About as much as yours. Didn't like how you came in begging someone else to play the game for you in the way you want them
Good grief here take your "like"
happy? now Shoo shoo, the grown ups are talking
This is kind of an astonishing level of entitlement. This person works for free, to provide a service mod for a game you play for free because you pirate it. And you're calling them a pathetic bootlicker because you can't benefit from the fruits of their free labor until the official public release of the update?
1-Not everyone is a freeloader like you. You don't know if I paid Selebus for his game, so how can you assume I pirated it?
2-There is no "work". He already stated the process is automatic; he just presses two buttons, then uploads the mod.
3-Nobody does anything for free. this isn't Disney. Everyone does everything for something in return. It may be just ego or getting attention, but there is always a reason.
For example, I didn't give you this life lesson for "free."
I just enjoy talking to lower intelligence life forms. it makes me feel good.