Unity - Completed - Lifeform: Zero [Final] [Jhaokai Wu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly, the game is cool, but it's simpler than I expected.

    I liked the concept and atmosphere of the game, but it needs some polishing. The idea of having to take care of an alien in an isolated base and watching it evolve over time is fun, there's a lot of variety in the scenes and, personally, I didn't encounter any technical issues. The problem is that there are very few interactions... there are a lot of items for you to buy, but for some reason most of them are literally useless.

    The story is as simple as possible, which is a bit sad, and the game itself isn't very long. You might like it if you try it, but don't expect too much...
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Waste of time. Little to none animations with even less activities. The best it deserve is watching a five minute animation compilation at PH or somewhere else, otherwise do not feel sorry to pass on this game entirely.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    not that bad of a game just not really worth too much...here a review

    CG/Scenes 4/5
    I'm not too picky, it's not the worst game out there to be honest so nothing to say there

    Gameplay 3/5
    kinda boring for the most part past the sex scenes but other than that not much to this game.

    Story 2/5
    nothing too crazy, found an egg and do experiments (aka take care of the creature) so there's not much to it

    Final score 9/15
    not the worst game but slow and boring to me, suggest playing it for a bit then once complete just kinda head off or something.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty bad.

    The gameplay is just boring, you do the same boring tasks way too often and it just isn´t fun.

    Zero looks okay but nothing more, the MC looks very boring.

    The story is meh.

    The controls aren´t good.

    The sex scenes are mediocre, and get pretty boring after a while.

    Would not recommend.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game. It's short and doesn't require too much work if you're just here for H-scenes, which are very good. Weird bug where 0 Mood scene doesn't unlock, and not really a fan of the 2nd model unlocked at the end of the game..
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i didn't expect much from this game, tried it, really liked how the game is made, fell in love with the girl, fell in love with the endings, hope this game gets something like a 2nd part or a "dlc", great game, keep it up
    i kinda want my life to be like that...
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Not much going on with this game. The model of Zero is not good, animation are decent but nothing more. Gameplay is just taking care of the lifeform the same way every day, until day 30 where the game ends.
    3 star because at least is short, i finished it in less than an hour
    and btw, the "better" model it's unlocked only at the end.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Repetitive job simulator is what this should be called. You must clean and feed this big slow monster everyday and interact with it three times.

    The worst part is the e 2 system. What is that? It means that you have to push e and then 2 to interact with everything. Why? Because there is an observe choice on 1 that doesn't do anything. Completely pointless and makes every action feel tedious.

    Dev if you read this and you feel observe is necessary use Q!

    When you interact it makes a noise but nothing else. Cleaning and feeding can be automated when you grind enough.

    All story parts are too slow, the animations are to slow, the game play is to slow.

    After about 10 days you get dream sequences which you can pick a short sex animation from a list. The list gets bigger the more the monster likes you.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The game was alright but nothing special.
    The gameplay itself was pretty minimal, almost but not quite weak enough to be an afterthought. The renders were pretty okay and it did actually have a story. It takes like half an hour to play through so I'd say it's worth taking a look at but don't expect too much out of it.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    1. Extremely simple/cheep in making game. It is literally only 2 rooms.
    2. Repetitive as hell and that is especially bad as nothing hardly happens in this game.
    3. lifeform has only 3 forms during gameplay, egg, larva, lizard. It never has teenager like stage or hybrid, nothing. And we only get something human like in dreams.... during which lizard stage is doing us. (yes this is reverse rape game...)

    Dreaming element that actually gives us any sex scenes is boring and janky:
    1. in free cam mode you can not stop camera to press cum so you will be moving your camera all the time.
    2. characters hardly move during scenes.
    3. points of view are in bad places.
    4. Small amount of sex scenes
    5.Repetitive, they need you to watch entire sex till cum x number of times to get new scenes

    So over all, wasted potential game. Lifeform looks ok but in only one stage, which is actually never during gameplay and only dream sequences.

    evolution theme is wasted as creature doesn't rly evolve accept egg larva and lizard(not the one on the banner....)

    Extremely repetitive.


    Trashy hitboxes...

