
Engaged Member
Apr 3, 2019
Oh my god, I hate the walk through mod. - A rant
Well on the bright-ish side i guess i have a reason to replay the game now.
Though i guess i'll be waiting on a walkthrough because there are some pratfalls in your game and i'd rather not run into them if i can help it.
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Sep 15, 2020
The update was friggin awesome I damn near lost it when
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Further more the whole
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Loved this update overall I'm probably going to do a full play through again for the fun of it too many good things happen too many funny and intimate moments its awesome!

The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
Aww, Are things done with Brook after the 2nd dinner is interrupted? I tried so hard to keep her and the girls


Engaged Member
Jan 15, 2017
Oh my god, I hate the walk through mod. - A rant

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So, a little while back, a walk through mod appeared, and I was sort of flattered that people would like this game enough to go through such lengths to create one. Strapped for time, I didn't try it. I did now. I fucking HATE it...

I mean, I don't hate the concept of a walk through mod. We've all played that game where you had to pick the right choices or GAME OVER! Or even more fun, it first let you play on for another 30 minutes and then GAME OVER! Or it's cousin, pick the right arbitrary choice or it's NO LEWD FOR YOU!. Even more fun if that has a delayed action because you'll never know why you never got that scene.

Like goddamn monkeys in a lab

So, we've all been trained by these poor designs, as they are staple to the genre. You pick the right choice, you get a lewd. Pick wrong, you're not gonna like this...

Like a monkey in a lab, the machine says “1+1?”, and the monkey presses “2”, and he gets a peanut. He presses “1” or “3”, and he's treated to a nice electrical shock to the balls. Ouch. Good monkeys quickly learn to press”2” when the machine says “1+1?”

So, when making LomL, I made sure there were no such choices in there. You pick the answer you think is right for you, and the game tries to react to that. But it's not gonna fuck you out of content because you didn't say “That soup is delicious”. I mean, c'mon, do you think that in a normal conversation, your partner is gonna make you sleep on the couch when you tell them it's a nice first try, but it could have used a little more salt? Well, Light of my Life doesn't do that, anyway.

So, LomL is doing it's best to not be that game. But there are choices in there that have consequences, and that includes consequences that you might want to avoid, but the player next to you doesn't.

Please follow the instructions to attach the electrodes to your relevant sensitive body parts

So, along comes the walk-through mod, and it is presented as “Highlights the best choices.” by the author.
For real? My game, the one that I wrote, has Best Choices? That's news even to me.

Because most of the time the choices in there are there to give your MC a voice in stuff, even if in the end it changes fuck all, at least you got to open your mouth and say something.

Then, there's quite a few choices for the player to indicate their own, personal preference. Which is your preference as a player, and there is no right or wrong to any of that, that's just bullshit.

It's like we strapped the electrodes to our relevant sensitive body parts ourself, and now we're sitting there, clicking through the game. Hoping for a peanut but dreading, dreading the jolt of electricity.

Only there's no goddamn jolt coming. There never was. For Light of my Life, the machine is a lie, it won't hurt us. LomL wants us to enjoy ourselves, not jolt our privates (unless you're into that, you perv).
But like a good little monkey we keep pressing green to avoid the jolt. Maybe get a peanut, even if it tastes a little like machine oil from coming out of that contraption instead of a nice and clean tasting one we foraged ourselves. And we just tell ourselves we need to machine to tell us how to get the peanut, and not the jolt, no not the jolt, even if there's not gonna be a jolt, ever.

Just let me have my training wheels, okay Naughty?

Right. They give you a sense of security, even if you don't really need them. I get that.
But it's worse. The walk-through mod is pretty dumb, the mod maker wasn't very thorough and didn't look at any of the code they were touching, and my scripts and dialogues are pretty convoluted.

And that means that the walk-through mod is giving you green on choices that are Worst Choice.

I could start to list them, but I'm not gonna bother because there's sooo many. Here's what I found:

Green for no reason
Most choices the mod considers green have absolutely no effect on the outcome of the game either way. They make the conversation flow this way or that, and give your MC a voice and a personality for you to define, but that's it. But you don't know that, so you click green and wonder why this game has so little personality to it. Luckily no jolts so far, but, hmmm.

Insincere chikenshit MC
I did notice a distinct pattern to the green choices though, and it's pretty awful. When given the option, they always pick the choice that doesn't make Macy roll her eyes, or doesn't made Denise look puzzled. Quite often, you're prompted to keep your mouth shut and miss some funny or endearing dialog because of that. Goddamn waste of my time that was, writing that up!

But why, why isn't GREEEN always Best Choice?

Presumably, that's because the mod maker thinks that anything that puts a wrinkle in your wards forehead means they won't put out. It's utter bullshit of course, and I should know. But it leaves your MC a spineless wimp that avoids even the slightest chance of confrontation and goes around telling everyone what he thinks they want to hear to suck up to them.

I get the comments about the non-entity MC on the forum now. Fucking hell, I wanted to punch the MC that the walk-through mod made me be in the face, for being such a weaselly chickenshit.

