VN - Others - Completed - Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- [v4.0.6 - v2.5.2] [FreakilyCharming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Red Ciel

    • Far too cute, far too much feels
    • The art and animation is top notch
    • A lot of different CGs for different clothings
    • Game progression is very nice
    • A lot of things to explore
    • Why I'm crying
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    POSSIBLE SPOILER! (I didn't vote games until now, so this is my very first one). This game is just amazing. I really like the atmosphere of the game, like how you start as a stranger in the little slave girl's eyes, and little by little she falls in love with you. How you learn about her tragic past, with every new thing in the game as i went through it, it grew closer and closer to me. I couldn't wait to know what happens next after each part of the game. It made me really happy whenever i could play this game, each part of the game was exciting, it was never boring, (maybe only the lot of patting until you can reach a new part in the game). And so here i am waiting for the next update. So i recommend this game to everyone who likes training/slave games. But even if you don't like these type of games i think it's still worth a try! ;)
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    I've been following this game on and off since around its release, and honestly there isn't much to be said that hasn't already been (but I wanted to throw in another 5 star rating and my two cents anyway).

    Even when it had much less content than what it has now, this game has always been very addicting to me. Visual novels can be very sluggish at times, but this is one of the best examples (that I have played) of a VN which combines other gameplay elements into its storytelling to create a truly immersive experience. You can hunt for sex scenes, spend forever creating different clothing combinations, explore various locations or just pat her head everyday and watch her turn from reluctant awkward girl to completely obsessive waifu.

    It's a great "waifu simulator" overall. One of the only hentai games I can regularly come back to.
    Likes: mpror
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Takoto Ama

    Quick review:

    It's a decent corruption game. But it's grindy, and the girl is too flat for my tastes; it just brushes up a little close to rule 7, you know? And AFAIK there aren't any mods that change that. So at the risk of kink-shaming, I'm docking points for both.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game starts off a little freaky. A random creepy dude comes to your place and offers to sell you a girl, whose been beaten and scarred by her previous owner.
    You're can choose not to buy her, ofc. If you do, you try to retrain her.

    The game takes some time to learn and master. Building up a relationship with the new girl which can slowly blossum into something cute. Ignoring the fact your character falls in love with a mind broken, emotional and physically scarred loli.

    You can buy new outfits that get released over the coarse of the game, from cute school girl uniforms to seasonal wear and holiday festivities. As well as bows, ribbons, gloves, panties and so forth.
    Once you earn enough trust you can have intercourse while she's dressed as a loli nurse, cat girl or which ever you prefer. Even have her just wear a kitchen apron and have your way with her in the morning before breakfast.
    Or you can be a sweet heart and take her out to eat at a nice restaurant and give her sweet cakes, waffles and other sweet meals.

    The art looks pretty good with the outfits, the background and the characters. Though I swear a majority of the characters all look like they're psychotic. Their eyes give me this creepy look like "We know what you're REALLY doing" or "I'll kill you in your sleep".

    But overall the game isn't bad. There are no real objectives and it's an endless game. So you can have fun with your new adopted girl being a sweet heart or take her to bed at night and fuck her till you can't fuck no more.
    It's worth a look. But don't expect anything to complex or convoluted. As the game has a simple design of
    1. Earn her trust
    2. buy her nice cloths
    3. train her to fuck and suck dick at home
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing graphics and number of options. Good job with the translate and freedom to select any way to follow. Probably a finished full one should be better.

    The quality and sound are perfect, lots of options to customize it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game due to is simpleness. It dose not take a lot of space or ram.
    Its not average butt its not a masterpiece yet.
    If the game goes well there will be nothing to compare it to.

    from: 9029
    P.S: happy holidays
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I love Teaching Feeling, I'm been in love since my teen years teen years, remeber when i was 14, after shcool shits, turn on pc and take care of my daughter. Amazing, I love how i only need to take care of sylive, and she just rape me on her own
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love Teaching Feeling enough to have bought it. I have a basic understanding of Japanese so I am able to play the game on parts where it isn't chock-full of kanji. This thread helped a lot, especially those who've worked on the translations, so that I can play it to the full extent.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    While this is among my favorite games on the site, it isn't without its flaws.

