VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Life Happened [v0.4.3] [Kinky Shop]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Must thank the creator, this game inspired to write a series of 4 interconnected stories. The game had a few problems in v0.1 but hose were some minor error or experimental error. The storytelling and also the story itself is very good. Never thought a 40 yr old man can initiate such a engaging story.
    Kudos to the game, kudos to [Kinky Shop].
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Words are just not enough to describe this game, considering this one exceeds the mass majority of games here in almost every aspect. This is one of those games where 5 stars just aren't enough to do justice.

    First of all renders are top notch as well as animations, top notch and abundant in numbers, backgrounds just beautiful, details plentiful, visuals are the first thing for me personally, that and models, if those dont appeal to me I personally find it hard to engage in a game, the ones here are absolutely fantastic and so are the models, especially the main(?) Danna right now, exactly the kind of female model that personally appeals to me most and I hope more follow.

    On to story, its a engaging, gripping, one of those where you are hooked from the first line, and very very few are able to capture this level of interest. A proper, very detailed prologue, very interesting situations, characters, believable, funny, lots of references and little things (but not that make you cringe or frustrated, those that go seamlessly and keep your interest at all times high), no useless banter, or filler content.

    The sex scenes are as well done as any other aspect of game, detailed, multiple options, flawless animations, perfect renders.

    There are choices and they do matter, and less choices (no point in useless clicking on choices which dont matter at all or dont add anything at all, right?) but meaningful, at this stage it appears it will be a very diverse story with so much to choose, but not excessive clutter.

    Gameplay wise its perfect, no frustrating game mechanics, grind etc, just a pure cinematic VN easy to play and enjoy.

    Music complements it perfectly, and the sounds too, and this game has got so much style which just works so effortlessly. I may be missing many more things to describe which this game deserves, but seem to running out of words.

    This deserves to be among the top ones, solid quality and style all around. I failed to find a single discrepancy in my playthrough amazing considering so many things, themes, settings this game at this stage dealt with perfectly.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I am currently playing through prologue and its very well written each and every emotion is well describe its like reading a well written novel with amazing renders i can't wait to play the rest of it. Great work please keep on expanding and exploring the game. Best of luck for future.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying this VN so far.
    Sure the Prologue is really long, but the Dev mentions that up front and advises for you to skip it if you aren't interested.
    Obviously there aren't going to be many choices in a Prologue, as you are replaying past memories.
    I do like that the choices you make change the dialogue and seem to matter. I assume this will continue and carry through in the updates.
    The models are hot and the renders and animations are well done.

    My only small criticism is the Dev interacts with the player/reader a little too much. Some of it can be fun, but i felt like I would be emersed in the story and then get sucked back out by the Dev addressing you directly too frequently.
    Another part the confused me is - at one point the MC recalls how Jakeline hits him him the head with her gun one time when he was screwing her, when he called her Jakeline. But then the MC kills her and there was no story of times when the MC was with Jakeline and they had sex. It could have happened in the few months between when the MC beat up that kid at school and when he got back together with Rachel. It's not that big of a plot hole, but considering how much detail the Dev put into the Prologue and considering most Dev's don't usually omit obvious sex scenes in an adult VN , I was confused why this wasn't included. Personally I would either add in the sex scene or I would omit the dialogue mentioning the sex scene.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this humour. And I really like the storytelling, it feels way more mature than the usual "anime titties" stuff we got here. Playing this made me feel happiness, sadness and anger; and I have to say, I usually don't get this emotional . It just feels like Kinky Shop actually put heart into it, and I love that.
    Visually it looks very good, great taste and execution.
    I really enjoyed this playthrough and can't wait for some new content. I will definitely come back for more.

    In my humble opinion it's shaping to be one of the best VNs here, and I genuinely hope that the author will find the time and determination to complete it.
    And perhaps to even consider changing that fancy, barely readable font to something easier to decipher. ;)

    I had great time. Thank you, bro!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Still in a early stage (looong prologue), but game is amazing, beautiful renders, great engaging story, there are some grammatical mistakes, but writing in general is really great, characters are believable, and behave realistically in their motivations and actions.

