Ren'Py - Completed - Lewd Town Adventures [v1.0.2] [Jamleng Games]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not good at all sadly.

    The story is bad, the choices don´t really matter it´s very linear, like I wanted to be on the darkest path possible then play again and do a love route to see the different scenes but quickly gave up on that idea, because the choices are so fake, and the MC doesn´t act like my playstyle at all.

    The characters are all shallow, which I would be okay with if it would be more like "go corrupt as many girls as possible" but it isn´t each girl gets so much boring story I didn´t care at all and just wanted to give the potions and corrupt them.

    The sex scenes are bad, meh animations, boring dialogue even with the "wild" options and every feels the same.

    The jokes are very basic and I didn´t find them funny at all, though that´s objectiv, but they do ruin the atmosphere like the game can´t decide if it´s a comedy, love story, lewd or serious. In the end it just feels dry. But I did like one aspect, that the money always had different names it wan´t really funny but creative.

    Models look meh.

    Music is generic and annoying.

    Gameplay is bad, the game said in the beginning that it wouldn´t be grindy and you don´t really need to farm money okay sounds good, but the structure of the story mades it feel more tedious than any grind for money would, why does almost every character need to connect to the progression of another characters? It feels so linear, annoying and makes the sandbox aspect completly useless. The constant change of character story makes everything feel so slown.

    Wouldn´t recommend it, it´s just boring, uninspired and tedious.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is a bit bland and boring but thats not really the biggest issue, it starts up saying dev wants to show you a game like no other and yet its the same shit as every single game out there which i will explain.

    Lets start with MC, he is the biggest loser to start with which is fine but even when he gets a new body hes mindset is still extremly bad, hes lusting for everything that moves which truely kills the story, its not just extremly cringy and not even fun to read, but also its so idiotic having an MC who wants to fuck someone and then you as the player turn her down, it results in story just not making any kind of sense, i like that you can say no but it dosent change how idiotic the story feels when reading it.

    Also MC gets raped by a nurse at the hospital, where you can get pissed at the nurse for taking MCs virginity which dosent help much, also no rape tag.
    Dev made it some idotic explanation how it was needed to help me recover which on its own is brainless and still rape and its also forced sex scene with a random girl you know nothing about which is also a huge fail.

    MC will then work for a whore house that kidnap girls to use for as slaves while druging them so they stay happy...the boss is bat shit crazy and all you can do is work for them, maybe if this game had the option to work to shut them the fuck down it could have been more fun.

    Story also dosent follow choices made, you turn down someone and next time you meet MC will say "i really want to have sex with you" i mean wtf...
    MC then finds hes own sister in a room at hes new work place where shes dressed as a whore and says she needs to fuck people at some point and MC hes simply just fine with it? story makes no sense and is close to unplayable.
    To make it worse questline is pure kinetic and all that talk about choices are lies, you cant progress with importen characters like your family, with Rose you cant get her out of the whorehouse and your forced to fuck her yourself to train her, thats when i quit.
    Also when turning down a girl for sex and you talk to her next day the menu says "have sex with her again" again?

    Its now MCs job to go around using drugs on girls and get them into prostitution, theres supposed to be a love path and a dark path, but its really just a dark path nothing else.

    Sandbox is linear, you might be able to turn down a few sex scenes but some are forced like the sister and the nurse and so on, so there is no real freedom.

    Girls has a good diversity in builds and some look ok.

    Animations are very poor.

    Choices dosent really matter much its just a linear story forcinig you to go on the dark path fucking and training you sister to be a whore, hows that for a love path? i just dont get it, it promissed at the start that you could go on dark route or love routes but thats just not true.

