Others - Completed - Lewd Leaf Land - Maple Tea Ecstasy [v1.2.1] [AheGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version 1.2.1

    1. Pressing down crouches the character and affects the full body sprite shown at the side UI

    1. Falling off screen into a pit has a long sound effect and long respawn time
    2. Respawning resets the background music
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    For a game from a game jam, it's pretty alright. Boring gameplay than gets a bit tedious with all the walking you have to do, which brings it down a bit for me. The pixel art in the main levels is really cute, although it's a bit hard for some sprites to determine which ones are pass-through and which ones are the actual paltforms.

    The artstyle for the sex scenes is really alluring and detailed, which makes it a shame this game is a one and done game and wasn't much continued afterwards. The devs should definitely hold on to this one and expand on it to make it a full-fledged game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    That was damn fun for such a short platformer game. I rarely see such entertaining 18+ games such as this one. The scenes were worthwhile (hot af), I got to finish. Definitely one of the better games I've played from f95. And the music's nice!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a sweet little game with cute art, but it so desperately seeks more content. If you couldn't tell from the screenshots, the game isn't very big, but it's warm and comfy for a while, which might be worth your time.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's simple just like Mario, game is made pretty good, and the sex scenes are okay
    I pretty much spent 15 minutes? or 20? Exploring every corner of the map and going with the short story, a very short game.
    I probably gonna forget this game, played it to fulfill my curiosity.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is short (1 hour if you replay it, recommended do it: you're gonna be rewarded for do it) but have so many good things:
    1. A protagonist Tanuki with glasses what is cute.
    2. A history simple but easily enjoyable for the situations.
    3. The controls are easy: literally only needs jump mainly.
    4. The sprites (and the art, including the palette used) are great, and have rhythm with the music, what is a good detail (apart of when you jump, crouch or glide the sprite of the right changes based of what you do).
    5. For the music itself is good.
    6. The H Scenes 10/10.
    7. And the game rewards you for explore the map if you grab 5 of X thing for the .RAR what you can find when you downlad the game.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Quite short and mechanically simple platformer with bonus 2DCG sex slideshow.
    What can I say? Artstyle is neat, music is superb, game is fun (but bit repetetive) and story, boy oh boy, it's hillarious. I straightforward burst out laughing and forgot to whip out dick.

    If there would be more levels instead of looping and maybe sex animation I'd give it 5/5. Still, I'd gladly recommend this to anyone, even if it has furry (I'm not into this but somehow it's not off-putting).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't have much else of a review than "good for what it is." This game basically just achieved what it set out to do. It has nice looking CG's and looks like it has polish and care put into it. Very much recommend this short platformer.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I played this months ago before the update, and it was very poor, due to it`s shortness, but now, playing it with the next expansion... my opinion hasn`t changed much, but i can at least praise some ideas here, so let me explain my opinion.

    Gameplay wise is a simple plataformer, same stage on the 3 parts, and have some hidden zones.
    Meanwhile the controls are okay and simple, just jump and stay on air some seconds, even if some jumps might be tricky to pull off sometimes.
    From the second part, there are some eyeballs enemies, that are honestly more of a nuisance than a challenge, whsh there was a way to get rid of them.
    The objective of collecting Leafs is okay, but i think we should probably know how many we need before reaching the goal.

    Graphics wise is... well, the 16/32 bit graphics are nothing special anymore, but there is still some charm with them.
    What i like the most of this game, are the Warm colors used, that look really charming, and the main reason i got interesed on this Game tbw.

    Soundtrack is simple, literally, there is just one track for the whole game, but is one pretty cute and relaxing.
    The sound effects are pretty nice thought, not many, but fit well with the scenario.
    Plot is basically just a horny girl exploring and fucking with a monster... well, that isn`t really important in this case, but wanted to point it out like with my other reviews...

    When i first played, i would had rate it just a 2/5, or a 2.5/5 if posible.
    With the expansion, i feel this game would deserve a 3.5/5 exactly.
    However, considering that this was made for a itch.io jam, and considering it was intended to be just a brief game to relax... i will finally give it a 4/5.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Short, but sweet game jam game. This is a one level game made for a contest it you don't know what a game jam is it is basically trying out something new in a short amount of time. For that this game is great. Music and visuals are top and the naughty stuff at the end is a nice pay of for the amount of platforming. Level design is probably the biggest flaw of this.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The "gameplay" in this game is basically non-existent, all you have to do is run to the end. If you somehow fail to run past enough leaves then they respawn, so you get to do the exact same thing all over again. Lucky you! It's not like the level design is particularly worthy of exploring either. The best thing I can say about this game is that it was short, which should really tell you whether it is worth playing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    5 stars because some people cant comprehend how to properly rate a game without having one flaw immediately make a project completely invalid.

