- Feb 3, 2018
- 656
- 939
2.4.(k guys l'm sorry if this is been solved before but there is so much to scroll through the l cant be fucked)
l download the game with the (TransFix_5.2_r5m_modded) plus two other mods from here (https://thef95zone.info/threads/teaching-feeling-mod-collection-2-4-thebigbg.22318/) the exposure and smart shopper ones.
The game works about the same as always but the clothes are the problem, l can buy them that's no problem what is however is when l try to put them on l get an alert saying (tag:[dress_dress_set} does not exist.)
So yeah if anyone can help with that it would be appreciated.
Edit: oh yeah before l forget l can't even put on the rags just in case someone asked about a clothes mod.
we are using 2.5.2
also exposure should be already in game