
New Member
Nov 5, 2020
Awful optimization for android. Xiaomi redmi note 8 pro. The game already crashes at the begining, awkward interface, keyboard blocks the screen, when you try to save and load it. Only two cells can be used for savegames. Thanks for your efforts but, sorry, Impossible to play in my mind.

NyZz 777

Jun 25, 2020
Bruhhhhhhh...... I'm 20 minutes into the game and I'm already fucking depressed.. and also bad choice of music ? are you shitting me ? the music u choose freakin lit with the mood of the game.... this game is so GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD..

Also.. did I ever tell you that your game probably got the best art style I've ever seen?


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
why is this game so underrated? prologue was actually very good
The prologue is fantastic, I loved every bit of it. Some of the strongest writing and rendering I've seen in a game. Then it switches to the MC being with Danna and ends any real chance of the MC being with anyone from the prologue. Rachel and Alex (IIRC that's the mechanics name) are both gone, as is the neighbor who taught the MC all he knows. At that point my interest died. I have zero interest in Danna, in the MC being some crime lord, his using Danna as a negotiation tactic (or not), and the number of times that the two of them use pet names for each other.

I think that Kinky Shop had a phenomenal idea with the prologue and I wish he'd stuck with that. Instead it is the "crime lord" and Danna game and that doesn't hold my interest. Regardless I wish nothing but the best for KS and the success of the game, just wish we could have a story that involves the characters from the prologue and not Danna.

Darth Vengeant

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2020
Please add a Skip Transitions option. Really annoying the hell out of me with the forced transitions in this game, and it has a LOT of them. The screens with nothing but text. Just let us move forward by clicking, not having to wait per transition. I cant stand transitions in renpy games.

And what is the deal with 15 freakin screens to click through before you start the game? Stop!


May 18, 2018
>NTR/Sharing is avoidable.
"Oh cool, Now I just hope it's clearly telegrap-"
>Would you like to disable Sharing Content?

10/10 developer, for a first VN game, they sure know how to please the relevant masses!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Sooo, i played through the game, in my opinion, its to early to rate it properbly, so i dont write a review yet.

But here is what i think. In advance i have to say, most of the writing i will do is critical, cause i think its important to let you know what i think can be improved. I am no expert, so this just will be my opinion on things how i feel about them.

First the Setting all around... its really good and kinda refreshing (who would have thought that mafia/gangster setting will be something fresh at a time? But around the games here there are many games with a setting like that, and most of them are bad i think)

Than the renders, i have to admit, the body hair especially on Danna weird me out a little bit... just doesnt look good. And of course i would say, a star-ballerina would have shaved her legs :D but nevermind... maybe its her thing to got all natural in that department, who am i to judge. But what bothers me more is that the body hair on her just looks weird... the hair just doesnt look "right" to me besides the fact that i dont like particular unshaved bodyparts on a woman, its pure on the "technical" side here, the rendered bodyhair looks just not "right"

Besides the Bodyhair issue the renders are top notch. The Bodys are looking good, realistic and natural... Most of the games out there overdo it with "big tits" and so on... not so here. Everything just fits right. And i kinda like the overall style with the "filters" and so on.... its just a unique look and make a good atmosphere, but i would prefer a little more "light" in the scenes... overall all the images lack of light in my opinion, but thats just my taste. Other than that... the game is really looking awesome. The clothing, the characters, really fine work of art.

Than the story... dont know what to say, just... wow? Really good, exciting, and i was sitting on the edge of my chair to see what is happening next.

BUT i have a big issue on HOW the storytelling went... i really really dont like jumping around between timelines... Past, present, middle of the past, present, past, and so on, its very hard to get a grip on the characters like that (especially the MC)... the prologue is very good, but why to end the prologue and than just hint in some sentences what happened to rachel and Anderson instead of just showing a complete prologue and go on with the present? And for Rachel... it was a Rollercoaster-ride with her emotionally, and i wondered what happened to her after the MC has to leave... only to read in a side-sentence that she died... oh come on, you can do better than that. Get us a REAL emotional rollercoaster ride and conclude the prologue as a whole i would say. Would be much better in my opinion, but i guess its just your style to tell a story, so no offense.