    There are only few sex scenes for now, but they are one of the best writen sex scenes i have read, scenarios that leads to them are also really hot.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This is boring. That is something you never want to be said about a game but unfortunately, it's just that. Honestly, I wouldn't even call this a's a picture book. Now I don't mind reading a lot but a story told from the perspective of someone remembering his past doesn't leave much for the player to do. You're basically reading through the memoirs of an old man.

    This style of story would only work if your actions and choices will affect the MC but there's no choice. You're basically sitting and reading through a long-winded kinetic novel of characters you simply don't care about because the game overloads you with so much dialogue, information and characters that it's hard not getting distracted. While character models are unique and renders are good, to get a chunk of what you're actually playing for, you're gonna have to strap in and get ready to sit through some loooooooooooong and very dull dialogue segments. Quite frankly it would be better as a movie because I wouldn't have to waste my time clicking to move through the scenes and I wouldn't have to be forced into reading a tedious script I have no control over.

    This why it's boring...there's nothing to do. You click and click and click hoping for a break but it just goes on and on and on. It doesn't immerse you in the story because there's nothing to change and your input doesn't matter. After 30 min, I decided to change my settings to skip unseen text hoping for a choice but nothing popped up. It was at that I decided to delete it. This is a VN trying to be a book where you're just a spectator and nothing more.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Where to start? The prologue in this game can qualify as its own story, and it's utterly beautiful. Extremely immersive, thought-provoking, and induces a lot of emotions. Well done. For any new players, please DON'T skip the prologue.

    Post-prologue content isn't as polished, both from the writing and the character motivations. Also, what's with all the choices for ntr with the blonde? It's almost being forced on you, which is weird given that the prologue had way less choices but more meaningful ones. I definitely would prefer a toggle to turn any ntr options off. The laugh track is honestly useless, and giving the narrator a title is also redundant. Also, the narrator should be referring to the mc as "you" instead of in third person. Imo, this section should be revamped.

    The prologue is what earns this all 5 stars. I'm looking forward to see if the dev can deliver on equally enticing content for the main story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on V0.3.2:

    Excellent game that have tons of choices for you to tailor the story exactly how you want to. While the early renders shows that the dev is new to using Daz so can you clearly see in 0.3 that he has been taking the feedback and actually gotten much better at it, and the best thing is that instead of ''revamping'' the whole game will he instead fix the earlier renders when he have time as to not over prioritize that over further story development.

    The scenes themselves are really good with spicy kinks and situations, and shows that the dev knows how to write and visualize his sex ideas. NTR is totally avoidable NTR is only possible with Danna, so far at least, and you REALLY have to suck at reading if you cant avoid it since one is given ton on chances through choices to go down the love route instead.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2001147

    The story is appealing and so is the art. Love the way the script works and the pacing is just as good. The choices actually make sense and lead to different outcomes but early days. Good work dev! I'll review my score in the future, might be a 5 star material.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    The ArcKnight

    Version 0.2.2

    Beautiful Renders

    Long, boring, and convoluted story to get to said renders.

    I want to like this game but it has a glaring flaw.
    The sheer amount of exposition feels like reading someone's actual midlife crisis. Its bulky, meandering, and convoluted.

    Also seeing the main character as a 40 year old man telling the story backwards robs the reader of a lot of what ifs and discovery. You KNOW the MC will be ok, because he's the one telling the story. You KNOW he ends up with only one of the LI's as there's only a pair of tits in bed with him at the start as he goes into a long story about his life. Also you KNOW it will be a sad story without a "happy" ending as MC is kind of a miserable old man as he recounts his story to no one in particular. So basically, since he's telling you the story backwards... none of the player choices really matter.

    It tries to change things up with 4th wall breakings but they only show more glaring weakness in the script.

