HTML - Life Choices [v0.8.8.73] [Burningsun]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really loved playing the game and note that it's still in development so it can only get better and can't wait for more updates both for Amsterdam (new job options) and even the promised new cities... I've added a notes on some thoughts about future development of the game. Whilst there is a lot of clicking and choosing, especially early on I quite liked the element of control provided albeit it takes a while for the content to develop; for me this was well worthwhile as it's a great game. Thanks!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    For a sandbox game there's barely any freedom, and I would prefer if this was a completely linear game that railroads you towards inevitable sexual content.

    The game has plenty of things to track and to do, but they inevitably turn into a grind that's not even supported by sexual content. The thing you came for is mostly locked behind failing to grind, and I didn't find that out by myself: I got disappointed too early, if an hour or two of seeing only mild nudity can be considered "too early". All this time was spent on repeating same actions over and over without even a hint of some other way to progress.

    I probably would've unlocked some actual porn scenes, but I failed to understand that saying "no" to the photographer, that slowly makes you shoot more and more explicit scenes, would completely end that storyline.
    It was a scene where he offers weed to the protagonist. Not demands. Thinking that I don't want to track addiction on top of everything else, I declined, to which the photographer responded by telling me to get the fuck out. That's where I gave up. At this point the photo shoots had only mild nudity, two girls just showing tits.

    From forum posts I found out that you have to take a loan and fail to pay back to get to most of the other NSFW content. Everything in this game prompts you to keep struggling, because, you know, it's a game. You want to win.

    I can't vouch for the statement of "you have to go into debt to see porn", but I still can't rate this higher than 1/5. It's clunky, it's mind-numbing, it's annoying. It can't deliver neither a good management sim experience nor a good erotic content. If this is version 0.8, version 1.0 can't possibly be reworked into something fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game i keep coming back to it its fun got hot sex and interesting characters and honestly makes me wonder if Europe is like this and if it is im living in the wrong place and need to move to the EU asap
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I've played several iterations of the version 0.8.x.

    The author calls it a "sandbox", but that's a bit misleading. It would be rather pointless to "play" it as a sandbox life simulator, as most of its actual "content" is what leads you to one of its "endings", there's no "game" to play in it. So, in reality, this is actually a highly grindy visual novel with multiple endings and to be honest, none of the endings is worth all that grind. The author also has really strange ideas about how things should work, some of which are not only highly unrealistic, but also quite annoying.

    If you REALLY want to give this a go, keep in mind that there are points of no return for each story, at which you'd want to create a separate "save", because after that point you're going to be taken to one of the endings, one way or another and the author never lets you know that you've arrived one those points of no return, so save often.

    Once you've reached a point of no return in the story, you'll not be given any option to back out, the MC will become a total idiot. Her skills, such as intelligence, self defense, and so on will all be ignored completely and the more you try to avoid a bad ending, the quicker you'll get there.

    I'd recommend not to waste your time on this annoying clickfest of a VN.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Made by teen take your standard crap HTML grindulator.

    All retarded boring crap included: Barbie sim, hard working misery, toilet routines, shopping to by crap, handjob and and three million words that tell no plot.

    Enjoy yourself.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    • Great story paths, but definetely too much grinding... -1 star for that. It's of course closer to reality, thanks to this, but do we play H-games to experience reality?
    • Random events are fun, and addiction scheme is cool.
    • It's a pitty, that you cant go back to prevoius choice (besides saving a lot of course). Once again - it's closer to reality when you can't go back in time, but... ;p
    • Very hot endings - didn't discover all of them yet, so it'd be cool, to create some kind list of hints, how to reach each of the endings
    • It's hard to play without cheating in console.
    • somewhat unreal pregnancy system - as maid "i" was filled with cum day after day, and.... nothing?
    I'm balancing between 3 and 4 stars, but in the end im giving 4, cuz this game destroyed my no nut november :HideThePain:
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This was quite a good game. It definately kept my attention all the way through and the story was not bad at all. I went the maid route and saw that all the way to it's completion. I would assume that all the routes are relatively the same.

    I will say this thought, it is a bit more of a grind/management fest than I particularly care for. About 80% of the game is just going through the daily routine and managing numbers.

