
Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
That might be a problem if the story or characters are forgettable, or the story is badly convoluted with a too large cast. Not the case here IMO. I can distinctly remember what happened last episode, and my memory is not exactly that sharp anymore.
This... If the renders were of the same quality and models we see in hundreds of games on here I am sure I would forget it, the unique approach to the story helps but for me the unconventional take on the art really makes it next level. Don't get me wrong, the storytelling in this game is great, and it has all the pervy content anyone could want, but for me the art that accompanies the story takes it to the next level. There are very few developers who would "waste" their time and energy to add a bear "attack" to the background of a scene because it is unnecessary and draws focus away from the central storyline. But for me that is what makes this game more memorable, it doesn't fade back into the morass of all the other games of its ilk because the dev has a quirky sense of humor that they share with us. We don't get generic characters against generic backgrounds having generic sex, in this game there really isn't anything that I'd consider generic.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2021
When people will understand that game developers are not at their disposal. Under the pretext that we give them our money so we should have everything right away ? Do you even know how long it takes to develop even one chapter ? Developers are like you, human, with private or other worries, we never say it enough, they are not robots.
The customer is always right, i paid, therefore you are at my disposal to do whatever i please, you are my slave, i've bought you!
  • Haha
Reactions: naughtyroad


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2022
Maybe I should just wait until complete but I'm not in the best health (an extreme understatement) and might not live long enough. I remember the basic but goddamn! Why not just like 2 month updates but shorter. It takes this long but they are mega huge.
Problem is the longer it takes to update, the more people forget.
Very sorry to hear that, wish you could have what you want. But, not the way the world works and Naughty is his own individual with his own time spent making his own game.. he's already stated (many, many times) that he's doing it exactly the way he wants to and that he doesn't care about people's criticisms or worries about his release schedule, so not rlly any point in continuing to complain about it, ya know? First time you play the game and don't know the schedule or realize how many times the concern's already been addressed, sure, understandable, but I feel like I've seen you around here and you know by now, right? :unsure:


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
Damn, still remains ... Maybe another two weeks more
There are still all the icons in the bottom left side of the progress chart to be marked as done. Those alone usually take a couple of weeks, more or less, so I'm afraid you're probably being way too optimistic


Jun 18, 2019
I find myself skipping many releases of games I actually like a lot if the Changelog looks underwhelming due to frequent updates.
Some I've actually gotten into the skipping habit to such an extent i forgot i play them.

"Release 17.3, aaaand I have 5.1 sitting on my drive. Right.. Well, guess there's some content now then"


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2022
I find myself skipping many releases of games I actually like a lot if the Changelog looks underwhelming due to frequent updates.
Some I've actually gotten into the skipping habit to such an extent i forgot i play them.

"Release 17.3, aaaand I have 5.1 sitting on my drive. Right.. Well, guess there's some content now then"
I only do that when it's like every 2 weeks. More than 2 or 3 months I forget a lot. 6 months plus I forget much. One like this I forget almost everything.
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Reactions: BlueGothGirl


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2021
I find myself skipping many releases of games I actually like a lot if the Changelog looks underwhelming due to frequent updates.
Some I've actually gotten into the skipping habit to such an extent i forgot i play them.

"Release 17.3, aaaand I have 5.1 sitting on my drive. Right.. Well, guess there's some content now then"
Yeah, there are a couple I've had that happen with. "Oh, I forgot about that one...for quite some time. apparently!"


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 24, 2020
I know a lot of people play these games for the sex but I am really looking forward to the story in the next chapter as well.
especially after the ending to the last chapter.
Me to. It can have the most beautiful renders, but a bad story, That's enough for me to quit playing. If I see potential, I'll wait two-three updates. And if it's sandbox, that's not for me. I prefer good story and good characters AVN.
I Agree completely
Over the last couple of years, I've definitely prioritized storied games.
For the art there is a middle point where I like to see these games exist. I don't want to get too close to the uncanny valley when it comes to the renders, but I also don't want to see messily drawn art that looks like two colorful blobs undergoing mitosis.

The story is what holds it all together because otherwise it is just porn. If I want to see a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" scene there's a hub for that. I'm here for two things 1) a well told story and 2) being able to interact with that story by making decisions in the beginning of the game that eventually fuck up the life of the main character at the end of the game.

