Unreal Engine Lewd Dragon Game [v0.0.13] [SpiceDrake]

1.60 star(s) 5 Votes
Apr 19, 2018
Reading up from kemono articles and public patreon posts. sounds more like a vr devtest experiment and I'm not surprised its slow considering the jist of it is (to me at least).

-Mesh adjustments [possibly setting toggeled] (Devlog 31, Jul 2, 2023)
-attempting to implement FBT (Breifely metioned on patreon above devlog 32. Jul 16, 2023)
-Finetuning physbones and physbone collision (Devlog 33. Jul 30, 2023)
-AI for random character trait generation (Devlog 34. Aug 9, 2023)
-Audio for the game [Voices & SFX] (Devlog 28, May 27, 2023)
**All this for both pc and quest builds (meaning he has to optimize for both)

Assuming all this is true, is it worth cracking rn?.. no. Hes essentially making a standalone executable for a solo vrchat world with AI npcs, physbones, and DPS from scratch. He does mention in devlog 28 "The project is getting to big for me to do all by myself. I have started looking into delegating tasks..." (read the devlog for further information.)

No devlog has yet stated that he already found help so I'd check back on this in maybe half a year to 9 months, maybe.

Note; kemono does not have the latest articles due to the server core migration.
Yeah... Also to give slight bump, Drake also posts pretty much all of his devlogs to his twitter too. So you can get latest devlogs from him on his lil project without needing to bother with patreon.
Just... It's not worth cracking honestly even in my opinion for the time being unless someone REALLY wants to make a version that doesn't have the patreon requirement in it, let alone that anticheat in it(the latter of which is just... why. why put that in a single player game/devtest of all things.)


Dec 16, 2023
Downloaded this garbage without realizing that it isn't even cracked, it even has an anti-cheat for a single player game, that ISN'T EVEN FINISHED. Why do they all do this, what kind of disease is this, that infects countless developers, are they developing games or scams? Maybe they're developing their own disease further? I'm going to gouge my eyes out.


Mar 21, 2020
This showed up in my inbox again (Forgot this existed decided to check up on it and so I'll summarize the devlogs here.)

Devlog 39- Core game code was remade for better (probablly faster) mechanic implementation. theres also the following...
  • Character customizability overhaul (skin, gender, pose, height, ect.)
  • Partial genital phys/interactions (can be hand jerked in vr)
  • UI and keybinds for pc/vr have been streamlined for easier navigation (Volume control has been added (y))
Devlog 40- NPCs can now walk around (and make eye contact so they might have code that recognizes the player), basic locomotion and root motion has been added.
Devlog 41- Genital redesign and physics overhaul (new "guidance" system).
Devlog 42- Inventory system allows cosmetics to be applied to npcs. upcoming facial expresions rework.
Devlog 43- Adjusting root animation movement for quadrupeds. Voyeurism added (the npc will now take over on some positions if left idle) *not sure if this means that the player will be interacted with/autopiloted or if npcs now interact with eachother, clarification on the wording and what this means is welcome.

Notice; these 5 devlogs are the most recent ones posted on kemono (spread out over 4 months not bad). there is a 6 to 7 month gap just gone (likely due to the server migration mentioned a while back affected everything). End of aug 2023 to beginning march cannot be found there.

Overall, the changes can be summarized to player controls/interaction and npc rigging/ai response (with a sprinkle of customization).

However, cant help but notice a quote for the guidance system "So that things just dont pop out, and offer some physical resistance to feel more 'real'." so it does make me wonder... Would someone be able to find a bit of code for depth and hook to it for irl device usage? You probablly know why im asking that question.
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Apr 19, 2018
I think is impossible
It is- but it would require completely recompiling the game files alongside decrypting them. Which is a pain cause it's not a generic encryption, plus Drake put an anticheat in the project just to be a lil extra special on the annoying spectrum.


Jan 18, 2019
It is- but it would require completely recompiling the game files alongside decrypting them. Which is a pain cause it's not a generic encryption, plus Drake put an anticheat in the project just to be a lil extra special on the annoying spectrum.
it's sad to see it, I wish I could see at least a gameplay showing everything that the game has...although it's not so much things to show
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Reactions: Grelk
Apr 19, 2018
it's sad to see it, I wish I could see at least a gameplay showing everything that the game has...although it's not so much things to show
Unfortunately yea- and technically if I could get UE 4.27 installed on my pc without directly using the epic games launcher- and figured out the encryption key- I could make a version of the game at that point that is free of the pointless annoying junk- and maybe even create a tool to deload the unnecessary stuff from it safely at that point.
But alas can't do that for now. (Maybe in the future i might if i feel like it. but ultimately I'd love to see someone with way more talent undo the unnecessary annoying bits that Drake put in- and share a tool for such to be easily done on any new build he makes.)
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Jan 18, 2019
Unfortunately yea- and technically if I could get UE 4.27 installed on my pc without directly using the epic games launcher- and figured out the encryption key- I could make a version of the game at that point that is free of the pointless annoying junk- and maybe even create a tool to deload the unnecessary stuff from it safely at that point.
But alas can't do that for now. (Maybe in the future i might if i feel like it. but ultimately I'd love to see someone with way more talent undo the unnecessary annoying bits that Drake put in- and share a tool for such to be easily done on any new build he makes.)


