There was a line in Sensei's monologue where he mentions that he had feelings for someone, how the girl used to wear shorter clothes every time and seduced him with her patient soft touches. This is Ami's mother, right?
It isn't confirmed, but a definite possibility. It could also be Maya considering one of the early scenes in the game and the potential implication about the past that scene has.
After reading how bad people feel after this update, I'm kind of glad I'm having trouble getting this update to get started and may have to put it aside for a while. Going through some bad shit in RL right now. Don't need any more dark at the moment. If it's bad on the
Molly path as I'm getting the feel for, it may be a game ender for me.

Too much bad has happened to too many characters I care about. Not sure I want to see more, which would suck because I love this game overall. Time will tell.
Not everyone can stand the Denpa genre, hope those RL things get better for you.
Things are going to get bad for everyone, I suspect.
As do I, I kind of already knew what I was getting into with this being a Denpa game, but the timing seems to be much quicker for that part than I was prepared for, at least based on the signs the game is giving us. I could just be overthinking it, but I am seeing potential signs the dark part will come sooner rather than later.
This is the exact reaction I wanted.
I figured as much.
Playing games with us, eh?
When is he not?
To be honest, I really disliked this update too. The Molly scene was... disgusting and I felt Tsuneyo broke character and outside of those scenes, I did not feel that a lot of progress was made. It awfully felt like padding.
BUT given the track record, I do have faith that
Selebus is going somewhere with this and it is his story to tell. As much as I hate the "But, but Denpa!! Lol" fig leaf that is constantly being brought up at a moment like this, it should be clear to anyone that this is not a porny fan service story like so many others here either.
In the end this update is similar to the dreadful predatory Miku scene, but at least there's some growth this time from Sensei, which counts for something - at least for me.
It was meant to be disgusting, and no, Tsuneyo didn't break character, there's just more to her character than we knew. Revealing a new aspect may seem like a break of character, but it isn't.
He's definitely going somewhere with this. In fact, that 'fig leaf' is exactly where I think this is heading, very quickly I might add. I think we are on track to get to the darker side of the story soon. I agree, it should be clear that this isn't the kind of game to just play for faps, contrary to the popular belief that F95 is exclusively for porn games.
Oh god, not the Miku scene, I'm still pissed at Sensei for it. However, again, that scene was meant to be like that. We were meant to be made uncomfortable and even angry at Sensei because of it.
This was a good step in the right direction imo, assuming there are actual repercussions for Sensei.
Still no mention of Wakana.
The... pseudo fourth wall breaking(?) text about the wires could imply many things but this game breaks fourth wall so much I don't even know if I should pay attention to that.
Maybe I'm the only one here but... I really wasn't that bothered by what happened.
It certainly wasn't unexpected.
Perhaps even moreso than Sensei I have adapted to the strange world of LIL and will
degenerate and destroy survive and grow as is needed.
(The horror is certainly amplified when Sensei knows he is doing something horrible and cannot stop, versus
just forgetting about it.
If Sensei suffers in proportion to 'his' crimes the player base can probably be pushed further into fucked shit.
Just my 2 cents.)
Selebus, do your worst
Oh, I bet there will be and they won't be light repercussions, either.
Yes, you should pay attention to ALL text, you never know when a new puzzle will pop up with information hidden, even in the fourth wall breaks.
It wasn't unexpected, I mean this is player Sensei we're talking about, not some saint or something like that. However, it DID make me uncomfortable as was the intention.
I agree on that last sentiment, do your worst, Selebus, I WILL take it.
Yeah, exactly my thoughts here. Glad I'm not the only one who isn't so easily "disturbed". It was sad and, well, not very pleasant feeling, but seeing exaggerated cries about disgust, hate and not wanting to read further made me chuckle a little.
Perhaps I became too emotionally deaf, but the only scene I recall that REALLY disturbed me was a certain gangrape scene from Subahibi. And while I'm very much fond of Sel's writing, in some things SCA-DI is still way ahead of him.
I'm normally not, this game and one other are somehow able to get by my defenses against being emotionally affected by fiction.
Is that an overwatch reference ib my porn game??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But honestly, i dont know if Selebus actually plays overwatch, since actually just playing the game is more despair inducing than anything sensei has done or ever will. True Despair.
I liked the Dark update, cool to see the cognitive dissonance between Sensei and user2 grow wider and wider. Seems like its building up for something similar to what happened to Makoto last time. Cant wait for the next updates.
I wouldn't say that, you might end up dropping your guard and then, all of a sudden, we're into the deep end of the dark part of the story. That double whammy probably wouldn't be pleasant to experience.
jokes on you...
I loved this update outside of tsuneyo acting a bit out of character.
sensei started acting like a scumbag again because I actually thought for a moment he was undergoing personal growth and starting to care a tiny bit about others for a bit there.
He's always been a scumbag and probably always will be one. As for Tsuneyo, it was more like an aspect of her character we didn't already know than an actual out of character moment. Out of character moments require a character to do something that the character in question normally wouldn't, but that does not include things that fit into character traits that the player simply didn't know about.
God fucking damnit Sensei, why you gotta be like this?
Because that's who player Sensei is, a total scumbag.
While I do agree with Sensei not being "good" most of the times, this time was definitely not what I consider in his "normal" range. Considering all the other "glitchy" stuff going on it made me think that one of the gods was pushing him one way, then another one tried to "undo" it. But you can't undo "everything" with Sensei (which also makes me wonder how that might affect previous theories involving Ayane...)
He IS "capable" of doing that, I'm not denying that. But there's alot going on behind the scenes and I'm trying to consider alternate possibilities.
Oh, it was definitely in his normal range considering what he did to Miku. It may have been within the extreme reaches of his normal range of moral capability, but it was in that range. This also seemed, like with Miku, that he was in control and not the gods, so there's that, which pisses me off even more at him considering I'm still furious about the Miku thing.
The primary feeling that I was left with after this update is....
Like he's going to shoot himself in the foot by coming clean about something like that, he's not that stupid...or that morally capable.