    The big problem with this game is its so fucking boring at the start that you will never get people to stick around long enough to get pulled in.
    If you want to write a novel, just write a novel. If you want to make a game, make a game!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 0.2.2

    Definitions are mercurial, prone to change by time and the subjective whim of communities, cultures and context. When, therefore, is a game no longer truly a game? For some an activity constitutes a "game" so long as it's enjoyable, for others it must possess a clear objective. Video games, in the contemporary sense, are defined by their interactivity and manipulation of images via user-input, yet that alone does not make for a game. Browsing your email on a phone is not a game, though it superficially meets the aforementioned criteria, scrolling through the menu of a DVD is not, nor are several "walking simulators" deemed worthy of the title due to their intermittent interactivity.

    How, then, should a production that requires scarcely any input, severely limits player-agency and portrays an explicitly linear narrative be defined? A visual novel? A digital comic book? A game?

    Life Happened is a narrative-driven experience, purportedly exploring the life of a middle-aged man and the turmoil of his past relationships, yet so bizarrely written and meandering as to stray often into the surreal. Worse yet, and far more distracting, are the copious grammatical and typographical errors throughout the script. This, despite gratefully acknowledging two users for their extensive proofreading efforts, becomes a distinguishing characteristic of the story: one so awash in errors as to be scarcely worth noting.

    Below, a limited number of oversights are noted for the express purpose of demonstrating their prevalence; also included are the pertinent corrections that any proofreading ought to have provided.

    "....decisions for me as well right?"
    "...decisions for me, as well, right?"​
    "I am 40 now you know?"
    "I am 40 now, you know?"​
    "This is The beginning of Life Happened."
    "This is the beginning of Life Happened."​
    "Things just happened so fast that I didn't even thought of asking her number."
    "Things just happened so fast that I didn't even think of asking for her number."​
    "Anyway dude what time is it?"
    "Anyway, dude, what time is it?"​
    "Cliche right?"
    "Cliche, right?"​
    "...a violent fight first hand like that."
    "...a violent fight firsthand."​
    " a frozen like state hearing all that noise..."
    " a frozen state, hearing all that noise..."​
    "Mommentum can be a bitch sometimes."
    "Momentum can be a bitch."​
    "You look worst then I do right now..."
    "You look worse than I do right now..."​
    " the boy or whatever was below all of that blood."
    " the boy or whatever was beneath all that blood."​
    Below indicates something in a lower position, as in a person standing on a different level of a building, whereas beneath is used when an object is merely covered or obscured by another.
    "Preserving some of my youth's innocence..."
    EITHER "Preserving some of my youthful innocence..."​
    OR "Preserving some of the innocence of my youth..."​
    "Seriously though [charname], I think u just saved my life back there..."​
    "Seriously though, [charname], I think you just saved my life back there..."
    "Three maybe four I guess."
    "Three, maybe four, I guess."​
    " was a luxury I and Feio didn't have to spare..."
    " was a luxury Feio and I didn't have to spare..."​
    "...our dear Reuben was not whiling to take."
    "...our dear Reuben was not willing to take."​

    These errors continue throughout the production in such numbers as to instill a grave doubt that any proofreading transpired. Proper names that are improperly capitalized, missing punctuation, misspellings, redundant terminology, syntax that borders on the inane, an endless parade of such staggering variety that merely attempting to document them became an insurmountable chore.

    Still, even a flawed gem is valuable provided the inclusions don't run too deep; Life Happened is clouded not only by the poor grammar and typographical errors, but the myriad fourth wall breaking moments and meta-commentary, including discussions of Nicolas Cage's filmography, the music of Queen, literal mentions of breaking the wall and self-referential lines such as "the dev has to be joking" to say nothing of a tasteless in-game poster that requests the player become a patron... egregiously, this poster appears repeatedly throughout roughly thirty lines of dialogue.

    The script also detours into sophistry, with remarks such as: "poor people don't have the luxury of being depressed you know."
    Truly? So, roughly three-hundred million people on antidepressants take them to avoid coping with the excessive funds in their bank accounts? The ever increasing number of clinically depressed individuals is directly correlated to the number of billionaires? Too much time on private yachts alongside supermodels will do that, right?