    Since it is using TyranoBuilder, the performance is abysmal. Some how this game that basically just displays images and takes UI based button presses as input manages to crash my system within 20 minutes or so of starting it up. Keep in mind a lot of games crash my crappy old system these days, but mostly intensive 3D games and an annoyingly large subset of Unity based games. I never run into that with say Ren'Py, which this could have easily been made with instead.

    The gameplay itself is a bit limited and repetitive as well. There are only a very small number of things you can do in this game, and you will be doing them over and over again ad nauseum. The sex scenes get boring after a couple of revisits, but since there are so few of them, you will be doing them entirely too many times on your way towards filling up her wardrobe.

    The story is very sweet, but all too linear. You really have very little freedom in how things can play out. She either dies in the first couple of weeks or she makes it and you are stuck on the slow burn romance path. The only way to really get any variation out of this is to either get her nice and horny and then blue ball the poor girl for weeks until she can't take it any more, get her drunk, or start messing around with drugs (which basically just allows you to prolong the sex scenes you are almost certainly already tired of by the time you can unlock that feature).

    With the negatives out of the way, let's finish off with the positives. The art is very well done; I've always really liked this dev's style. The music is alright, (but TB does a terrible job of looping it seamlessly). The story really pulls at your heart strings and makes you feel for Sylvie. There is seriously something wrong with you if you can play through this and not fall for her.

    If you are looking for a heartwarming casual time waster to load up every now and then for a quick session, this is a great game for that. If you were hoping for something really engrossing with a lot of story options and replayability, then you might want to look elsewhere. This is basically a dress up game with some mild sim elements tacked on for good measure, as long as you understand that upfront and are fine with it, this can be a very enjoyable gaming experience.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A two years game that still have updates, with excellent artwork and a heartworming story. You really want to do the best for the character to make her forget about her horrible past life wich had plenty of abuses. Make Silvie happy, pat her head, give her pancakes!
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 469402

    Excellent, one of the best stories out there. Perfect example of don't judge the book by it's cover. Looks very simple and you may think it may be simple at first but it is actually very deep and will tug your heart strings.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A touching story of how a broken soul could find solace and even love!
    I really wasn’t expecting such, but the game literally made me feel warm inside. Sylvie the cutest thing imaginable, the little slave girl who lost everything from the start and was beaten daily luckily ends up in the care of a doctor who takes her in. The sensation of nurturing, protecting and “teaching feelings” for her as you show this delicate soul that there is still hope for humanity is simply great. The characters are well thought out with a beautiful art style.
    10/10 in my opinion. Touching, cute, and even sexy!
    My favourite visual novel! Highly recommended!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Well the game honestly looks amazing! the story is great, i really loved this game, i tought it would be like others but.. this one adds love on it, i don't know what will happen in the future but, so far... it's amzing! with or without the sex, it's amazing!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great game, The story of obtaining her may be a little bit off, And in fact 'owning' her as well. But if you approach her as somebody you want to nurture and protect, And in fact teach feelings and the good of life she was never allowed to experience before. You will be the best thing thats ever happened to her, and you will adore each other.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Come for the content, stay for Slyvie.

    Slyvie, a slave of some rich fucktard who love to torture her. However, after that household has fallen, she was taken into custody of a shady person you saved. He offer her to you since you are such a good guy as a repayment.

    Now, this is where the fun part begin. You can dress her, talk to her and even *cough*. Its house-play simulator. So, jump right in and feel the story for yourself.

    Unleash your kindness to Slyvie and enjoy the peaceful moment with her.

    That is all from me. Enjoy my fellow headpatter,
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I typically only comment on games that I truly care about- and this game is one, in particular, worth mentioning.