  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Much as the idea is okay, the execution of the game is lacking. Basically, you do little tasks and improve your alien's mood until you unlock new things like sex, then new positions, then eventually an ending based on how much cum/toys/etc. you've given her. Cute monstergirl, but there's not a lot to the game and the grind is ergh... a lot.

    Add in that you can't replace the broom in the cupboard and most of what you can buy is just effectively decoration... it's a lot of grind for a few scene variations.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    really enjoyed the mysterious story aspect and ending to this game and I was initially going to give 3 stars for that, but then I realized that's all it had to offer..

    the graphics are good (even incredible sometimes) but that falls apart when you see the model clipping, warping, jank animations etc

    the gameplay is.. more like a tech demo, a good concept and idea is in place, but with minimal interactions, the same 2 reactions to each interaction, it hasn't been improved upon enough to be tolerable for more than 20 minutes

    a lot of aspects of this game were not thought out right, you're given a job to do each day and by the 20th day guaranteed unless you were not doing the jobs you'll have things maxxed out, you then have 10 days to sit through to have "fun" but by that time you'll probably have seen every mid scene there is to see so there is no point and you end up tediously skipping through days to get the ending

    this game is by no means perfect, but if you simply just want to fuck an alien creature, this has you covered, you will not be blown away and endlessly cum everywhere, but you'll atleast... jerk off?
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Through and through, this is half-baked at best. The game appears to be a 3d trainer/management game which in theory sounds pretty cool, but like many "games" on this site, it fails to actually be a fun experience. This had good potential, but everything ultimately missed the mark:
    - the girl's breasts are unnaturally jiggly/bouncy
    - the protag is just the dude in the suit, even during sex scenes, he doesn't take anything off, just whips his dicks out the fly.
    - it takes 30 days to get the ending, but i had grinded out all the content by the 18th day (also the protag stops making new reports on that same day), which implies that the dev just called it quits and wrapped things up prematurely.
    - the sex is part of the grind, but the animations really just aren't that great, and the general approach is just not arousing in the slightest
    - the "interactions" with the creature are literally going up to it and clicking "interact"... oh wait, you can also spray it with water if you buy the hose, doesn't that sound like fun?
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Penniless Degenerate

    I have heard about the game on a Chinese site since March 2023, with it having ties with Mango Party, the publisher of many great games such as Fallen Shinobi, Lewd Gym, and even Orc Massage. I had a lot of hopes and expectations for it, being the sucker for monster girls that I am.
    Unsurprisingly, a lot of these expectations fall flat as it turns out that this is a small game from an amateur developer who had nothing under his name.:cry:

    As I just said, it's small and bare bone and could be done away in only one hour even with the grind, but it's not an hour you want to spend, especially considering its 7 dollar price tag on the Steam page.

    Basically you feed it, clean it, interact with it, and that's all for the gameplay. As you get enough points from the "tutorial" which is just mandatory events that you have to complete anyway, you get to buy a roomba and an auto-feeder, which you guessed it, complete the mission for you everyday and give you the necessary points from them without you having to grind!
    So the dev basically remedy his grindy gameplay by removing it entirely, what a fucking genius.

    Even though I mentioned "interaction," don't get too worked up about it, because it's nothing but a way to grind for affection, so no special animations or even a way for you to use most of the toys you bought.

    What this means is that the grind is still there, but it doesn't affect things by much since everything raises affection and you get about 30 days until the game ends.
    How meaningless all the gameplay aspect turn out to be makes me wonder if the dev implemented the interaction feature late in development and can't came up with any new ideas with it and just went on to focus on the sex instead.

    And speaking of affection, it's what the game use to unlock new sex position during the night; which is, fair since I can't think of better ones myself.
    But the part that makes it finnicky is that it also locks those positions behind the old one, meaning that if you want to see the new standing sex, ya gotta do the same cowgirl position over and over again till you're tired of it.

