What's wrong with having them but being separate paths and having an additional path for vanilla people like you too? Your emphatic complaining may transform the game to your liking (if the dev is so inclined), but ruin it for others. I can also say that in your manner:
"I prefer NOT to skip or avoid domination, especially femdom (if I have to choose I prefer more extreme female domination, that just means I like soft femdom less than exteme femdom, although I like them both). Personally, if Yuna's story (or some other female's story) will not have all or most of her sex scenes as extreme FemDom (or soft femdom), probably I will skip it."
How does it feel?
That's why I specifically asked if there will be a PATH for my preference and not asked for my preference at the cost of exclusion of other preferences. Lets have a game we all can enjoy and sing kumbaya together!

Of course, the ideal thing would be for the dev not listen to me or you or anyone and simply make the game they want to make and we simply choosing it if its for us or not choosing to play it if its not.
If I will ever make a game, I will write a preventive disclaimer for what people will get, so to avoid any such conversations like this. If I would make two or three paths, I would name them and I would also name what will never be in my game. That way it would hopefully be crystal clear what to expect.