
Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
Straying off for a well written plot would be worth it. Sadly, it's not all that well written. It comes off as if she were having a volatile, psychotic episode. You don't just fire a loaded weapon at another person just because you're angry. That really is unhinged to say the least. The way the game mechanic was setup where she could possibly commit suicide early on in the game's development was absurd and not all that well done to make any sense to even have it, which is why I'm glad the dev eventually dropped it entirely. Now all of a sudden he wants to take her character right back to that ludicrous, irrational behavior after all this time? Again, it's absurd. Slapping him or kneeing him in the balls would have made better sense but trying to shoot him is seriously on the extreme side of loony.
They were basically standing at point blank range in the scene and there was zero implication after it zoomed back in that she actually tried to shoot him. To me you are making the same exaggerated interpretation over something you didn't like there as the people who are already sweating ghost possibilities without any actual implication of this game having any interest in NTR are. That she is super confused, pissed off, and acting out in a dramatic manner in the initial reaction of having that bombshell dropped on her lap isn't some crazy out of left field turn within a game/movie setting you are trying to make it out to be either imo.

Again, it was supposed to feel super dramatic and add that extra "the fantasy is crashing down around me" layer of dire in relationship to the story being sold that already has some pretty twisted roots. One that in that moment has a daughter confronting the possibility that it looks like her dad might have purposed stranded her on a desert island to drug and have sex with her. Extra points in my own book for being less boring.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I think it's more along the lines of how we would interpret the situation of someone holding a gun on us in close quarters, and shooting it. Point of the game is F+D, and that premise is all but gone now.
I played the ending a few different ways to get some clues to where the Dev may be going with this. The girl and Jamaican dude are clearly there for the MC, the D wasn't important to them at all. Clearly the MC is supposed to be important, and it probably is his boat/crew. My gripe is the MC is poorly written if that's the case, and the D (I have strong doubts that she is even his D) is now an unstable and borderline psychotic character moving forward.
We'll see how it unfolds when the next short release comes out in 3-4 months I guess.


Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
I think it's more along the lines of how we would interpret the situation of someone holding a gun on us in close quarters, and shooting it. Point of the game is F+D, and that premise is all but gone now.
I played the ending a few different ways to get some clues to where the Dev may be going with this. The girl and Jamaican dude are clearly there for the MC, the D wasn't important to them at all. Clearly the MC is supposed to be important, and it probably is his boat/crew. My gripe is the MC is poorly written if that's the case, and the D (I have strong doubts that she is even his D) is now an unstable and borderline psychotic character moving forward.
We'll see how it unfolds when the next short release comes out in 3-4 months I guess.
I'm not going to speculate about what's happening with this story. The dev at least got the characters off the island, though it was done in an absurd manner. Not much else could be done on that island anyway considering it was the size of a large sand bar at best. The premise is definitely ruined because of it and now the dev will have to come up with something else that's equally convoluted to fix it. I'll just wait for it to get back to the porn logic again, at least that makes some sense.
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
I must be getting old. I was unhappy with the update and unhappy about the length of time it took to arrive. I decided that I was going to end my support of the game. When I went to cancel it, I discovered that I was no longer supporting it. I had cancelled sometime in the past but can't remember when or why.

First I think the developer should have waited at least one more update before she discovered the book. It would have been interesting to have a least one day where F & D lived a day on the island having transitioned from an F & D relationship to one more like that of a husband and wife. I do agree that D holding the gun on F was too much. One poster said she was in control and when she fired she purposely missed. There is also a chance of an accident, especially if some one is overly emotional. I think the intention of the developer was that D was ready to use the gun if F had not backed down.

I believe that there is zero chance that there will be an unavoidable NTR path. It would likely lose most of the patrons it now has; and since it is not known for being an NTR game, the supporters of that genre are not here in abundance. As far as D not being F's D, I find it difficult to believe that the developers would attempt that. Again, they would piss off their current patrons. No one would ever be able to believe any of the tags in this game and just as importantly, in any future game that xRed Games might produce. What developer wants the rep that they spent over two years lying to their players and their patrons?