Mar 21, 2020
Inbox somehow pinged my inbox again because someone liked my previous comment. Figured id do a little catching up and drop more info here in case someone needs it.

basic things out of the way;
In Aug, 2024.
-A patron poll was released for feral skins
-build 0.0.21 was released.
In Nov, 2024.
-on the 19th a game of the year announcement stated that the codebase was restructured. ("toy modding" was added)
-On the 20th two things occured...
*build 0.1.01. (Alpha) was released.
*A public poll was released asking what system of vr hardware people most used (Oculus Quest won)

Now to get to the Nov 22 anouncement -Addressing the current state of Quest Support and Unreal Engine (Patreon)-

---------------------------The Following is his full post ------------------------

TLDR: Quest support returns for link play. Standalone Quest support attempts results in failures. 66% of my base has a quest, which means support is critical. Therefore, a transition to unreal engine 5 must be considered again, as it has greater support for everything, at the cost of cock and ball torture for myself.

In rewriting the game I inadvertently fixed most of the quest 2 issues that i had before. This means that the latest posted version of the game IS quest compatible via over wire or wireless link to your computer.

That being said, after seeing the rather alarming amount (66%+) of people who own the quest platform, I obviously REALLY want to fully support the Quest platform. By this i mean making it an installable app for side loading, just like any other NSFW games for the quest.

HOWEVER, despite being able to fully build the game and everything for quest...it simply will not work. Its been a nightmare to get this far and there is no guarantee i could ever get the game working in both Quest AND SteamVR setups.

3.5 years ago, Unreal engine 4.27 came out. This has been the last version of UE4 and its had a ton of support. There have been many reasons I have opted to not develop this game in the newer Unreal Engine 5 engine, but over time UE5 has matured and MANY new tools and opportunities could help me. The most prominent being far far far greater quest support, potential liquid simulations ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and amazing animation tools for realtime animation.

So I am going to take some time and look into Unreal Engine 5 again.


As of now he is going full rewrite which means migration (Unreal 4->5), Optimization (Aimed for a quest standalone apk), and likely some polishing/smoothing of systems (UI/modding reworks for simplicity and such.)

Dec 18th 2024, he is at the following

-Completed or close enough-
Setup Engine Unreal 5 for Quest development
Successfully build a blank project for Quest Standalone Platform
Successfully build advanced VR project for Quest AND SteamVR Platforms
AutoDetect platform and determine optimal performance settings
Connect Engine and project into Source control
Migrate all prior existing utility library assets and infrastructure
Successfully Re-Integrate Desktop Controls

-In Progress-
Slowly Migrate all existing code, plugins and assets into new project
Polish and address any issues that might arise, particularly performance

-Nowhere close/not started-
Release First Quest Version
And now some notes in-between.

Full Quest Support Update 1;
"And if you don't anything about developing for mobile games, its a known government PsyOps torture technique not even the CIA can do anymore." - SpiceDrake. Nov 23, 2024.

Quest Support Update 2;
-Quest Support works but is horrendous, he discovers sideloading (cause no way zuck allows this on main store).
-Got an advanced SteamVR build working.

Quest Support Update 3;
His main rewrite is over now he is stabilizing the main infrastructure and moving assets over

Quest Support Update 4;
Recreating the "physical game" (likely continuing asset transfer and replugging shit back together).

Quest Support Update 5 (latest one from what I can see);
-Waiting for a plugin update, went from moving assets to moving boxes real quick (ya know, cause hes literally moving).
-Theres also this bit...
A much smaller road bump has been quest issues. Of course. Lots of crashing, very few errors to learn from. I can usually analyze what a problem is very fast and attempt fixes within seconds normally. On the quest it is absolute hell. I have to package the game to test it. Which is a several minute process. Then SideLoad it to the Quest, another minute. put on the headset, then launch the game. Then (because META doesnt allow console error logs), listen for a play sound node that plays an error sound. I literally have to place a "noise" node and if i hear the noise, then the noise node is placed before the error. If I dont hear the noise, then something is wrong in the code before the node.

Rinse and repeat until i find the error.

Well thats all I got for you (use kemono for the full notes), Till next time I see this in my mailbox.
1.60 star(s) 5 Votes