Is there any mentally unstable person willing to replay the game while taking notes on Ami, when she changes personality or has some suspicious dialog?
I have replayed the game very recently, and one thing did come to mind. The first Dorm Wars event. The event "The Scary Room," Maya sees a tape of something censored for us, though considering the room she's in is similar to the one Ami used to sexually torture her(and Ami even mentioned something about recording it), we can assume the thing being recorded is a previous assault by Ami.
That's not exactly what I want to draw attention to, however. It's the fact Ami herself references that she set up the room for Maya, or at least had a part in it.
AMI: It was really hard thinking of stuff that might actually get to you since you never seemed scared, so I just threw a bunch of scary movie stuff in there in hopes that something would work.
Maya: Normal...scary movie stuff?
Ami: Yeah! You know, like...vampires and ghosts and a few of those jumpscare Halloween decorations Ayane had lying around.
I'm pretty sure this is Ami showing her power over Maya without indirectly stating Ami knows more than she lets on considering Maya thinks Ami and
AMI are two different people.