    Sandbox is annoying and just a waste of time, no real point in having it at all, the only freedom you have is what order to do shit in but nothing ever changes outcomes are the same.
    Odd are your going to spend just as much time or more reading questlog as playing the game, since questlines are tied together cant progress without doing every girl also meaning shit will be forced and 0 freedom, pure linear storyline.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Let me get this straight - this uuughmm.... "game" is pure unfiltered cringe-fest from the very moment you press "Play". Everything from local humour and writing to gameplay and graphics will make you question your sanity, as to why you're still here to experience it all. At the start you're met with several warning screens promising that the game gets better the more you play. Well, it is sort of true, but only when it comes to narrative, everything else is a disaster front to back. While not as obvious at the beginning when you're busy struggling through all the cringe, becomes soon apparent that this is a (mostly) linear VN with maybe like one major choice and several others which are not as impactful. But it is a Sandbox. All the contents would be so much more bearable to endure through if it was an actual VN. This game is long and at least fouth of that playtime you will spend switching screens and scrolling quest log, not to mention all the inconsistencies and cognitive dissonances that came with alleged player's freedom. But do not delude yourself, you can only progress in a very strict order, so by making it a sandbox it came with none of the advantages and all it's disadvantages.
    The only reason this is not getting one star is because the story and characters are not total crap, although definitely subpar. Kurwa mać, niezalecane.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun but definitely tonally inconsistent game. It has some dark parts, it has some characters I really liked, but the creator sets up for payoffs that only kind of come. I think this is a decent first game and I hope the following game takes from the strengths.

    I do think it's worth a play if you're into KKP visuals. I came here because I wanted to see pregnant sex, and I got pregnant sex. I got maybe a little less than I would have liked, but it definitely wasn't bad.

    I only played the one route if only because frankly the other route didn't seem particularly interesting? I already saw what they thought "dark" characters were like in The Boss and Gary, and I find it unlikely that your character would be much more interesting on bad mode than what were frankly two broadly uninteresting characters.

    I think the first act of the game is reasonably cohesive, big stuff happens and has big consequences (though you can't really prevent them) and there's acceptable quality pacing (but not great). I don't think the game benefits from being structured as a sandbox. You only have to deal with the money part of the sandbox at one point in the game. All the progression is linear and dependent on previous interactions.

    The game ended at the point where I think devs felt like it had to end, but man. The ending isn't really that satisfying in structure... also it legit is like "btw you had sex with some of the women we didn't get to in the main story of the game but only a couple".

    Frankly I hope the main thing the devs take away from this experience is to have less overall LIs in the next game, because there were some that like "Why haven't you made time for me in months" and I'm like I LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TIME ANY EVENT HAPPENS CHECK TO SEE IF I CAN BUT THE DEVS DON'T WANT ME TO PLAY IN THE SANDBOX... it really is a question of quantity and overall planning.

    Also right near the end of the game you have a scene with one of the LIs you have been going with for ages to the point you have already had a child, and then the MC starts being really creepy and calling her a loli -there are a few other scenes where the MC gets really cringy/creepy in the "good" run which I don't really vibe with, and they all happen later in the game.

    Game is pretty good, worth a play, but they should really avoid making the next game a sandbox if it is going to be linear, focus on a smaller and more coherent cast of LIs, and have an overall structure in mind so that the game feels consistent.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Summary: A super long game about building a harem where you play as a completely helpless puppet for at least the first 70% percent of the playthough. Bad concept, worse execution.

    To get into the nitty gritty, the tone in this game is in conflict and pacing is non-existent. The writing does not transition around from light/comedy to dark. It instead just tries to brute force mash it all together. So all the references and jokes rarely land as the impending doom meter is always set to 11. Just constant threat of death, kidnappings or worse with no reprieve. "Mom dying in the hospital from alcoholism and I now have an awful choice to make. But bruh look, is that chad being rejected by the nurse in the background? Lmao!"

    The game itself isn't well made. Ignoring the outdated art, the checking areas gameplay itself is just boring. All the repeatable scenes aren't written as repeatable so they never make sense (e.g. regenerating hymens). And even as someone that likes sandboxes this game made me understand why some do not. While mostly empty, it still manages to have a few characters in like 3 places at once.

