
Mar 5, 2018
Goodness gracious, gravy and mashed potatoes. No, there haven't been any updates for a while. Yes, the dev is still working on it. No, we don't know when the next update will be. In the meantime, feel free to browse the hundreds of other games available to play here at the forum.
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Jan 10, 2019
I didn't want it to sound not polite. I just expressed my observations. Therefore, I will delete my comment. Regards
No offense taken I think, just letting you know, you're not the 1st one making this kind of comment that it has been adressed numeral times.
To be honest, I had the same inital reaction you had : "WTF they are ugly as fuck!". And guess what, after playing this game I find them beautiful !
Give it a try? maybe you'll get hooked like many others (like me)


Jul 11, 2021
No offense taken I think, just letting you know, you're not the 1st one making this kind of comment that it has been adressed numeral times.
To be honest, I had the same inital reaction you had : "WTF they are ugly as fuck!". And guess what, after playing this game I find them beautiful !
Give it a try? maybe you'll get hooked like many others (like me)

S cool. I'll try to play and let you know. Thanks and regards ;)
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
No offense taken I think, just letting you know, you're not the 1st one making this kind of comment that it has been adressed numeral times.
To be honest, I had the same inital reaction you had : "WTF they are ugly as fuck!". And guess what, after playing this game I find them beautiful !
Give it a try? maybe you'll get hooked like many others (like me)
S cool. I'll try to play and let you know. Thanks and regards ;)
You wouldn't be the first and probably not the last if you gave it a shot.

I heard a lot of people praising this game, that play the same ones as me, and every time I'd think ooh must check it out, took one look at the preview pics and closed it.

Can't wait for the next update now.


Jul 11, 2021
You wouldn't be the first and probably not the last if you gave it a shot.

I heard a lot of people praising this game, that play the same ones as me, and every time I'd think ooh must check it out, took one look at the preview pics and closed it.

Can't wait for the next update now.

Interesting. I want to play more and more :) I'll start tomorrow. Thanks ;)


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Lot's of bears again. As the update draws closer and closer they all come out of hybernation to start looking for that honey. And if they don't like it they start arguing again on how the honey looks, tastes etc.

Why some of us are also rude in the answers of why the looks of the girls are not up for debate is the OP and the Rules the mods made. Not us, not the dev. THE MODS
Anyone and i mean literally anyone who wanna discuss this rule can do so but not in this thread. Discuss it with the mods who will politely but surely show you the way to imaginary door in the upper right corner of your browser shaped like an X.

Also since its bear hunting season again (at least it looks like it) i feel the need to explain YET AGAIN!

The difference between Critique and Opintion.

I am not attacking anyone specific nor do i want that others do when i explain the difference again.

Constructive Critique = Advice on improving certain things like lightning, coding, writing, Modell creation, dialouges, storyline etc. Needs the skill to actually know better and the proof of doing things better than the one you try to criticise. I am a writer so i can criticise story, dialouge, plot etc. What i can not criticise is stuff like coding, modeling etc. (coding may change in the future i dont know yet) If you do not develop a game yourself you should not talk about updates, schedules etc or try to criticise any of that. You will fail to do so by lack of knowledge and embarrass yourself.

Critique is split into constructive (which i just explained) and deconstructive critique.

Deconstructive Critique is when you know better. Explain that something could be better. Have the skill and proof of actually doing it better and explaining said stuff in a way that others can understand why a certain standard was not met and the product or work of something is therefore inadequate. At no point in time do you need to explain on how to do things better.

You let your analyzing and deconstroctive critique speak for itself. Even Deconstructive Critique can be helpful in certain ways when an open mind is reading or analyzing it.

Critique therefore is talking in facts. Not Opinions. Valid, verifiable facts.

People who could write deconstructive critique in this thread are only other devs who made bigger, better and more successful games. The list of devs who could do so if they choose can be counted with one hand. The list of devs who WOULD do so are probably 0.

Opinion = I like or i dislike. I would want this or i would want to see that. My view on this is different. An opinion is at no point and time overruling facts. It is precisely your personal preference being either met or not. What you may like is maybe disliked or liked by others. Your opinion regardless the topic is your own. No one could change or deny it unless you choose to.
The twist however is that your opinion as it is your own, can never and i mean can NEVER demand anything of anyone except from yourself.
That includes the dev of this game naughtyroad!

Your opinion therefore can be stated unless you break Thread or Board rules. Opinions however are not critique nor should you ever think they are. Opinions are subjective and therefore unique to each and every person and their experience in life.
If you wanna write some critique feel free to do so in a polite and objective manner.

So for the TLdR people out there we learned 3 valuable things.

1. Rules are not open for discussion. You either follow them or Mods will explain them less friendly to you after you broke them.
2. Opinions are not Critique and vice versa. Memorize that please.
3. If you wanna state your opinion or criticise something be polite and objective in doing so to open space for debate with other board members and the dev himself.

Thanks and have a great night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
The difference between Critique and Opintion.
So for the TLdR people out there we learned 3 valuable things.

1. Rules are not open for discussion. You either follow them or Mods will explain them less friendly to you after you broke them.
2. Opinions are not Critique and vice versa. Memorize that please.
3. If you wanna state your opinion or criticise something be polite and objective in doing so to open space for debate with other board members and the dev himself.
Thanks and have a great night.
Yeah not so much.
Nothing wrong with demanding politeness, although in these forums it's a faint hope at best. Further the mod's rules are absolute so all of us either accept and abide by them or face the consequences.