    Yet, as noted in the introductory portion of this review, it is the lack of interactivity that so starkly defines the experience. The narrative is exceedingly linear, delivered in a tedious barrage of exposition ten or fifteen minutes at a time between permitting the player even a single choice: is the woman before you transgendered or not? Will you cheat on your girlfriend? Is your lovemaking tender or rough?

    That's it.
    One choice, ten minutes of ham-fisted exposition. One more choice. Repeat.

    Worse yet, the UI itself often impairs the player's ability to enjoy the dialogue. The text is presented in white with a black drop-shadow rather than a full outline, atop a semi-transparent gray background; this becomes dreadfully apparent during one sequence in which the entire screen is white, washing out the text to such a degree it's nearly indecipherable. Even during the sections in which it remains visible, one particular element is both distracting and obnoxious: a large button labelled "Become a patron." In tandem with references to their patrons in both the introductory and epilogue sections of Life Happened, the poster advertising their Patreon page and this perpetual reminder, the experience becomes ever more akin to watching an unending commercial.

    Even so, certain elements are worthy of acclaim, notably the ability to avoid the more divisive content (NTR and transsexuals) though certain other fetishes are indulged regardless of the player's preference. Unshaven, or otherwise hairy-limbed women, for instance, are very much against societal norms and, despite social media trends that represent a mere 2% drop in the overall population, remains an incredibly niche fetish. Sadly, some of the most prominent erotica focuses on a woman whose detailed body hair glistens in the light and lends her otherwise svelte form a certain masculinity, her arms, legs and torso literally covered in highly-detailed follicles.

    Regrettably, that attention to detail does not extend to all of the graphics: somewhat of a mixed bag, Life Happened boasts scenes that are nearly professional quality intermixed with scores of mediocre and even poor composition. The recollection sequences, that constitute a majority of the images, are a muddled mess, post-processing filters washing out any contrast and stark shadows making it difficult to discern more than mere shapes. Semi-transparent textures are also commonly applied, further obscuring the detail.

    In all candor, playing the game was rather like browsing the gallery of a pre-teen who just received their first smartphone. Every image is masked by a filter, the natural colors replaced by "dusk" and "golden rose," emotional moments desaturated by "retro" and "harvest sepia" tones. Coupled with the faux lens flare, as if the protagonist was viewing his memories via video cassette, the overwhelming majority of images are so grotesquely over stylized as to forego any genuine style.

    Fortunately, the development team dials back the filters for a limited time, allowing the player to momentarily enjoy what is, honestly, significantly appealing art. The animated sequences, which are short but sweet and with a natural degree of motion, are also devoid of the filters. The choice to exclude these filters during the final erotic sequence, focusing explicitly on the character models, was artistically bold and functions elegantly as an analogue for the narrowing of one's perception during moments of intense passion.

    That it takes roughly twenty minutes, slogging through the lengthy exposition and numerous black screens, before any semblance of erotic content appears is likely to discourage several players. These sequences, with their evocative posing and a focus on intimacy, are genuinely superb... only to be immediately undermined by the dissolution of their relationship in a line or two of dialogue. Scenes of passionate lovemaking, of confessions about fidelity and lust, exposition that bluntly informs the player of how they moved in together and spent each night in one another's arms, all dashed aside in a moment such that the player can hasten toward their next conquest.

    It's too swift, too unnatural and feels too much as though the developer merely desired to use a new model. That suspicion is vindicated as, one after another, this pattern repeats for every woman that appears: they're introduced, they copulate and then, despite even the fiercest protestations of love or commitment, they drift apart to allow another model to assume their place. New renders, new setting, then reset.