    Honestly it wouldn't be much of a problem in theory given how short you can do these scenes, but there are three, actually:
    1. The way that the sex scenes work is that you have to hold down Space in order for the alien to hop on your cock, wouldn't be that much of an issue if you don't have to also click on an onscreen button. While sure, it acts like Summer Memories where the progress bar can be locked with a right click, it still doesn't changes the fact you need two hands to complete this task.
    2. Developer obviously overestimated the quality of his animations, while sure, the pp goes in the vv yes. But the collisions aren't done well, and the models are rougher than you might think upon closer inspectation.
    3. The camera is just awful, the game gives you two angle, a lot of time one of them doesn't even let you see the penetration or have piss poor prospective. There's a free camera, yes, but it follows your cursor instead of something like click and drag, meaning that any movement could spin it around like a record baby.
    Ultimately, despite the large variety of scenes given, I'm not having fun with them most of the time.
    Nor is there much development in the story either, there's a "diary/journal" that details MC's insanity as he gets more horny from interacting with the alien until he becomes a total satyromaniac who only wants sex. On surface, it seems like a neat idea to explore, but there's not much dialogue about it and the last entry ended on day 18.

    The game eventually ends as the alien breaks the security system of the faculty by obtaining her full power from all the semen she took from the MC, they have a last fuck before the alien escapes, wrecks havoc throughout the facility and "interrupted" the research within the entire foundation, for many years she lays her offspring between her and the MC.
    If you don't have enough affection, she just leaves you to die as her fate becomes unknown outside of the cave she filled her eggs in; but if you do have 90 affections, the scene changes a little, and the cave now has the MC and the alien together and forever as you become her breeding slave.

    All of this have absolutely zero impact, as no matter what ending you got, it timeskips into many years in the future where SCR foundation sends another whipping boy to take care of a green egg and ham as the cycle begins anew.
    Look, you can be inspired by SCP but that doesn't mean my effort have to be wasted outside of getting laid, and what's the point of modelling an entire huge map that only appears in the ending that the player doesn't get to interact with???

    In conclusion, while the dev is obviously inexperienced and doing everything by himself, which don't get me wrong, is incredibly impressive nor that I'm saying I can do it any better, it's just... lackluster and unpolished compared to other 7 dollar games, or ones that are even less.

    It's just not fun as a game nor to fap, and I can't really find a way to justify that. Though it's obvious that the dev has some ideas he wanted to explore with his potential, and I sincerely do hope that he get to improve in the future to make more games, whether it's porn or not.
    But as it stands, IT'S JUST BAD.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the ending and the sexy alien girl. She's perfectly curvy and with huge tits. Would have loved to see the cute half human babies too. I look forward to a sequel or the next game. Keep up the good work. The ending pleased me because I really thought she would not change but I was pleasantly suprised.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I appreciate that you get sexual interactions with Zero in both her anthro and feral forms!! My only complaint is that you never get to see your character cum with her feral body.

    I hope you plan to make more games like this in the future; I would definitely support that!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a small tamagotchi-esque "feed-play-clean-fuck" game which can be kinda grindy if you just wish to get to the good parts, but since it's a game I didn't really mind. The addition of auto feeder and auto cleaner was neat

    30 days to reach the ending is quite a bit of time though, so once I grinded up all possibilities and her mood up, which you can do within the first 15-20days, it turned into a "wake up, interract, go to sleep, sleep until next day" scenario.

    Personally wished for some more interractions with her "day form", but still pretty satisified with what you get. No bugs during my run either which is always a plus.

    Overall a well done small game, looking forward to future titles
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It's decent. That's about it. It's a decent 1-1 1/2 hour (depending on how much you wanna skip) time killer. It's got some bugs and it's a unity game but for all it's worth it's just that. Decent

    F*ck the lizard.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not great, and not bad. But for a unity game, its passable. Since, unity games do require a lot more work than a RPGM game.

    The grind can be tedious, annoying, and unnecessary for a game like this. But at least, it gives you an option to skip and fast forward scenes you've already seen. And if you do it fast, it takes like 5-10 minutes max to get the grind over with (Day 15-30).

    Before Day 15, you should've gotten everything unlocked and done with. Just spam the hose, and feed her, and clean to get things over with fast. Get the auto feeder and auto cleaner to make your grind faster.

    Alternatively, find the 100% save on page 8 of this forum post.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game turned out to be cool. Growing an alien from an egg... A psionic influence that corrupts the protagonist's mind...Dreams with a sexy alien/moster girl while in reality mating is going on with her feral form... Pretty hot.

    There is a bit of unnecessary grind involved. But overall I really liked the game, I’ll say even more - I would like to see its continuation or similar projects. Good luck to the author and all the best!