    Then there's the story, the worst part of the game. The villains are mwahaha style evil, often even permastuck in >=D face. And they also completely outclass the protagonist. So they get to fondle your harem, kidnap friends and family, make them cum for a month in some sex dungeon, make your harem members literally beg for their cock scrambling their brains to the point where some can't ever come back to you. But don't worry, the NTR is supposedly totally avoidable. Because when you choose the love path, the villains that performed all those unwanted sexual acts on your harem never happen to feel like going for penile insertion. How benevolent of them!

    Even when the protagonists starts pushing back, which is like a dozens of hours in, the payoff feels weak and undeserved. His successes generally a product of pure luck as the author wrote himself into a corner early on with the organization. And insult to injury, none of MC's kids are even genetically his in the same way a kid will not inherent a mother's nose job. The plot tries to play this basic scientific fact off. But the 2 sentence rational some character tries to feed you is paper thin and doesn't make sense.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's tolerable when it doesn't try to take itself seriously and does what it is good at... being light comedy. Problem is that it tries to take itself seriously with main plot and it just fails on so many levels that it is just makes it hard to read it without cringing and questioning everything.
    This mix just doesn't work here. Comedy, pretty much everywhere else, and whatever serious shit is going with organization just doesn't work in my opinion and made me stop caring about what's going on.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not bad, but it's far from deserving 4 stars:

    Visually it is good but at times the faces simply make quite strange gestures, obviously a product of the engine being used but which could be improved.

    The story is... weird, you're a (very) weird guy who gets paid to drug girls... and that's it, that's basically it, you can choose to be a "good guy" but in general whatever the MC chooses it's just a loser that no one really respects.

    The worst thing is without a doubt the gameplay, this is a sandobox in which you have to earn points... and even worse, you have schedules to be able to interact with the girls, did the visit time pass you by? Well now wait for a day in the best scenario to continue farming points.

    In short, it is a fuckfest with a rather strange "story", a losing MC who tries to play hard to get and an infinite number of repetitions of events until he gets the desired points.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A 8-9/10 game recommendation to those who want a great story to enjoy that can be extremely wholesome, extremely evil, or a mixture of both. I feel that maybe the stars could be lower, but judging by how much time I've invested into this game and how much I enjoy it, but the story is a bit iffy.

    Gameplay : Most choices don't matter, but the important ones, you will be given indications to know what path you want to pick. The game is very long depending on how much time you spend progressing, personally, probably around 1 - 2 weeks of gameplay. I will say that one issue that kind of bothered me is that the game lags sometimes, and runs a bit slower for some reason. Though this problem won't effect your experience at all.

    Story : 3 paths where two are similar (one evil ending, one ntr cuck) and one good ending that has harem included, so say less! The story is ok (not the greatest) and generic, the MC gets into an accident, wakes up and gets pulled into this secret society filled with corruption with much more, will you choose to join the dark side, or get rid of the corruption happening in Lewd Town. There are parts where the story can be extremely wholesome or degrading where you treat female characters as slaves for some personal or other gain. If you are into cuck or NTR content, there is another "secret" path you could take as well. I will say that the story can sometimes be a bit confusing and not making a whole lot of sense. Some characters are just there for fun, not really a apart of the story much, which why even add them at all. You also need to progress each character's story up to a certain point inorder to move on further into the game.

    Visuals : Though not my preferred realism model character styles, instead leaning towards more anime-ish, I have to say that this game does its job pretty well. Obviously I feel that the game has graphics on a lower FPS side of things, but it really doesn't effect the overall core game.

    Scenes : Scenes are amazing despite me saying that the graphics resemble the game on the lower FPS side. The only downside I see is that there isn't voice overs or much sound effects during scenes. However, if you overlook the no voice, sound effects, or the lower end visuals, this game is extremely solid. Animations are pretty standard and good, not made with stop motion which is a great plus.

