot. Ive played the game front to back at least half a dozen times, and plan on doing it one more time right now!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    great game and gives a lot more story, one issue was the main story quest tho i kept forgetting where i needed to go and the quest log never had it so id end up randomly looking all over >< otherwise i love how much this has compared to the first one, tho enjoyed it as well but loving the new story and the characters