Another thing is a technical issue in my opinion. Every image got a transition, so if i go through the dialogues i have to wait for every transition between the images, i dont know... why? Its annoying and not necessary. And is disturbing the reading flow a lot. And there is something else, what the MC/NPCs are saying is often cut and displayed in parts... it goes like that:

"MC says a word -> click -> MC says some more words in the same line -> another click -> same line continues with some more words -> click -> image transition -> click -> new line starts with a few words -> click -> new line continues"

and so on... every dialogue goes like that, the cutted lines and transitions and many many clicks to go through the game are tiresome i have to say. There has to be a better way to do that. To be honest, its the first VN where i witnessed that as an issue. I think that should be overworked.

What i really like are the decisions and that they are having a affect on how everyone is acting, and that you cant just jump around to be a nice guy in one scene and than to be chaotic in the next one... you have to choose a path and than walk it down. That is really good, so everything is kind of "evolving" and "influenced" on the decisions and behavior of your acting... most of the games out there cant deliver something like that, its all about decisions on how to get in the pants of a girl, not about how the characters are developing and evolving around your decisions... So you deliver here a huge plus in that department!

I really see big potential in that game, thats why i wrote so much here, even if its most critical cause a care about the game... i would love to see the game improve in some departments beacuse i sense a feeling that this game could be a Top 5 or Top 3 game aorund here if some issues will be gone, but maybe theses issues are only issues for me not others, dont know about that... wouldnt be the first time i am the only one seeing issues where are none to others ^^

But i have to say, for now iam really looking forward for the next update.

Hopefully my english is good enough to transport everything that is important to me about the game... i know my english is far from perfect.
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Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Sooo, i played through the game, in my opinion, its to early to rate it properbly, so i dont write a review yet.

But here is what i think. In advance i have to say, most of the writing i will do is critical, cause i think its important to let you know what i think can be improved. I am no expert, so this just will be my opinion on things how i feel about them.

First the Setting all around... its really good and kinda refreshing (who would have thought that mafia/gangster setting will be something fresh at a time? But around the games here there are many games with a setting like that, and most of them are bad i think)

Than the renders, i have to admit, the body hair especially on Danna weird me out a little bit... just doesnt look good. And of course i would say, a star-ballerina would have shaved her legs :D but nevermind... maybe its her thing to got all natural in that department, who am i to judge. But what bothers me more is that the body hair on her just looks weird... the hair just doesnt look "right" to me besides the fact that i dont like particular unshaved bodyparts on a woman, its pure on the "technical" side here, the rendered bodyhair looks just not "right"

Besides the Bodyhair issue the renders are top notch. The Bodys are looking good, realistic and natural... Most of the games out there overdo it with "big tits" and so on... not so here. Everything just fits right. And i kinda like the overall style with the "filters" and so on.... its just a unique look and make a good atmosphere, but i would prefer a little more "light" in the scenes... overall all the images lack of light in my opinion, but thats just my taste. Other than that... the game is really looking awesome. The clothing, the characters, really fine work of art.

Than the story... dont know what to say, just... wow? Really good, exciting, and i was sitting on the edge of my chair to see what is happening next.

BUT i have a big issue on HOW the storytelling went... i really really dont like jumping around between timelines... Past, present, middle of the past, present, past, and so on, its very hard to get a grip on the characters like that (especially the MC)... the prologue is very good, but why to end the prologue and than just hint in some sentences what happened to rachel and Anderson instead of just showing a complete prologue and go on with the present? And for Rachel... it was a Rollercoaster-ride with her emotionally, and i wondered what happened to her after the MC has to leave... only to read in a side-sentence that she died... oh come on, you can do better than that. Get us a REAL emotional rollercoaster ride and conclude the prologue as a whole i would say. Would be much better in my opinion, but i guess its just your style to tell a story, so no offense.

Another thing is a technical issue in my opinion. Every image got a transition, so if i go through the dialogues i have to wait for every transition between the images, i dont know... why? Its annoying and not necessary. And is disturbing the reading flow a lot. And there is something else, what the MC/NPCs are saying is often cut and displayed in parts... it goes like that:

"MC says a word -> click -> MC says some more words in the same line -> another click -> same line continues with some more words -> click -> image transition -> click -> new line starts with a few words -> click -> new line continues"

and so on... every dialogue goes like that, the cutted lines and transitions and many many clicks to go through the game are tiresome i have to say. There has to be a better way to do that. To be honest, its the first VN where i witnessed that as an issue. I think that should be overworked.

