To access
Replay gallery you must login with your valid Patreon account by pressing Login button in the main menu and again in the new window. It will open Patreons page in your default browser and ask you to log in with your account. Once you do that, you can go back to the game and wait a few seconds until the game gets the data. A new button should appear with text Replay, which you can choose. Once you leave the Replay gallery, you'll be asked again to login with your credentials. That's because nothing is written in the games permanent memory about you or your pledge. Once you turn of the game, that data is erased.
Savegame checker checks for your loaded save file. If it's damaged or corrupted, you'll receive a message about it and some recommendations on what to do. Currently it's not possible to completely fix your damaged save file. You'll be able to continue from the same day you last left, but each new save game created from the same damaged save file will also be damaged and will also start from the beginning of the day. Also some functionality wont work such as Rollback or Skip. Also, your progress wont be recorded properly so it's recommended not to use them as your main saves. I'm still working on a better solution for this problem and hopefully I'll have it done in one of my next updates.
I always recommend
checking with
your other,
older save files before using a damaged one, especially
check your Autosave.
Please let me know if you find any bugs.
Thank you very much for your support!