    Customer Support : N/A

    Overall, a great game to try that could easily last you days worth of content, that isn't really boring. Mind you that it took me around 1-2 weeks to ground out the whole game, finished all the paths. This is a noteworthy game to try out whenever you feel bored.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.0.2

    I don't think this game is bad. But it's not great either.

    While it has quite a few fetishes that i enjoyed (Incest, Pregnancy in particular), i think the game sadly falls short on the gameplay and it's story, arguably the two massive centerpieces of the game's design.

    First, the gameplay.

    The devs said; there is no grind. This is partly true; while you never grind for money or bullshit relationships points (which is a MASSIVE pet peeve of mine), this is pretty much negated by the fact that you constantly bounce around in the sandbox having to trigger story sequences over time, which are mostly tied to a day counter where events can be seen once a specific day threshold has passed. So you constantly bring up the journal (thanks fuck for that), scroll through your options, see which ones you can do today if any and do them in order. Wash, rince and repeat for 145 days.

    You're also entirely obligated to progress all characters at once, since their progression and events are intimately tied together. Not a big deal if there were a few characters, but when you have something like 30+ to keep track of, it gets old fast to constantly be thrown out of the loop when you pick back up the story and specific chain of events tied to said characters.

    Want to see a particular character in action? Better pray to god you didn't picked one that doesn't actually have much content at all or is basically is just at the very end of the game. Sophia, Hilda, Stacy, Sarah, etc...

    This brings me to my next point; the story. It's.... meh. It's not truly "bad" per say but honestly most everything start falling apart and not making much sense the longer you get into it, you get characters that act erratically or whose intentions are entirely unclear or shallow. There is many sequences in the game which are anachronistic or just poorly timed; pregnancy that go full term in a few in-game weeks, the MC mentioning that he's been working his current job for over a year, despite only being at 120 days in the counter, clearly time-sensitive events being messed up (hey, meet me at the cafe tomorrow, but you're forced to wait 5 days later until the day counter actually allows you to get there), etc...

    Then there is a few characters from other known IP that pops up, like Nani from Lilo and Stitch, which doesn't fit at all into all this hot mess. There is a few other ones of course, but she's by far the sorest thumb of the bunch. It would have been fine as a funny easter egg, but as a somewhat key romanceable character? Come on, it feels weird as fuck.

    And mind you; you're obligated to progress all characters at once. So you can't just ignore characters that you're not interested in or skip over them.

    Finally, the game has few truly interesting choices and player participation parts; there is a "good" and "dark" path, but there is literally only a handful of choices tied to those, with only one big one in the middle that truly matters. Otherwise, most of your choices are mostly related to which types of contents you wish to see (or not see), but even those are few and far in-between.

    Speaking of... the sex scenes are not great. You don't often get interactions with them (like choosing angles or positions), they're the usual Kokaitsu default animations and effects. There is quite a few in the game overall at least, but with the pacing of the game, they may very well be quite far in-between encounters.

    This is why it doesn't score more than three stars. Because despite having quite a lot of content, a few interesting characters and plot arcs, a bunch of kinks, corruption routes and being actually a completed game for once, the game lags behind in its main gameplay and story loop design, repetitive and relatively boring sex scenes, lack of true choice for which characters you wish to pursue, too many romanceable characters to care about and more.

    A worthy game to try out if you don't have better options, and you're seeking some somewhat well-made pregnancy and incest content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 1.0.2

    It's not often that one comes across a good game early in development in a sea of Honey Select/Koikatsu VNs and the uncanny valleys of DAZ. Rarer still is witnessing said game deliver its promises and be released as a full complete product where many others either sputter away into obscurity or turned into yet another Patreon/SS cash cow for the developers.