Yes, it's ridiculous that neither D or F recognized the stewardess. It wasn't that long ago that they saw the pictures, etc., etc... a lot of other things that don't make any sense. In my opinion, these developers are trying to write a story that is smarter than they are and not succeeding.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I just don't get where else the story can go from this point.
So the F runs back to the D that has distrust and murder on her mind for F, F tells her the people that (in her mind) saved them are bad. Then she decides her revelations about F were actually ok, and falls back in love with F because his deceit/manipulations were actually really kinda sweet. So they steal a dingy, escape back to the island, and pick up where they left off like nothing ever happened. Fucking and sucking ensues, the end. LOL

I swear, if it's anything close to this, I'm going to laugh my ass off.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
She is D. I think you're getting your F's & D's mixed up.
haha, yea...was thinking D as in Dad...was racking my brain trying to think of a dumb yet plausible story path given what we know. I'm more curious as to what his Patreons are saying about it.
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
haha, yea...was thinking D as in Dad...was racking my brain trying to think of a dumb yet plausible story path given what we know. I'm more curious as to what his Patreons are saying about it.
I don't know, turns out I'm not one.


Active Member
Oct 4, 2018
I think the dev made this decision to add a twist to it and to provide a background for Season 2. Wherever, whatever it is, it's a guarantee that you now have an even bigger uphill battle to fight in Season 2. And having to figure out how to right the wrongs done by the player and those around him is another angle to work on. What I think the dreams are doing is showing the events just prior to the stranding that as times goes on, might reveal the 1 person behind all this. My suspicion is that we've already seen the person responsible for all this somewhere in there.


Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
I must be getting old. I was unhappy with the update and unhappy about the length of time it took to arrive. I decided that I was going to end my support of the game. When I went to cancel it, I discovered that I was no longer supporting it. I had cancelled sometime in the past but can't remember when or why.

First I think the developer should have waited at least one more update before she discovered the book. It would have been interesting to have a least one day where F & D lived a day on the island having transitioned from an F & D relationship to one more like that of a husband and wife. I do agree that D holding the gun on F was too much. One poster said she was in control and when she fired she purposely missed. There is also a chance of an accident, especially if some one is overly emotional. I think the intention of the developer was that D was ready to use the gun if F had not backed down.

I believe that there is zero chance that there will be an unavoidable NTR path. It would likely lose most of the patrons it now has; and since it is not known for being an NTR game, the supporters of that genre are not here in abundance. As far as D not being F's D, I find it difficult to believe that the developers would attempt that. Again, they would piss off their current patrons. No one would ever be able to believe any of the tags in this game and just as importantly, in any future game that xRed Games might produce. What developer wants the rep that they spent over two years lying to their players and their patrons?

Yes, it's ridiculous that neither D or F recognized the stewardess. It wasn't that long ago that they saw the pictures, etc., etc... a lot of other things that don't make any sense. In my opinion, these developers are trying to write a story that is smarter than they are and not succeeding.
After what happened with Foot of the Mountains, I don't doubt anything else, two years of a game, with friendly tags, the dev simply threw an NTR in our face, and the worst, inevitable.
So this game, I will only play again after it is finished, to avoid getting frustrated again.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2018
Clearly the MC is supposed to be important, and it probably is his boat/crew. My gripe is the MC is poorly written if that's the case, and the D (I have strong doubts that she is even his D) is now an unstable and borderline psychotic character moving forward.
Again, you guys complaining about the gun scene all seem to keep doing so while purposely ignoring the variable that from*her* perspective in that aftermath's the dad there that is being framed up as the psycho. You know, kinda like the scene ripped straight out of the who did it killer movie where the girl has the gun and all the evidence starts pointing towards the revelation that the boyfriend at her side has been the slasher the entire time (but he's really not).

I mean c'mon. What is to be expected there, for her to be like:

"Hi Dad. So it looks like you you kidnapped me away to a desert island, and have been drugging me to make me have sex with you this entire time. So everything looks like one big evil intentions lie, and I'm feeling extremely betrayed and sexually violated atm. But hey...that's cool. Let me put this gun down while I'm still stuck on this island as your prisoner, and we'll rationally sit down to talk about it"

That said, agreed with another poster that there is zero chance they write Bella in as not being his daughter. Kinda guessing the mom pops up as being a key villain figure in season 2 though.
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Aug 1, 2018
First: sorry for the text wall.

F started off as a caring kind of guy. After he found the box then read and hid the pamphlet he turned into a sleaze and manipulative dick. (And why hide something you can burn?) She had every reason to be pissed and has every reason to want to shoot him. I have no issues with that part. Maybe we could have used the drugged defense for F considering he had been drinking the stuff as well, but dosing someone without their knowledge and consent is really FUed.