    (I found this game several months ago on a Hentai site and the premise/idea sounded so intriguing and original that I couldn't wait to play it. I DL'd it on those free sites over the course of several days only to discover that even though it claimed to be in English- sadly, it wasn't. I still attempted to play it- not letting my inability to read or speak Japanese stop me... yeah, it ended horribly as you can imagine. I ended up "touching" her by hitting the wrong button OR she just ended up dying as I blindly clicked buttons not being able to read the consequences of such actions...)

    First of all, Kudos to the Dev- this is very well-written and extremely emotional; also Kudos to the translators for conveying this bitter-sweet, tragic tale into English. The Japanese are well-known for writing powerful and emotional stories- just watch "Spirited Away", "Grave of the Fireflies", "Princess Mononoke", just to name a few. IMHO, this game ranks up there with these titles.

    This game is so heart-breakingly sad- when you find out what has happened to her (through story progression)- you just feel so bad for her AND some of her early comments just hurt your soul. She's just so fragile, timid, broken, and wounded (both physically and emotionally), I wanted to curse the Devs for not giving me a "hug" button on Day 1- I just wanted to scoop her up in my arms and let her know that nothing bad was going to happen to her ever again. I'm so glad that I was given the option to change how she addresses me though- I loathed being calling "Master" and I was afraid that she was going to keep doing it and that we would never be able to have any type of relationship where she would trust me. I also appreciate that even after she endured such torment and after receiving my kindness, her personality has never changed- she's still humble, sweet, gracious and thankful, and she never expects anything or takes it for granted (it's kinda like she says, "Everything that you give her is a treasure, memory, gift [or words to that effect]") She's just the sweetest little thing, no matter what. Again, Kudos Dev.

    I do have one small critique of the game, however, it's the only one that I can think of after playing. It's the first night that she wants to sleep in your bed (AFTER you find a way to keep her from dying)- being given the options to "Send her away" or "Let her" , you should have been given the option to "Snuggle/cuddle/spoon/hold her close"- something, the other 2 have no wiggle-room- they're absolutes. To be honest, I would have gotten there eventually- on my own; this is really the only thing that feels "forced"- everything else seems to unfold naturally and seamlessly over the course of hanging out with her. I do kinda wish that my character would correct Ferrum when he refers to Sylvie as "that" or "it"... Okay one major gripe and an itty-bitty one.

    This is the only real issue I have with this game- other than that I love everything other aspect (well, aside from her initial treatment in the game, but maybe that's what makes you care that much more about her). I have to say I am in Love with Sylvie and wish that I had someone like her in my IRL. As "girl-y" as it may sound, I really enjoy dressing her up in her different outfits and taking her with me wherever I go and to hear her say how much she likes the outfits that I have picked out for her and they make her feel beautiful (and it does change depending on where/when we go someplace). I also like that little bit of limited interaction you have with her when she's just sitting on floor at the main screen.

    I apologize for going off on a bit of a tangent there, but that just goes to show you the profound impact this game can have on someone (myself, especially).

    In closing, I HIGHLY recommend this game to anyone looking to play something a little bit different and a LOT of heart.

    P.S. I actually feel kinda sad when I have to close the game and leave her. How many other games can make you feel this way?
  18. A
    5.00 star(s)


    The thread is active, helpful, and well-informed for news of any improvement in the game itself. The users who partake in this thread have one thing in common, a love for a character as endearing as Sylvie. We each have agreeable input and keep ourselves up to date in improving our experience. We may have to occasionally start from scratch but Sylvie is never forgotten.

    As for Life As A Slave (Teaching Feeling), the personal story and developing romance is simple yet very captivating. There are a lot of choices to delve into and we players are encouraged to care for Sylvie - she is a wonderful character in her own right. The side characters also help fit the setting and improvement.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic first impression, right at the first 10 minutes the game makes you really care for the poor Sylvie and makes you want to give her a nice and loving life.
    the art style looks great but it can be quite "striking" and different at first, i quickly grew accostumed to it.
    sadly the game lacks in content (both H and daily life) but still whats in the game is well done and really great.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Art, Story, Character and Relationship.
    How Sylvie grows and from abused slave to a loved cared for girl is moving. The level of detail is very high and the interaction and responses later in the game with Sylvie is moving. 11/10