    Lewd Town Adventures is an adventure both in-game and out of it. Having followed it ever since Jamleng first released it here, watching the game's development highs and lows was an adventure in and of itself, especially back when Patreon started cracking down hard on erotic content creators. The development team went from Jamleng alone to having a small yet reliable crew that actively engaged with the community here and beyond.

    As for the game itself, it's a lighthearted and sometimes comedic romp that does not shy away from dark themes. The writing is often times silly, but given the story it tries to tell, it works in its favor rather than taking the player out of the experience. Given that English is not the creator's first language, the fact that the characters he's made are memorable is an amazing feat. There was not a single character that I hated that wasn't intended to be despicable.

    Gameplay is simple enough. It's a Renpy VN. Not much to do but to click dialogue. If anything, given the scope of the game and what it tries to accomplish, I appreciate its simplicity instead of attempting to create arbitrary minigames that demand a lot of the engine.

    The scenes are a delight considering that they were most definitely made with Koikatsu. Where the animations are serviceable, it is the writing that comes with it that help set the appropriate mood.

    The overall plot, while impressive in scale, is rather simple: You play as a guy born with terrible physical genetics that later finds his life turned upside down after surviving a car accident wherein he becomes a completely new man. All of a sudden, he finds that he can definitely get all the women he could ever want, but the catch is that he must work for a sketchy organisation. You get to choose whether you want to be as good of a person you could be, or give in to darkness and embrace it.

    If you are worried that you might need to consult some 200-page walkthrough some anon has cooked up, fret not! The game makes it painstakingly clear which choices lead to good or dark outcomes. The same applies to any scenes that might not be up your alley, which I personally appreciate since it's sadly common to be railroaded into watching kinks you don't like in most games of this nature.

    Do note, however, that this VN has a lot of content so this will eat up quite a bit of your day unless you are sufficiently lifeless enough to go through it all in one sitting.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I remember playing this game a few years ago. After seeing the completed tag, I thought it was time to start the adventure all over again. And what can I say, I loved it right up to the end of chapter 2. Funny moments, touching moments. Great writing in the sex scenes too. I haven't read if there's a reason for what happens next though, but the game is incredibly messed up in chapter 3. The dev certainly has a good reason, but it's disrespectful to all the work done up to that point, I think. I chose the right path when you have a choice to make, maybe the other one is more complete... A very good time spent in spite of everything, but spoiled by this last chapter...
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is mainly concentrated around Official Mobile port for the game
    i been following game loosely since couple of versions ago
    never liked the perspective of druging girls into corruption, but i enjoy domination and kindness

    Mayor issue with the game is horrible performance on android
    text lag behind, sometime display only half of itself
    things work like it would be 10 FPSes experience while its not weak phone or anything like this, any other game lewd or not worked fine

    i appreciate the fact that game is COMPLETED
    i m getting used to this 2 years + projects not even half way done
    and whole: support me and check next update...
    i know its a passion projects and free games, but when eveerything want me to wait for new update COMPLETED game gets +1

    Character design seems very limited, its either presets or modified versions of character design
    some of the characters are taken from IPs

    Story of the game is idiotic and prologue is wild and different from rest of the game
    game lack polish and restrict the events to DAY COUNTER
    you literally can not do A2, because now you can only do C1 and author don't care that you wanted to pursue 1 storyline or character...

    Music is terrible
    typical lewd game copy-paste music with spicy sex music for sex scenes...
    you could simply use less generic ambient themes
    is every porn game author getting this music with renpy engine or what the fuck?

    anyways game is free, game is finished and its relatively easy sandbox game without minigames
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    jack brisen

    kreygasm of a game
    had a lot of fun playing this game
    story is well written and built.
    cant wait for the next project from the dev
    renders are great
    its a bit grindy but has a lot of content that you can build a lot of relationships and build your harem for people that like that type of kink
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Very basic and beyond common and far to many girls ie quantity over quality.