Some Best Choice is Worst Choice in another context
Sometimes in LomL, choice no 1 is best for low love situations and choice no 2 for high love, and no choice should be highlighted as best choice for middle love. But the mod doesn't take that into account, and happily steers you towards a choice that will gain you a Love Point if your love is already high, but lose you a love point if love is not all that high, because the character you're talking to thinks you're being inappropriate or presumptuous.

But at least I won't miss anything, right?
What I expect from a walk-through is that it's completionist, and takes me on a path that shows me everything in the game. But at quite a few points where you got to make a choice to engage in a certain kink or activity, none of the options were green at all.
That's the one point where it would make sense, but it's letting you down and possibly really miss out on something because you stopped reading dialog earlier as Light of my Life is the game where you press green and everything comes out Best Choice. So you think this won't matter because it's unmarked, and click something at random, and you miss out.

So arguably, the walk-through mod does in fact present you with some pretty poor choices. And on quite a few occasions, what I would consider the “Worst Choice”. And it doesn't offer you assistance with some choices that do matter. And it sucks the life out of it and makes you act like a spineless wimp.

But naughty, I don't want Worst Choices, ever!

I know, I get that. But you know what? A worst choice once in a while doesn't matter at all. Let me elaborate.

Love points in LomL are capped at 10. They're capped at 10 for a reason. If you do a perfect run from the view of gathering points, Denise maxes out at chapter 2, Macy maxes out at chapter 3 I believe. Every love point gained after that is wasted.

It means two things:
  • One: you can stand to miss quite a few love points and still max them out.
  • Two: chasing them serves no purpose at all, as they go to waste after capping anyways.
Did you realize that already? Well, you do now.

So, why put them in in the first place?

Well, for one, I wanted a mechanism for you to gouge what your standing is with a love interest. If you're not having a perfect run, I wanted a way to let you know if you are doing sorta good or sorta bad. And not doing a perfect run is fine.

Secondly, I wanted to give you some feedback on how the characters felt about things you say and do, especially in those circumstances where the character might be acting all tough and indifferent, to hide their feelings (*cough* Macy *cough *)

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But naughty, are you some kind of walkthrough hater?

Fuck no. I made light of my life so you don't need one, but I worked together with my compatriot Een Vieze Vent to make one. It only shows you the choices that actually matter. But it's not yet updated to chapter 5 (that's on me).

Right, let's lynch the effin' walk-through mod maker.

Jeez, no! It's not their fault. They're only trying to fulfil a demand and provide a service to the community, and that's to be appreciated.

What's more, they've been brainwashed - same as us - into believing the way into a VN girls pants is though a combination of being an insincere sleaze sucking up to them by only telling them what they want to hear, and jumping on any, any first opportunity to lewd like a horn dog, so as not to miss a slight hint that locks you out of a major lewd scene. They also got punished same as us by horrible design with arbitrary choices being WRONG <BZZZZT>, and fucking you out of content as a consequence. So it's no wonder the walk-through mod comes out as horrible as it does, it's inspired by horrible games in that regard.

At the same time, they did do a bit of a rush job, to put it mildly, and I don't much care for how they arbitrarily sprinkled splashes of green all over something I spent seven months toiling on, and how it is sucking the very spirit out of it when you use it.

So now what? I need my security blanket.

Well, I'm gonna team up with ViezeVent again if he's game. I haven't reached out to him yet because it's been a madhouse, but I will. So there will be an official unofficial walk-though document again.

Also, I am more than willing to share the documentation I have about the choices in LomL and their consequences with someone seeking to make a walk-through mod. But I'd need their commitment that they'll spend more than two hours on it slapping green on some dialog choices without looking at the context of that choice, and won't steer you in choices where there is no particularly bad or good consequence to your choices.

But really, I hoped that by now I'd have talked you out of your insecurity when it comes to Light of my Life and jolts to your sensitive parts.
This is why this thread is your friend:

I always try walkthrough mods but I compare them against the script and 50% of the time they make you miss out on stuff you might want to see/take a suboptimal path. Also you can look through different options/variable changes more quickly than rolling back or save checkpointing if you extract and peek at the scripts. Like it's interesting seeing all the options in this game if you make everyone hate you without having to actually play through it like that lol. Sure it might take some of the magic out of it but I'd rather that than banging my head against a wall with a badly designed game (which this is not), or playing through a game 4 times to get all the different events/dialogue options. You can also get tools to peek through RPGM games, but that's a bit more of a chore. Unity games... those I just pray someone nice comes along and makes a mod =P.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Just finished this update. That you know what scene had me stunned for a while. Anyway this was a great update. The wholesome family trip was nice. That blowjob from Macy was so hot especially when she got lost in her own desire and kept sucking :love:.

That ending though man. Hopefully it's not bad news. Until next time.


Sep 2, 2018
Once again, an update that not only has some achingly horny stuff, but throws the feels around willy nilly. For story content alone, this is amongst the best here with the emotional rollercoaster moving up and down along with the way, although I'm glad to see it's on an upward trend at the moment1
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