    I did like the random events however, those were interesting most of the time. The story I played through had decent progression, only ran into a few complications during my play. With the different job choices and planned cities I can see this game being quite repayable for those who like it's style. I'll likely replay it again at a latter time myself.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    are u enjoy female mc , corruption type games

    than this game will be god tier in your top list
    a lot of endings
    kind of boring in first try but just try to understand the mechanics
    its take time but
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a good one, on its way to hopefully becoming a 5-star game. The protagonist feels like a real person, and lives in a place that feels real. There is a considerable amount of sexy content here, some for probably the vast majority of players.

    There are some things that I would like to see expanded before I declare it a 5-star game. I would like to see the Red Light District and some other loose ends expanded to what their potential suggests that they can be. I would also like to see an expanded relationship system, such that more romantic interests feel more real as well. Additionally, it would be fun to have additional possible events at some otherwise bland locations, and further customize the protagonist (doesn't have to be too extensive, but could add some excitement for the player).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The deepest HTML game like this I've played so far, this is really well done, and the main reason I keep coming back to this site every few weeks, to check for updates. Top notch work, highly recommended.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game despite itself.

    Buy €1500 worth of jewelry so you can forgo applying make-up.
    Lose morale to your crippling marijuana addiction.
    Yell at homeless people so you can make sluttier decisions in the future.
    Menstruation and your coke habit have your health stat plummeting! Better use the toilet fifteen times in a row.

    The stats/inventory system is bloated and unbalanced. It'd be real nice if the desire stat accrued faster- masturbate or lewd scenarios will be forced upon you would be a fun mechanic. Instead you advance the plot through grind. Which is OK... but realistically this game is four mostly linear sex stories mixed in with RNG vignettes based on how you've let your stats trend. I like that the corruption is gradual- if you want instant gratification, there's other media for that.

    Writing's solid and props to the image curation. More content with any of the characters would be welcome. Or a tattoo parlor. Or a functional red light district. The game states that there are three additional city settings to be implemented, which frankly I feel would be a waste of the creator's time and energy.

    It's kind of a mess, but it's worth checking out.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I realy like this game. But i would love a similar game with a Male Protagonist. Because there are none of those games with Male protagonist. And if there are games with Male Protagonist most of them are transformation or sissyfication games.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I've been playing this game on and off for I think over a year by now and initially I liked it, because it was still new and unknown and its potential seemed great. One would think that when you make a game called Life CHOICES one could make lots of choices that affect your character in various ways. Instead, this game has you doing the same thing over and over and rolls the dice to see how it affects you after each action.

    There is no reward for playing the 'good girl'. Just an ever increasing spiral of expenses triggered primarily by your landlord, and you can't even sleep with him to pay rent unless you have an exact stat and an exact event to trigger. In my recent playthrough I managed to get my dignity low enough, but because my roommate doesn't talk to me about other methods of compensation, I'm stuck paying more and more rent with my shitty job. As a 'good girl' when you can't afford rent anymore you are forced to go home and then kidnapped en route and have a bad ending. In my playthrough, that was like the only 'sexy' thing that happened to my character even though I was shooting for a bad girl route, which I failed miserably at...

    And the only reason I failed my last playthrough was because I kept getting bad rolls on my events. You see, you need morale if you want to get the most money out of your job. You could take drugs, go relax at the park or mingle at the pub to increase morale. Drugs cost money. I tried to do like 5 morale increase attempts at the park and pub. 2 events at the pub resulted in a BOO SCARY CLOWN and the remaining attempts at the bar came up negative. Result: you suck at your job the next day. Even taking a shower runs the risk of raising your prudishness, because your stat is too high when the naked guys come in, even though you ran around town yesterday trying to get corruption events to trigger and maybe you managed to get 1 point- completely undone by taking a shower the next morning.

    Does this game exercise the creator's writing skills? No. After over a year the text remains the same with almost nothing new added in terms of flavour text. Imagine if your landlord has 5 or 6 different things to say every week when you pay rent. This game isn't imaginative to do that and then on the main page it has the audacity to suggest that in the future, more cities to adventure in will be created. And this game was started in 2016...