    GRAPHICS -------------------------------------------------------- 4 / 10
    + Animated sequences are smooth, appearing both natural and beautifully composed
    + Erotic scenes are wonderfully lit and posed, with multiples perspectives provided
    - Overwhelming majority of scenes are obscured by excessive filters, film grain, textures and other elements
    - UI elements are difficult to comprehend due to a poor choice of white text on a white background in certain scenes
    - Certain fetish material depicted quite often is likely to be unappealing to a significant degree of players and is unavoidable
    - Several scenes are laden with Patreon advertisements, including a persistent element of the UI

    DIALOGUE -------------------------------------------------------- 3 / 10
    - Grammatical and typographical errors of every conceivable type, extensively littered throughout the script
    - Poor characterization, unrealistic motivations and a nonsensical central narrative
    - Nonsensical arguments, non-sequiturs and gibberish abound
    - Scenarios seem contrived and relationships meaningless given how rapidly they are abandoned

    GAMEPLAY ------------------------------------------------------- 3 / 10
    + Ability to exclude certain fetish content
    - Linear nature and exhaustive exposition limits player agency almost entirely

    INNOVATION ---------------------------------------------------- 2 / 10
    - Excessive and deliberate fourth wall breaks
    - Patreon advertisements that are blatant and off putting in their frequency

    SCORE =========================================== 12 / 40
    Life Happened exists in a state of turmoil, burdened by bizarre framing, a narrative founded on unrealistic motivations and art that is so desperate to be stylish that it loses any sense of identity. Characters routinely behave in peculiar fashions, presenting non-sequiturs and abandoning them instantly, engaging in violence and sexual activity at the drop of a hat, whilst each new character confesses to some heinous childhood trauma and, as a result, no one seems real. The focus on anguish and misery, to the utter detriment of the brighter and more uplifting aspects of a relationship, pervades every element of the experience. The writing lacks insight and grit, substituting stereotypes instead, and bereft of humanity or humour there is no redemption for its cast. Perhaps there is some depth to the narrative at hand? Yet if this does represent the grim reality of a single life it seems likely to resonate with few if, indeed, anyone could appreciate what happened at all.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Life Happened is not a game for people who don't like to read. But those who do will be rewarded with excellent renders and a truly touching, yet thrilling story.

    Game-play: 3/5
    Seems like every game scores 3/5 on this scale. The "game" at this point is really more of a visual novel than a game. After the very long (but fascinating) prologue the number of choices we get increases dramatically which is a good thing. I'd have two notes on this category, one being that I would offer the players the choice of whether or not they can see the effect of their choice (At the moment you will see the effects on stats that every choice has), the other is that I would move the various disclaimers and Thanks at the beginning of the story rather than the game so that players who are just opening the game to load a saved version won't have to skip through it every time.

    Renders: 5/5
    The renders are truly beautiful, there is no other way to put it. Especially the prologue through a very interesting play with colors, filters and focus manages to turn environments into scenery and models into people. The art in the prologue makes you feel the scene rather than just seeing and reading through it. Now this exceptional art-style is something I have missed after the prologue. While the scenes in the "now" are also well made and well made they don't quite reach the high standard set before by the prologue's renders. The images are missing certain color a certain light, but I think that is mainly due to the environment in that setting,

    Story: 5/5
    To say the story is engaging would probably be an understatement. While so many games claim you will meet people with different personalities, different ambitions this game actually does that. You will find few characters that are as cunningly evil as Jackie or as honest and good-hearted as Anderson. And in addition to this there is actually a plot that is exciting, so much so that when looking into the discussion you will see people sharing their fan-theories for future updates and delving into quarrels with the developer about characters motivations and actions. I could go on and on about this but you're better of just playing it yourself.

