- Aug 26, 2016
- 1,526
- 2,185
No it isn't. People need to get better, and people need to buy new pc.It's good as it is.
Come on, do you really wish Velesk just to stay the same, making low graphic porn games until the day he die ? ... people start from nothing and learn to be better. I bet velesk had a dream to make high quality porn games in the future and he's doing it step by step. Maybe in 10 years, he's get better (I'm sure of it) and got a team then making triple AAA quality porn games with his own engine. Don't be selfish just because your 'justice' is siding with the poor people.
Also speaking technically, what make it 'slow' is when try to smoothing the render quality. Lighting and shadow itself won't asking much even from old PC if the lighting is static. This game need real lighting so the impact on the texture quality would increase 10x. Ambient lighting can't help the texture potential even if it's HD texture (detail & high res texture). It need real lighting source.

Simple shadow won't asking much, even for a PC built in 2005. But to have shadow, it's require normal lighting source. If the lighting doesn't move/animated, like 24 hours day night circle hours, it also won't asking much either. maybe only drop like 1~5 fps, depend how much object in the cell. I'm not playing this game yet, but if taking example from Total Seduction, I don't think it will slowing old PC either.
'Optional' is not that hard when velesk already making his own engine anyway. It just basically make a simple coding to turn off and on the lighting and shadow in the option menu. So if you still want to play with blowjob barbie doll look alike model, be my guest, others can turning on the lighting & shadow for a better immersion.
I'm not a game coder, but used to be a 3D animator. When rendering with simple shadow, let say a simple room scene with a few furniture objects, need 1 second to render without shadow. When add simple shadow, it's only add like below 0,5 second. Increase the shadow quality, take +2 seconds. High Res shadow might add another +5 second per frame. And this experience when using pentium 4 and 2008 normal class VGA card (I forgot what product). I remember this because this when I started to learn 3D.
Anyone with PC built after 2010, I don't think it will get massive fps drop, you won't even feeling it, when the game have simple lighting & simple shadow, but the gaming experience will increase far more enjoyable. it's not even 'fancy', it's still piss poor quality compared with modern games/engine. Don't think this will change the game to be like GTA level, it's just a simple lighting & shadow.