    As I'm writing down my thoughts on this game, Newlife has just had an update, and that is a text based game similar to this that has dozens of encounters that have a lot of writing, and as of now that game scores lower than LC by about half a star, even though mechanically Newlife blows LC out of the water. Your character in NL can actually plan a wardrobe and wear different things for occasions. In LC you only have 1 option for a clubbing outfit and then hilariously are turned away at the club doors because you forgot take a shower before you left the apartment.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This sim is probably the best example on what not to do when making a porn game. Way too grindy and for a game that has the word "choices" in the title, the choices are extremely restricted by a stat grind. It reminds me heavily of mods for certain videogames that try to be realistic at the cost of good gameplay and end up failing at both. Having porn content be locked behind a stat grind, randomness AND timing is just poor game design. Yeah I did grind to some of the porn content just to see if it was worth it but of course it wasn't. I'd have loved to see rape scenes but because of all the grinding my luck and dignity stats seemed way too high for that to ever happen, the best I got were some public groping scenes that I almost clicked past because they pop up like every other random event that is completely useless. There's way too many useless images and gifs that add nothing to the game and just make you tune them out mentally. It's a porn game, if you're gonna have images in it, have them be porn, there is no need to give me stock images from public places, I can google those myself. If this wasn't a porn game, almost nobody would be playing it because it's a boring grind, however people get sucked into this (me included) because of the promise of porn. The issue here is that the porn is not worth the wait, it's as bland as every other screen in the game.

    TL;DR if you want porn, it's not worth grinding for it. If you want to grind, there's better games out there. If you want a life sim, just live your life. If you want to support a developer financially, pick out someone who does more than use porn gifs with bland writing. If the gifs excite you just go to a porn site.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    So I'll talk about my journey with the game as while it didn't appeal to me it might to you...

    I started off fairly normally, got a job in the library, was going to work each day, and so on ... but it quickly got boring as hell, just running through the same washing and going to work and things each day (most people have to do all that crap in real life, it's not exactly fun to then double up on in a game), and then I quit out once I finally got to the club and couldn't get in (didn't want to grind more for clothes and things) ... the defence of this seems to be realism, but if we're being realistic here then a girl can go to the pub alone and be hit on by 10 dudes an hour, you shouldn't have to go to a club to get dicked, there are club events every night of the week in most major cities (and I've never been but I presume this is true in Amsterdam too) whereas it's thurs-sat night here, people's looks aren't a 0 without makeup, you don't need makeup to work in an library, and it probably doesn't improve your looks by 25% of the way to perfection, etc ... eventually I tried just stopping paying rent to see if that'd start some creepy landlord action but it just lead to a bad end.

    Anyway, people seem to really dig the game, so I figured to be fair I'd give it a much more through try as I'd only had a few weeks of ingame time with my first shot ... so this time I slapped it on the easiest setting, got a job as a fashion model (the library gig seemed to be making me a bit prudish - which again makes no sense, in fact the way the liberal stat moves in general is very frustrating) and tried to see what I could do ... things do open out one you get to the club, you can flirt with guys and girls and go home with them, occasionally get some group sex if you're offered the coke event, but once you've got the gloryhole up and running you can really pump up your sex experience and things.

    But the game is still grindy as hell. I don't mind slowburn games if they're of the visual novel style because things keep moving forward ... but here it's just repeating the same stuff over and over and over again ... only after 40 times of working my model gig was he asking me to take off my underwear, and is like 'oooh I knew you were slutty' - yeah, I've grinded up my reputation (how slutty people know you are) to close to 100, have almost 0 dignity, am literally addicted to cum, and only after so many times of boringly going to work are things even beginning to start up there... luckily after that point people will occasionally proposition you (having seen the videos) but I can still get naked and lie down in a park and have nothing happen, or go completely naked into a men's only sauna and just be flirted with, not gangbanged and stuff.