And I agree, the last time I enjoyed playing in a sandbox I was 5. Too many developers think that they should include sandbox elements to lengthen the game. They don't understand that if you write a great story people will stick around even when the update is small. I love this game because I feel naughtyroad is one of the few devs out there that figured this out. He makes a great game with a story that I want to read and art that I want to see. Not a lot of people do that.
naughtyroad has definitely inspired me. He's one of the handful of Dev's that I'm learning from.
Wise words, MrFriendly. I agree with everything... Where should I sign for that? ;)
Me, too!
Unfortunately, it seems so few people do agree. At least going by the porn games that proliferate this site. Not going to knock someone for having whatever kink they have. I'd just rather see a lot more thoughtfully done games like LoML than cheap sex scenes between the same 2-3 daz models.
Well, I'm working on stories about kinks, presented with more realism (I.E. Consent is crucial)
I agree one thing i would add is i hate when the mc in these games in an arsehole or creepy that has turned me off a lotta visual novels
Same here, I gave Glamour some of my money in part because I wanted to see where Kate's path would develop. Not interested in Max, who starts out a creepy narcissist and remains unchanged by the events around him. Most gain some level of empathy and compassion as the story progresses, but not Max.
So not too much longer. A fucking year is too long. After a few months you forget a lot. More than 2 months is definitely too long if you're like me over 40 and play several AVNs.
Hmmm.... If you are over 40 and play several AVNs, I would have thought that you had plenty to occupy your time while waiting for the games with a long development cycle. I'm over 60 and retired, but I still have plenty to occupy my mind between the games, the forums, and my own AVN projects.
Well, that'd be the smart thing to do, financially more than anything. But story's more important to me. I want chapters to have an arch. A beginning, middle and end, that you can go through at your own pace without interruption. Doling chunks out piecemeal every x months undermines that, and it also takes away my ability to go back and tweak or completely revise something in the beginning of the chapter to support what happens in the middle or the end. So that's why it's happening this way, and that's why it'll never get released chunked out in bits and pieces.

To me, the end result is what matters, and if there's some horngy grumbling along the way, that's just too bad.
More power to you! I'm creating AVNs that I want to create. I'm motivated not only by the stories inside me but also my own standards for the art, putting out a work that I can feel happy with/proud of.
I'm over 60, and I can't tell you how many AVNs I have played or am playing. I love that naughtyroad doesn't dole it out in random-sized chunks, but in whole chapters that are narratively cohesive. Many of those on shorter update schedules I'll let 3 or 4 updates go by before resuming, just so there will actually be a reasonable amount of material added. I hate getting a new update and it only being an additional 12 minutes of gameplay. I'm sorry your health isn't the best — I'm not exactly A1 myself, but that's life — but the world (and its game updates) don't revolve around you. Sorry.
Exactly my attitude as well. I guess you are sane!
If support collapses, it collapses. The game isn't going to be made any other way. It can't go faster because a day only has so many hours. The whole thing is set on a fixed course really, and barring a meteor strike, it's going to arrive exactly when it's done, and no sooner. Worrying about what might happen on the sidelines is moot, really.

Thankfully, that decision is entirely not yours to make, and your opinion on the matter about as valuable as the depreciation of your keyboard during the time it took you to type it.
Yeah, I hope I do get enough supporters to pay my expenses to create my AVNs. If I get any more than that, "it's gravy."


Message Maven
Mar 25, 2021
Every day we get a little bit closer to seeing Brooke again I know the Macy & Denise are the focus and I do like doing dirty things with them but I can't exclude Brooke she is too awesome (so this is my dream for the future, Three girls + mc = :love:)


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Wait... My GF named me at least five times today "dumbass", I thought she is just mean to me. But I'm not so sure now... ;)
Thats a valid sign of affection. Cause a women who doesn't call you names or doesn't constantly nags you is not in love with you. ;)

Because you are HER "dumbass" an no one else can call you that. If we use their logic against them you can always start a love rumble with them. If you go "well you are even dumber cause you married that dumbass" you get in a fight for your life.
But if you go "yes i am mabye a dumbass. But i am YOUR dumbass" you can literally see (even in a small fight) how their face and eyes light up.

Unless you are my wife.... in which case i get insulted in hungarian and only understand that the lord should forgive me for my stupidity. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Last edited:


Sep 24, 2017
Ok now I want to copy Dremel and try to make new lyrics for that song.

Picture yourself in a steamed bathroom with her.
With full frontal teets and massaging those.
She softly whispers you, you answer quite slowly.
A girl with the best looking breasts.

Fabric thin towels of yellow and green.
Towering over your 'head'.
Look for the girl with the sin in her eyes.
And she's done.

Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.

Follow her down to a seat by the fire.
Where true lovely people eat eachothers' pies.
They both will smile as you ignore the social border.
That grows so incredibly high.

Female coworkers appear on the shore.
Waiting to troll you away.
Trust in the comfort of your dick reserved for their bod.
And you're done.

Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.

Picture yourself in a cabin with no power.
With hormone addicted daughters with pre-planned events.
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile.
The girl with the best looking breasts.

Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.

Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.

Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.
Denise in the sky with Macy.

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Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
Well, that'd be the smart thing to do, financially more than anything. But story's more important to me. I want chapters to have an arch. A beginning, middle and end, that you can go through at your own pace without interruption. Doling chunks out piecemeal every x months undermines that, and it also takes away my ability to go back and tweak or completely revise something in the beginning of the chapter to support what happens in the middle or the end. So that's why it's happening this way, and that's why it'll never get released chunked out in bits and pieces.

To me, the end result is what matters, and if there's some horngy grumbling along the way, that's just too bad.
I think you mean arc, although an Arch does have a beginning a middle and an end :D
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