When the gun first showed up, D was not exactly stable so hiding it made some sense. My response to that update was questioning why he didn't toss the gun into the ocean if he was that concerned. Even if he wanted to keep it around in case of later need (which is what I would have done) anyone with firearms and half a brain knows you do not store weapons loaded; take out the bullets and the unstable person you want to not have access to deadly tools would only have a club to work with. So at that point I knew we were working with someone about a kilo and a half light.

Granted when the "rescuers" knew him by name alarm bells should have gone off in both their brains -- although she was so angry it's possible she wouldn't have noticed and we've already established he doesn't have a brain. It's also possible, given the agitated emotional state both were in, that the facial recognition part of the brain was not engaging -- a well understood problem when you have to deal with eye witness accounts of stressful situations. So that part I can also understand.

However, when someone uses your name, particularly when you do not know them, it tends to cut through the fog and immediately focus the attention. His feeling would have instantly been confirmed. He was still coherent and should have reacted to that.

Amnesia doesn't change personality if it isn't caused by damage to the brain -- which may be why he turned sleaze as soon as he found out what the stuff was. Anyone working with people who solve a problem such as the crew turning on the lights by eliminating the people involved isn't likely to be a nice guy to start with.

D's trust will never come back. The rescuers could kill the flight attendant and toss the body over the side right in front of her and that will not return her trust of F. So that relationship is DOA. I suppose they could give her what ever they did to start the amnesia in the first place, but I don't think I want to read the same story over again this soon.

This update has the feeling to me of being rushed as if a producer ran into the writing room of a series production yelling that they were just cancelled and needed to wrap up all the story arcs now. I'm hoping there is a way out of this box without having to pull a rabbit out of a hat. I liked the story; it isn't like this is the only game with a sleazy MC with no brain. I just thought the end was not up to the rest of it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2019
To give this guy some credit, this game STARTED off pretty good, I actually didn't mind the slow burn since we were inside the MCs head and we got some nice visuals and he was battling with his feelings towards D.

Where the game fell off was all this tonic/alcohol bullshit when the feelings could have been developed more naturally in these unforeseen circumstances, she's a young and naive girl that probably hasn't felt love so she can misplace the "love" her father is giving her as more romance (it's a porn game, don't justify it even further, this is enough).

Instead substance abuse was involved and the final nail in the coffin were the sexual previews in flashbacks/dreams, this REALLY killed the flow and pacing of the game where the dev was honestly milking the shit out of the fact he was going to slam his daughter. Instead of making it more "romantic" they just screwed in some vanilla unsexy way which took away from the big moment.

There was so much build up and suspense that the payoff wasn't that great, it felt rushed and more obliged too do it than him really wanting to do it.

This game is really bad now and one I won't be following any longer. It's painful watching so much potential in a game being flushed away due too so many bad decisions and poor choices.
He couldn't have done it so "romantically" as you say (although it would have been nice) because the daughter here looks like a twin sister of the daughter from DMD and if also the story was a "clone" of DMD (which would have been nice) , then who would have still played this game instead of or in addition to .. the original? Just me and you, lol :) (me only on the condition that the daughter would have been here also a CLEAR VIRGIN, not just so .. ambiguous and unclear.. which i generally dislike very much in this game coz father-daughter incest when the daughter is not a virgin makes no sense for me)
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Oct 10, 2017
When the gun first showed up, D was not exactly stable so hiding it made some sense. My response to that update was questioning why he didn't toss the gun into the ocean if he was that concerned. Even if he wanted to keep it around in case of later need (which is what I would have done) anyone with firearms and half a brain knows you do not store weapons loaded; take out the bullets and the unstable person you want to not have access to deadly tools would only have a club to work with. So at that point I knew we were working with someone about a kilo and a half light.

When you played this game, you should know, the gun was unloaded before hiding...
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2019
I get what some of you are saying. What the D did wasn't out of the realm of possibility, about anyone would have a similar reaction. The F is a few sandwiches short of a picnic, definitely no argument there.
Thing is, it's supposed to be a F+D incest game. IF there is a season two, it will have to be an entirely new game (new title, all new set of tags), it's no longer an incest game. F+D aspect is all but gone...the path of what plausibly is to happen next is NTR, turning the F into a cuck...he would deserve it for being so stupid, but I don't see how that's good for future projects with the Dev team, pulling the proverbial rug out from their Patreons with a 180 like that. Oh well
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