    But for real, its a short game, like 5 minutes if you want to get all 47 leaves in the first run and then see the scene. This aside the platforming is solid, the floating second jump is a bit weird but works. It feels fine and responsive and the objective is straight forward, its a platformer with collectables, namely leaves. No real reason to go past 25 unless you want to.

    The pixel art is great along with the palette choice. Music fits the aesthetic. Collecting 25 leaves rewards you with the sex scene at the end which is a titfuck and a doggystyle. Replaying the scene is made easier by the fact that your leaf count carries over so you can quickly run to the end in about a minute if you wanted to.

    Project shows promise for the developer and might be worth keeping an eye on them for their next full game project in development. For what it is, it's a pretty quick but solid representation of the quality they're capable of.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm very conflicted on this one. It's funny, cute, has good atmosphere and aesthetics, and is also very disappointingly empty.

    On the one hand, the mechanics are solid (no bugs that I experienced), the style and art are charming and wonderful, and the gameplay is decent enough for what it is. The whole thing is downright cute. I adore the main character. (Really the only character until the end.)

    But the thing is, it is woefully devoid of content. There are no enemies or obstacles other than avoiding falling to your death, which itself can be tricky since it's not always clear whether there's a lower level you can safely drop to or not. It's also irritating knowing that there are points you can't backtrack to, in order to explore everything on a single playthrough.

    Not that you'd be missing much if you did, though. Again, it lacks content. The only h-scene is at the end, and it isn't animated. I was very disappointed in the lack of spritesex, personally. If you're looking for porn, look elsewhere or ask someone to upload the stills at the end of the game.

    All that said, however, I really can't understate the quality of what little is there. I would love to see what this dev can make with more time and maybe some assistance. They clearly have a knack for style and could make greater games if they put their mind to it. I'd adore it if they made a full-fledged h-game out of this. Heck, it already feels like a test case for a bigger future project.

    If you want to waste a few minutes and enjoy the general aesthetic of the game while engaging in some rather bland but not horrible platforming while collecting leaves, by all means download it. Just don't expect much in the way of challenge, engagement, or lewd content.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The platforming section is kind of pointless and seems to just be there so the dev can feel like it's a "real game". It's kind of annoying til you realize it's pointless to get more leaves than the required 24, which are basically handed to you. At that point the difficulty is "did you realize the floating mechanic exists? you did? good job now go right and u win!"

    It's nice that you get a little window to watch the thicc tanuki girl bounce around during the platforming. But it's a missed opportunity because her outfit is a super thick sweater you can't remove to get a proper look at the bouncing goods.

    The graphics on the sex scene are pretty good. The writing is some weird drugged-out shit that'll probably take you out of the scene if you read it.

    I don't get why there are fans on a site like this trying to review-bomb...
    Likes: ob123
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    Super short but super cute and relaxing, the art is great, the music is lovely, and if there was any negative to give it that would be that it's only one level.
    There's no real difficulty to it since you have infinite lives you can just explore around and enjoy the music the whole time, the lewdness at the end is pretty silly and the music is totally unfitting but it's a wonderful experience anyway.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    meh. looked interesting but sadly wasnt. all you can do is jump and float for like 1 second. walk right, collect leaves and then get 1 sex scene. game is over in under 10 minutes and sadly thats about it. it looked nice. but isnt.
  17. V
    1.00 star(s)


    Its boring and utterly lifeless.
    You're a raccoon anthro, who looks kinda nice. I liked her design. You can jump and dive. That's it. You collect leaves, nothing else. Its just tedious and without any real purpose or aim. The level is big but also lifeless. You literally only can collect leaves. You didn't meet anybody, there are no enemies and no real obstacles either.
    You need about 24 leaves to see the one and only H scene that isn't even animated, which I kinda expected to be since the character portrait is animated too after all.
    Other than this the game is buggy, there is nothing interesting to explore or find. Your save file stays. So no matter how much leaves you gathered you always keep that amount of leaves, unless you delete that save file. But there is no reason to do this either.
    I really like the pixel graphics to be honest but as a game its just a waste of time. There is just no "gameplay" to speak of. Its like a empty husk of a game.
    The game could really use some sort of orientation so to speak. There is just nothing there at the moment.
    Enemies, or at least a difficult parkour, a time limit or even mini games or at least some sort of twist.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Music - Excellent
    Colors - Great pallet
    Art - Pixelly but awesome.
    Gameplay - Simple and not too long.
    Sex - Only one scene with a slight variation depending if you run or not. It's a quality scene none the less.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It has atmosphere, the character is cute as hecc, boob physics are nice, controls well,
    Perhaps the only crime i see this game commit is the fact that it's too short!
    I have read some hints that the creator plans to add more content with this game [depending apparently on how many leaves you collect] so i do look forward to that. Regardless, this is some good stuff!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, nice art with great gameplay!
    Classic snes era gameplay with well drawn pixel art, very forgiving, so as not to stop people from getting to the juicy stuff. Extra points for the mai character expressions. More people should try it!