    Was given it a chance since it gives ""good"" and worse (bad) routes and kept saying it different but all that is the most common and that includes saying all that in game, but always worth giving it a try but ya just typical heavily drug up girls to get them to be open to massive amounts of sex with the difference of appearing good ie less bad corruption or be bad and embrace the corrupting.

    I would give it a 2/5 personally since I am tired of drug corruption and its not something I like, but I understand countless do love it and that why there are countless of them so its just the average, if it had less girls and less immediate drug corruption I could have maybe seen it as a potential 3.8/5 tops ie worthy of 4/5 since it has ok bits it seems at rare times like actually attempting to be normal, sane, and good but those are quickly tossed out even faster then the drugged up gals sex time.

    Was also hoping for a change this would have had not drug them up corruption and a actual good route, but I think that would have been impossible with 60+gals or whatever it has, but maybe would have been again had it few of them again especially with some the normal and rejecting responses you get at start before learning of the drug.
    Also felt odd how fast family takes a backseat with that prologue and everything but again 60+ gals so it understandable in that sense.

    But if you looking for just sex which this largely is... use what they used to make the models and sex and then you get the benefit of more interaction with them, more sex in every way and any way you want, make them look any way you want, etc..
    All also instead of having to click around a map randomly-then read events progression task to properly progress -click map around more-say here have take this drug dumb gal -then sex all on repeat with 59 to have sex with the 60th you actually want (as all that another thing game does).
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Now that it's finished, I can review it. Although the story is not always linear (but who cares, it's a lewd game!) it is still fun to enjoy. The VN is packed with NSFW scenes and it's remarkable that the player is given the choice of the path to follow, so that one can actually enjoy two well-rounded gameplays. Dialogues are satisfactories and so are the story arcs (although the finale could have been explored a little more) of all the love interests, whose personalities stand up from the rest of the VNs on this platform. Overall a solid 9/10, and I can't wait for future projects by this dev (who, btw, has updated on this site constantly and has always been open to feedback, which is very much appreciated).
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Congrats on the finished game, really, you deserve recognition for that. I won't be the one to give you extra stars just for participation. I waited for you to finish the game to review it, and unfortunately for you, my opinion of your game only got worse.

    This game is quantity over quality in every way, shape, or form. The biggest offender is that the sandbox is awful. You don't get to decide who you progress, most of the game is filled with softlocks that control the pace of the game.

    Bugs. Yeah, I've been following the game for the past few years and each time I tried to play, I ran into issues with the in-game guide that didn't work properly.

    Generic animations. This is entirely why you get 1 star from me. You just use basic koikatsu animations and there is constant clipping.
    The thread is filled with people comparing your render/animation count to devs that make high-quality animations and renders and acting like you work 10x harder. No, you just made 10 angles of the same generic koikatsu animation.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    lewd town adventures is an extremely long game which somehow manages to maintain its quality throughout the length of its story through interesting characters and plot points. don't be dismayed by the NTR tag as it is all completely avoidable.

    the only reason I did not give this 5 stars is that the game just kind of ends out of nowhere and leaves many characters such as felicia and Natalie with unresolved stories.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, blackmail is solid and believable and the multiple routes are a nice touch. I will be enthusiastically waiting for all future updates as this is one of the best games uploaded to this site.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Insane insane insane amount of content and good animations and scenes included. Definitely has the hallmarks of an older game (kinda laggy, the style of the sandbox is meh) but by god the quality and amount of content here is truly deserving of 5 stars.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    How Long To Beat: 10+ hours

    A happy cute anime aesthetic belies a morbid story.

    There are a TON of potential love interests in the game. Each one has multiple routes, usually centered around Love or Corruption. The character models are all unique. The costuming gets very sexy. The animations are very good. Progression on every route is straightforward, although many hinge on factors of progression. (IE, you may want to progress Character A, but you need to progress Character B to a specific level to unlock the rest of the route. ) The town map is the average Town Map in a Sandbox game, but it is easy to understand and traverse.