    Writing: 5/5
    The writing stands out through a very intense narration which is something that works very well in the Prologue as our MC is himself the one telling us the story. This kind of narrating works exceptionally well. It is hard to explain why this kind of style is unique, there is an interesting self reflection of the MC as he explains is past self's actions. This is an interesting approach to writing a prologue, though at times the MCs breaking of the 4th wall can be just a little to much, just a little too extreme. After all we are in his own story which at times he seems to ridicule himself by criticizing his past behavior or asking us what we would have done in his place.
    Now once the prologue is over the writer is in a tough spot. He has relied on the MC's unique and extensive narration, but now that we are in the present he feels like he has to change to an omniscient narrator. This switch is...bumpy. It doesn't quite work, I would suggest finding a way to go back to Marco's narrating of things, this might work better than the current version.
    The English is mostly without mistake.
    Overall this game is truly great. It reads like a novel and it looks beautiful. However right now this game is mainly prologue. How it will develop after it's daring jump from past to present remains to be seen.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Prologue take way too much time, is background reading. The friend that he is talking about doesnt seem to be present in any fo the preview pictures.

    Theres a coupleof 4th wall breakings, ive seen games pull it well, but this game uses it mostly to justify lazyness or inability to do something right, like the hotdog guy not being there, or the fact that they doesnt exactly look 15. This 2 are too close and threw me off (even more).

    Another thing throwing me off is the ad in the textbox, which sometimes makes combo with the posters around the place selfpromoting even more.
    Thers a couple of them that really take the main part of the render which should be about the story.

    I had to skip to see the renders actually, and even though the image is good, the girls look like chucky when he is mad, they have this weird grin nightmare before christmas face, and they look much older than they are supposed to be. And the game has no music but from time to time you get this phone sound when theres text messaging.

    The part that i playedmade me feel nothing, i couldnt care less about anyone. Im not an NTR guy but Rachel( was it her name?) could be fucked right in the hallway and i wouldnt care, if i could chose i would have made the mc just leave.

    Thats why the 2stars. I mean technically speaking is a good work, but i just couldnt feel it for the reasons explained and other ones.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Not my cup of tea, but I can't deny that this game is good. I actually felt touched by the story of this game. I don't really see much in the way of choice so there's that unfortunately. i.e. You can't choose a girl and it doesn't seem like a harem game either. However, if you like a badass MC who seems to be willing to overcome adversity and pain and will stop at nothing then this game is for you. As for me I'm out no harem and not able to stay with one of the girls ruined it for me. It almost had me hooked for a second there :( and this has got to be the best game that I've wanted to love but couldn't.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros :
    - The story is amazing, it's like no other game. It's really engaging; a class of its own.
    - Characters are beautifully created, and for the most part they are completely believable. you will feel sympathy for them, you will get mad at them and etc
    - The renders are really nicely done & instead of some repetitive models you see some new faces (for the most part)
    - The developer has put a lot of details into scenes even the non-sex ones, for example 'the cafe scene' when you get multiple renders from outside even though they are not necessary or relevant at all. don't let them pass by unnoticed.

    Cons :
    - There are only a few sex scenes, much less than you would imagine from the size of the game. but they are pretty great.
    - There are not a lot of choices to be made yet, but you have to realize this is just the prologue.
    - This one contains Spoilers : The Rachel's story about flirting and kissing the douchebag was not quite believable. So I wish we were give a chance to choose not to get back with her. I realize this would mean a different story with Jackie but I believe She could harm Alex. (Again, I realize this would be a lot of headache to implant but that's just my humble opinion)

    To summarize, Great game, brilliant story. But if you're here just to fap you should wait for a few more updates, however I suggest you to play and enjoy the story.
  17. 4.00 star(s)



    This game has incredibly fappable scenes and a very gripping plot, but it is not without some glaring problems. Let's get the issues out of the way first.

    1) As many others have pointed out, the writing style is a bit too long winded. There is an incredibly long prologue which actually tells such an interesting tale of the MC's past. The problem arises in the narration. The prologue uses the MC narrator talking directly to the audience, similar to something like Goodfellas. Unlike the many movies that use this mechanic, however, this game abuses this narration to the maximum degree. Often, the narration involves talking about totally unrelated topics to build rapport with the audience, but it just doesn't quite work out.

    You might see something like this. "So yea that's when I saw her. Love at first sight. Oh, funny story. This one time at Taco Bell I ordered a Chalupa and they gave me a crunchy taco. Still ate it though. Anyways, this girl..."
    Ok I just made that up, but it almost gets this absurd sometimes.

