Hey Crisspy, thanks for your review

And yes we're working on making things better, although i suck at writing so we probably will need to get writer for VN part, one day.
Happy Holidays!
Finally new update for patrons is OUT
Changelog so far
-Slug lady is out, yay. You can meet her in battle at Iso Test in guild.
You need to find room with mushroomgirl standing still in center
-Added Neko x Slug battle H loop and cum loop.
-Added Elf x Slug gameover CG.
-Added Kaeryn quest ingame. Basically, you need to meet NPC in normal dungeon level.
You need to raise your rank to Adventurer in guild. And you will have new quest under R tab apper.
OR you can take my save from this demo, if you're a bit lazy
Its missing couple minor things atm, but main sequence is done and all CGs are completed.
You just need to defeat monsters coming at you to get that scene. We'll add "defeat" scene later, as well as a bit more of details. Its also introducing future Boss monstergirl (minotaur magician).
Again, many thanks for our first GM tier supporter
Still working on Ant girl, but she is half done already. Should be out soon.
Please report any bug you meet in this ver since it was a bit rushed~