M Schum

Mar 27, 2018
As people in this thread have stated, much of the dark skin=slut trope comes from stereotypes regarding gyaru culture and dark-skinned foreigners in Japan.
Here is the thing, stereotypes exists because they are a recognized pattern such as Westerns now being obsessed with race and gender being a stereotype.

It didnt come from the void.

Part of it may also come from racism towards the indigenous peoples that inhabited the islands surrounding Japan before colonization from the mainland, as both the indigenous Ainu people and native Okinawans had darker skin than Japanese people who trace their ancestry back to what is now China.
Were do I start with this nonsense ...

Lets begin with geography, Japan is a archipelago so when you start with the "indigenous" people what the fuck are you even going on? The Ainu aare indigenous to native to Hokkaido and northeastern Honshu, not the whole of Honshu as now I am going over the Yamato people, they are are the modern descents of the mix of the Jomon and Toraijin, now the Jomon are older and by that they originate from China (duh) migrating to the Korean Peninsula before moving to Japan being displaced by the Proto-Koreans, we talking about hunter-gathers here, the Toraijin come later in several waves, they are also known as the Yayoi people that because they had such advanced technology as agriculture they grew and eventually overwhelmed the Jomon or more likely since they are present on the modern Yamato people genes, they were simply assimilated because a agricultural civilization is kinda better that throwing fucking sharp sticks at rabbits ... anyway, the various tribes and kindoms eventually unified into a central goverment and the continuous line of the (Japanese) Imperial Family that exists until this day, this was about the 9th century, should I start going over the 9th century in Whityland (Europe) and the the etnic movements? I kinda dont want to since that would be fucking long ... anyway, what matters in relation to the Ainu is that they were kinda sort of pushed into Hokkaido, what you are trying to apply here is what happened in the 18th century and later after the Meiji restauration with the colonization of Hokkaido that at that time they were kinda boned either way, not I saying it was right simply that if it wasnt Japan it would been Russia, England or even the US because should I go about Hawaii?

I left out the native Okinawans becuase thats not their name, they are the Ryukyuans that originate from the Ryukyu Islands (yes, I too was shocked when I read that ... that is irony BTW), this is way more complex (actually no, all what I posted is FAR more complex as this is very much the cliff notes short version) and they used to be part of the Ryukyu Kingdom thats also were they name come from, it existed from 1429 to 1879 (yes, I am checking wikipedia) and were a tributiiary state of Ming China at first, after the Invasion of Ryukyu in 1609 and they they became tribultiary to BOTH the Ming Court and Tokugawa Shogunate and then come the Meiji Restauration and you can guess the rest.

There is another group that is considered native, the Obeikei Islanders that are the descendants of Westerners, Polynesians and Kanaks who settled Hahajima and Chichijima (that are part of the part of Tokyo Prefecture) in the 18th century, they are very few due to post WWII shennenigans.

Did everyone got this? the very short version is that they are all Japanese and you can see in Japanese media how they are shown in steriotypes and none are of being "black", Ainu are closer to Eskimo (no shit, fucking Hoikado is cold as fuck and it was swampland once before they drained then, polar swampland) as Ryukyuans ... God, Ok ... geneticly they are more similar to the Southern Jomon people that with Yayoi people (yes, we are back to then), most of their notable diferences are *cultural* and this is why they are considered a sub-type of Yamato people, at least by Japan even if culturally ... well ... significant diferences.

Oh yes since this is funny, the 2006 UN report on Racism and Discrimination in the line about Okinawans says, and I quote, "The most serious discrimination they endure is linked to the presence of American military bases on their island."

Oh yes, when do YOU people leave?

In terms of this game specifically, the dev's probably racist, and definitely misunderstands how fake tans work LOL.
No, I am afraid you are the one ... ignorate too really because the only thing you have right is in relation about the Gyaru culture (and then gone into a wierd tagent about skin color because its current year just using it to leap into muh racism) but they wouldnt get that steriotype if they didnt had that behavior to begin, interresting enough such conceptions also exist within Western culture with women dressing provocative with deep tans, bleached hair, fake nails with a provocative sexual behavior ... they are called Bimbos.

And Bimbofication is totally a thing, we can argue if Western adopting a Japanese concept, the other way around or simply a case of parallel development due to very similar behavior leading to a very similar steriotype thats likely the case.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
There is two different things going on here. The girl turning into yamanba gyaru bitch gal is not some black face shit. It's their own version of bimbofication when used in porn. The roots of the gyaru style stems from counterculture youths like many people mentioned.

The BBC stuff? Well, that's racist just like it usually is in western porn. Not all black x white interracial carries unsavory racial connotations, but the ones that focus on the raceplay aspect certainly do.

But who gives a fuck about racism in porn? It's hot because it's fucked up. It's funny cus most people speaking out about racism in blacked fetish doesn't give a fuck about sexism in... well, almost all types of porn.
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Apr 24, 2021
Yo finally!!!! Also can anybody translate this?? Someone was translating this and he kind of dropped it.
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Active Member
Dec 18, 2022
Yo finally!!!! Also can anybody translate this?? Someone was translating this and he kind of dropped it.
I checked it's details and VNDB says it's scheduled as -To Be Announced in the English section.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2020
please this one next, she even got to demon form this time
Apr 24, 2021
Are you sure it's not getting any translation from anyone, if yes then I may think about translating it.
There was someone who was translating but he kind of dropped it. Now it's been a year there's no proper translation for it. I would be very thankful to you if you pick it up for translation!!:whistle:
Feb 2, 2019
Did japanese believe being black is a symptom of some sexually transmitted disease? xD

Why does tan equals slut on Japanese culture?
First: This is more than "tan" at this point...
Second: White skin always was considered being "pure" in white society (not only in Japan). Not specifically on a sexual basis. But a social one. The people with whiter skin were the nobles who can stay protected from the sun while the simple peasant must work on the field under the sun. The tan was a way to recognize people of low extraction from the one of higher standing. Merchant were able to work in a store or protected by sunshade at there stale. I think this "tan skin = slut" is a contemporary deformation.
Assimilating "whiteness" to "purity", little by little, it make its way to "sexual purity = white skin". In a way, it is not that weird a conclusion. If a woman is "white as aspirin", you come to the conclusion that she doesn't go out much... If she goes out rarely, it lower the chance she "play around" with men... Meaning she is potentially more "pure" than a tanned one. A "white as now" woman mean she doesn't expose her body that much to sun and thus, she doesn't expose herself that much to other people (men) as well (to be tanned, one must expose body to sun and potentially in public ==> beach). It is not a proof she is pure, but it lower the probability.
This is kind of a "gymnastic thinking" to arrive to the conclusion. I must agree on that point. =D
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