    As we start getting deeper into the prologue, this issue is alleviated slightly due to the plot picking up pace and probably the dev refraining himself somewhat. And then... just when we get used to this and the narration become bearable (and even enjoyable), we are thrust into the present timeline with an extremely jarring shift to a third party omniscient narrator. This absolutely does not work. Personally, I don't like omniscient narrators in the first place, and when the narrator has more lines than any dialogue between characters... that just sucks ass. At least the MC's narration in the prologue could reveal things about the character and connect us to him.

    2) There is a major problem with MC's first good guy/bad guy choice in the prologue. Without getting into spoilers, it just doesn't fit the MC's character up to that point for him to pick the bad guy choice. There was no trigger to lead him into possibly picking that choice. Once you actually pick the choice, things change quite a bit from the good and bad paths, but there are some scenes and plot progression in the common nodes that do not jive with the bad guy route. Dialogues/internal monologues need to be adjusted a bit to account for the fact the MC is a cheating asshole or at least conflicted about it.


    Now on to the general review.

    First of all, the sex scenes and the scenarios that lead up to them are incredibly hot! Especially on the cheating route during the prologue. However, I noticed a noticable dip in quality during the present day stuff, probably due to the narrator constantly interrupting us by describing what we can pretty much see on screen. Some writers can pull this erotic narration off, but it didn't grip me here. I would much prefer if the scenes focused more on natural dialogue and kinky talks.

    The content of the story is very mature and well written, barring the issues with the narration. I was really hooked all the way through after I got through the rough patch that is the first ~20 minutes of the prologue.

    Renders and models look excellent with lots of unique models that I haven't seen elsewhere. Again though... in the most recent present timeline stuff, the sex scene became kinda weird. The prologue scenes were what we are normally used to, while the newer ones use a empty black void background with a huge spotlight shining on the couple. It really takes you out of it in my opinion and the game would be improved by going back to the original way he has been doing the scenes.

    Characters are very realistic. They really come to life. The dev did a fantastic job in creating a very diverse set of characters that defies the general cookie cutter tropes.

    Sound... I was not a fan of the laughter and other sound effects. Others may like it, but it felt a bit intrusive and didn't really add to the scenes.

    Gameplay. Too early to tell exactly how it will pan out, but there is a pretty robust stat system that could lead to a variate of routes shaping both the MC and the girls around him. Great job!

    So it might seem like I have many grips with it, but I absolutely enjoyed this VN. Mainly, the plot is very robust already and I can't wait to see how things will move forward. If the 2 issues at the beginning of this review are addressed it would be a solid 5/5.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    For such an early stage game, I'm very pleased. A plot that keeps you hooked as well as having characters that you can even relate to. You can feel the emotions that the MC is going through and the dialogue, although sometimes excessive here and there, just adds on to the story. Combine that with above average renders and you got yourself a hit. Job well done. Looking forward to the updates
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The characters are interesting and come through very well. The prologue is an interesting touch and I am looking forward to meeting some of those characters again.

    Single statements are often split across multiple text boxes and ideas are often rehashed. With some editing and optimization the number of clicks could be easily cut in half which would make it a lot easier to play through.

    EDIT: removed extra words
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very few games move me so much to write a review. Even fewer make me spill buck on Patreon. This is one such game.
    The characters are very well written, that you care about each of them so much, that break up or departure leaves you sad and possible betrayal leaves you aching, and in my case, moved to tears. Most people, me included, come here for a wank with backstory, but I would play and support Life Happened even if it had no sex scenes at all.

    Characters feel real, with pros and cons matching their background.
    Atmosphere and surroundings feel lively, you can see Kinky put a lot of effort into every detail.

    I am hoping for a very long game with 20 years of backstory shown in flashbacks between school ending and present, because that would mean I can enjoy this gem for a long long time.

    I urge everyone with means to, to support the dev, it's a good investment for sure.