    Despite buying a map, the way to find the sex shop is to stumble across a poster for it, and have that happen when you're open to such things (as she apparently is such a prude she'd run away from it early on, and can't remember it later unless you see it again) ... apparently there's a beach but it never became available to me ... maybe someone at the dance school tells you about it (I was generally too busy with work to go there), or maybe at the church (that moved my stats in the wrong direction so I avoided) ... there very well may be a ton of good stuff in the game I've not found, but if you have to go and trawl through the comments to find how to unlock it all then that's just poor game design... like there's a phone, but the only person that'll pick up if you call them is your employer and that's just to quit ... I presume it actually has a function, maybe if you grind up more relationship points with these people, but if you rarely see them and they won't answer if you call them then I dunno how.

    One thing I thought the dev did well was not trying to have gifs and things that always featured the same actress, many games with real porn make that mistake and then they have 0 choice over what happens as they can only follow the path set by the video they're taking bits from ... here he just chooses ones that fit the vibe of what's happening and so is free to bounce around, and it's a much smarter choice.

    So yeah, the game element is grindy, unfun, and tiresome ... and the payoff once you've worked on your stats and things just isn't worth it at all, the sex scenes I did encounter never really lit a fire in me or got me off at all ... but people do seem to like the game, so I won't say it's something to be avoided at all costs but maybe make sure you're up for it, as it certainly wasn't for me.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Another super boring text game with loads of grinding.
    There are many features that are not implemented even though the game has been developed for half of a decade. For example, you go to the Red Light District (of course that is where you go first in Amsterdam in a adult game), but there is almost no content there.
    As usual, there are plenty of meaningless stats such as luck, energy, self defence and so on, that contribute nothing to the story, but it takes a lot of time to keep them above a certain level. You must be pretty enough to work at a library and so it is necessary to apply make up all the time!
    I strongly believe that a text-based game should concetrate as much as possible on the story, not on some stupid numbers and clicking. And in this game there is almost no story at all. No story, no art, no fun.

    A waste of time. A lot of time. Stay away from it!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I can't believe I never wrote a review for this one.

    I've been checking in on Life Choices for ages now, probably before the 0.5 update but I can't recall. Over time this has been one of my favorites on the site and is outstanding. The dev continues to develop at a steady pace adding new content and ideas to an already meaty game full of corruption and sex. If the kinks appeal to you then this is a must play.

    10/10 even in development.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a small masterpiece imo. It surprised me how addictive a html based game can be. Its the only game since everquest back in the 90's that I have pulled an all-nighter on lol. I'm guessing its the stat enhancement part of the game that did it.

    The game combines leveling up your characters stats(fitness, looks, money etc), with different encounters along the way. Some of them apparently tied into your characters stats, and which of the 4 main jobs you choose to pursue.

    The game can feel quite grindy though, so it might not be for everyone. There are currently 4 main jobs you can take in the game(flowershop, photoshoot, library and maid), and I started with the flowershop route(on normal difficulty), that one felt incredibly grindy, since you only make just enough money to pay the rent(which gets increased!). But I since read that the developer himself recommends trying the photoshoot route for beginners, and I agree, the progress on that route is much easier(since you seem to get paid more) and more enjoyable.

    All in all a great game, but before you sit down and play it, make sure you have lots of time available, because the progress is not fast :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Just great game,
    i discovered this "new" (for me ) style of games a year ago (more or less) with girl-life, and freecities too, your game is awesome for me, i only hope , like everyone who likes it, more content will be nice ! :), anyway i know that nice work of u is made for free, and i wish someday i could colaborate with money or some working whith u or another similar nice project. But first always will be the real life ;).. atm.

    Sorry for possibly mistakes, your game helps a bit improving my english

    and the most important ! Thank you
    Your work produce more hours of entertaiment than u will never thought
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I find this game rather mediocre.

    The grind is really tedious and the UI is simply not comfortable - you just need too many clicks... Don`t get me wrong, I am a big fan of well-made HTML games and the selection of pics and gifs on the other hand are well-chosen.

    What could make this game much more enjoyable for me would be a back button; for example the trial and error with the job interviews is just plain annoying. The choices you get there add nothing to the experience, but if you fail to pick the right one and did not save before the choice you are in a world of grind (or pick otherwise but hey, you already chose to go the interview in the 1st place).

    I had a look on this game from the start of it's development and tried it dozens of times and it could not hook me once for more then 10 mins.

    It is girl life with a better english and a bit less grind, but personally it is still too tedious.

    3 (2.5) stars.