Awesome. More of a nu/alt metal guy as far as heavy stuff goes (Slipknot/Korn is peak heavy for consistent listening for me lol), but I appreciate the really heavy stuff. 2020 totally destroyed my plans too. Personally I view live music as one of the things that makes life worth living, so whatever else is happening around me I try to get to a few gigs a year. Always feel revitalized after a good show. Hopefully there are some shows towards the end of next year, but at least we've got great games like this one to get us through to that point =P.
Saw Slipknot at Mayhem right after their bassist died. Great show. Saw Korn twice, 1995 with Megadeth (and Fear Factory), and in 1999 on Family Values (Korn, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, and Staind). Love me some NuMetal .. I mean - it is still Metal
I am trying to see bands that I like - before the die off. I went to that Mayhem concert not for Slipknot (I mean they were good) but I went for Slayer, Anthrax, and Motorhead. Two don't exist anymore

Saw Michael Schenker as he is my favorite guitarist of all time and dont know how much longer he will be on the road and touring. Scorpions celebrated their 50th anniversary as a band in 2015 (they formed in 1965, most people think of them as an 80's band). Saw Sabbath in 2018 as well because, well, it was Sabbath

Iommi has cancer and Ozzy is one snort of cocaine away from being brain dead. lolz. Get me some good shows in and enjoy the music.
I have my own FM transmitter I made from a kit in high school, goes for 200 yards. Tuned it to 89.4 and all my radios are tuned to that and my computer plays music 24/7 - and I broadcast it so I have tunes anywhere on my property. Screw streaming, I have 2500 CDs and all ripped and I play them all on random. That is the life for me