    Unfortunately the game's writing eventually turned me off.

    There is a warning at the beginning of the game that hints at some of the darker aspects of the story. It says to not take things seriously, and it characterizes it as dark humor in a goofy game. Hey, that's cool with me. I'm desensitized, and I have a good sense of humor, especially with darker ideas. This warning didn't prepare me for how dark this story gets.

    For context, the MC starts the game as an Ugly Bastard. He has a life-threatening accident. A shadow corporation provides medical attention and gives him a beauty treatment. Now he's handsome and has a big dick! Unfortunately for him, he is now indebted to this shadow corporation, and they are as evil as it gets. The MC has to recruit women to be sex slaves for the corporation, and has has to train sex slaves, which will eventually be auctioned off.

    As mentioned, each character gets a Love Route or a Corruption Route. This usually means trying to be a positive force in a character's life, or using a special serum to alter the character's personality. There are scenes specific to routes. So for example, if you are attracted to a character, and you like double penetration, you may only get that type of scene if you Corrupt them, and only get more vanilla sex through the Love Route. I like corruption games. I enjoy breaking through barriers and making female character uninhibited by desire. However, many of the corruption stories for these characters are outright depressing. For instance, there is a young lady who you have to decide early in her route for Love or Corruption. Then it turns out Corruption means she will get kidnapped by her father, put in a cage, get gang raped, then get forced into prostitution where she fucks dirty men in an alley. Hey, I was just trying to have some fun here, and this is depressing as hell. The writing in this game is good, and has a strong sense of continuity. So now the girl's mother is an absolute wreck because her ex has kidnapped her daughter. Now I get a choice on Love Route, which means being supportive, or Corrupting, which means drugging her with a serum so she no longer mourns the loss of her daughter and eventually sells herself to the Shadow Corporation to become a sex slave and get auctioned. Jeeze.

    It's difficult to avoid these horribly dark turns in the story, since progression is often linked across characters. You can't progress the main story without dipping your toes into these individual stories. You don't often know how awful these stories get when you are deciding on your route. That said, the morbidity isn't exclusive to the side stories. There is a major scene in the main story where the shadow corporation has leaders come in and interview the agents, which include the MC, and their top-trained sex slave. If you've chosen Love routes for most of the game, narratively speaking, you are quietly raging against these evil people, but are forced to toe the line to prevent danger. In this scene, an unnamed character's sex slave, who is implied he has a connection with, is ceremoniously shot in the head, and he lays there crying over her dead body. What the fuck?

    This is a Ren'Py game and it is possible to scroll back decisions. This isn't a practical solution to renegging on a path choice, due to the way the character stories progress from decisions. It's easy to get too far to go back without replaying long sections of the game.

    This isn't a moral argument against the game. I don't begrudge people with more aggressive kinks in the safety of fiction. I also commend a game for attempting to have major stakes in the game; this speaks to the quality of writing with the characters and the overall story. However, the directions of the story made me feel bad on multiple occasions. The game's aesthetic is cute anime girls. It's bright and sunny. And yet many of the story arcs within this game took a turn to the depraved and lost it's erogeny. I'm here to have fun and get horny, but now my sister's a sex slave and my alcoholic mother who I want to fuck is dying and the only solution is to sell her to the shadow corporation that's forcing me to drug and rape school girls.

    There is a ton of content here, all of it animated. The narrative writing, specifically plot progression, while not to my taste, is solid. The dialogue is annoying, often terrible. The list of kinks is innumerable. I try to finish these games, and I very rarely drop out due to story, but it got too much for me. I don't think a slapdash warning of "Don't take this seriously! It's all for fun!" is enough to ameliorate the disturbing and morbid areas this explores.

    So I'd say play it until you get turned off. There's some excellent kinky stuff here. I just wish it had maintained the lighter tone rather than doubling down on the darkness.