What i really like are the decisions and that they are having a affect on how everyone is acting, and that you cant just jump around to be a nice guy in one scene and than to be chaotic in the next one... you have to choose a path and than walk it down. That is really good, so everything is kind of "evolving" and "influenced" on the decisions and behavior of your acting... most of the games out there cant deliver something like that, its all about decisions on how to get in the pants of a girl, not about how the characters are developing and evolving around your decisions... So you deliver here a huge plus in that department!

I really see big potential in that game, thats why i wrote so much here, even if its most critical cause a care about the game... i would love to see the game improve in some departments beacuse i sense a feeling that this game could be a Top 5 or Top 3 game aorund here if some issues will be gone, but maybe theses issues are only issues for me not others, dont know about that... wouldnt be the first time i am the only one seeing issues where are none to others ^^

But i have to say, for now iam really looking forward for the next update.

Hopefully my english is good enough to transport everything that is important to me about the game... i know my english is far from perfect.
Hi, Hahn81!

How are you doing?
Thanks for your feedback. I mean it.
Don't you worry about your English. It's not my native language either, so we are good.
Now about your points on my game:
- I've been working on means to cut the transitions time by half. They will take effect on the next update.
- Danna's hair was largely discussed over the first and second updates. Those renders still featuring the weird body hair will be replaced in due time.
- About the pauses between spoken phrases. I understand they are needed to set the pace of the conversation.
- Rachel... That's kind of a sore subject for most of the players, me included. I can't tell over here anything about her, neither about whatever happened with her. I'd like you to join my discord (The link for it is on the f-95 game's page). There's been some discussion about Rachel's fate in one of my spoiler-allowed channels.

I don't know if I forgot to discuss any of the topics. If I did, please let me know.
Once more, Hahn81, thank you so much for spending the time writing this review for me.

Thanks, BL4Z3ST0RM, it was a lot of work, but in the end, it was worth it.


I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having issues with the android version. Sadly I can't give you any support on the android version since I'm not the one releasing it. To be honest, I have no idea how to fix anything on the android version. That's the main reason why I don't release it myself. I hope you understand.


The next update is almost ready for release. It's been a complicated couple of months for me overall, so the release date kept being pushed forward over and over again. Sorry for that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
Thanks for the answer, i guessed already that there will be more to Rachel than just a "off-screen´mentioned death", so nevermind this...

I'll wait to the next update, if i really like it, i am strong considering a sub @ patreon... iam already a sub to some other DEVs and money is tight, so i have to think good about it... i like your work really, and even more that you are so active around here (not the easiest platform for DEVs i can imagine cause the community can get real toxic sometimes around here) so you got already many plus points on your side :D
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Kinky Shop

Life Happened dev.
Game Developer
Jul 8, 2017
Thanks for the answer, i guessed already that there will be more to Rachel than just a "off-screen´mentioned death", so nevermind this...

I'll wait to the next update, if i really like it, i am strong considering a sub @ patreon... iam already a sub to some other DEVs and money is tight, so i have to think good about it... i like your work really, and even more that you are so active around here (not the easiest platform for DEVs i can imagine cause the community can get real toxic sometimes around here) so you got already many plus points on your side :D
Thanks, Hahn!

It can get really tough over here at times. Gladly one friend (Thanks, Tribe!) showed me the ignore option. Since then, no toxic comments or discussions on my end.
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Aug 25, 2020
YOO that Rachel shit hit me extra hard because that is exactly how I found out my ex cheated on me... damn just about crying from anger at the start haha honestly great job dev.

Edit: finished the prologue the Rachel hate went from a 10 to 3
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Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
Can someone spoil a bit how much Trans content there are? Is she a possible love interest or just a scene with a Trans and that's it?

Also for the sharing, is the one being shared romantically involved with the MC or he is just whoring her out without care?
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May 16, 2021
Can someone spoil a bit how much Trans content there are? Is she a possible love interest or just a scene with a Trans and that's it?

Also for the sharing, is the one being shared romantically involved with the MC or he is just whoring her out without care?
Yeah transgender character is his once a girlfriend and still has contact and he just share his partner for his benifit if you go with romantic route she will not be shared
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