So I agree with you on those points.

This is a discussion thread on a pirate porn site. It matters little whether comments seek to critic, criticize, or express an opinion or a desire for a particular option in the VN/game in question. Pedantic badgering and rat holing will be dealt (harshly) by the mods. We each can block any commenter whose comments we find unworthy of our time. Beyond that open expression is not just appropriate but, for the most part, desirable.


Nov 24, 2018
I just googled lichtiophilia and the only result is your post in this thread. Well played *golf claps*.
, and , all pages in french that describe the word "lictiophilie". Try to translate "lictiophilie" with google translate. It's kind of weird that the word is use only in French but not in English...


Engaged Member
Jan 15, 2017
, and , all pages in french that describe the word "lictiophilie". Try to translate "lictiophilie" with google translate. It's kind of weird that the word is use only in French but not in English...
Huh, I am not deep enough into French to have encountered that word before, lol. Thanks for the sources, j'ai appris quelque chose aujourd'hui!


New Member
Feb 17, 2021
Naughty please, this game is like drugs
I keep playing the same thing over and over and I think the magic is wearing off
I pray to Jesus every night for one more update. Please naughty I...no WE need it,it's been too long


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Constructive Critique = Advice on improving certain things like lightning, coding, writing, Modell creation, dialouges, storyline etc. Needs the skill to actually know better and the proof of doing things better than the one you try to criticise. I am a writer so i can criticise story, dialouge, plot etc. What i can not criticise is stuff like coding, modeling etc. (coding may change in the future i dont know yet) If you do not develop a game yourself you should not talk about updates, schedules etc or try to criticise any of that. You will fail to do so by lack of knowledge and embarrass yourself.
Rubbish. You don't have to be a professional writer, coder, developer, etc. to offer valid and insightful criticisms. Ex. Before I even touched a line of code, I was noticing logic errors in games...and I didn't even know what that was until much later. And there is no one, "right" way to code. Many routes can be taken to achieve a desired result. That's the beauty of programming.

I like reading both dissenting opinions and critiques of games that I enjoy. They may notice something outside the scope of my lovestruck, myopic view. For Light of My Life, I generally enjoy everything about this game, but if someone puts forth an interesting point to challenge my perceptions, I will certainly listen, regardless if they are an experienced critic or not. The professionals can become too stuck in their methods anyway. Newcomers and amateurs are necessary to mix things up and provide fresh perspectives. Without them, innovation would grind to a halt. Art (especially AVNs) is created for a largely amateur audience, not just professionals. Feedback from that audience is imperative for improvement.

P.S. All artwork critiques have an element of opinion lodged within. The two are never completely separated. An example of lighting. While bad lighting might be universally noticed, what constitutes good lighting in a scene might not be universally agreed. One expert might think a soft light works better while another expert might think a harsher light is more proper.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
Interesting points about critique and feedback. Tbh, a ton has changed about how I perceive feedback and critique about LomL. When I first started out still wet behind the ears, I took nearly everything really seriously, trying to find the nugget of wisdom wherever I could. But let's be honest about it, it doesn't take long to figure out 90% or so of "feedback" seems to consist of the same three or four hackneyed old varieties, e.g.:

"Grls uuugly" - translates to "I imprinted on Barbie dolls and want everything to have Barbie dolls." That is, when it doesn't translate to "Foreign looking people are icky and smelly."

"Writing boooring"
- of course, that's a valid opinion to have, but I found that most of the times, this translates to "I started skipping though content because my dick demands tits, now I missed so much of it nothing anyone says in the game makes sense anymore, and I blame the author for that."

"No one likes [fetish X] so this game suuucks!"
- translates to "I really hate the idea that anything could ever be made that is not tailored specifically for me, personally, free of charge. Therefore, this thing must not be allowed to exists."

"There's no sex, just tease!"
- translates to "I cannot be trusted with choices, because I just turned down every option to interact with anyone in the game except the slow burn ones, and now I don't have anyone to interact with in the game except the slow burn ones."

They're void of value, and just get a little headshake before moving on, or a tap on the nose when they're being really obnoxious about it.

There is interesting feedback out there though, like one where a player was really annoyed by some of the one-choice menu's that are in there, which are there on purpose, for dramatic and pacing reasons, but strike some as unneeded and annoying. That prompted me to add a keyboard biding so you don't have to take your free hand from the keyboard to click the mouse :sneaky:, which I feel is a really neat, small improvement.
And of course I love some of the deeper analyses, like Miðgarðsormr 's daughters' view on the office ladies, which completely blindsided me. That really helps me to figure out how some parts of the story are received, and understand how to be a better storyteller.


Sep 24, 2017
Interesting points about critique and feedback. Tbh, a ton has changed about how I perceive feedback and critique about LomL. When I first started out still wet behind the ears, I took nearly everything really seriously, trying to find the nugget of wisdom wherever I could. But let's be honest about it, it doesn't take long to figure out 90% or so of "feedback" seems to consist of the same three or four hackneyed old varieties, e.g.:

"Grls uuugly" - translates to "I imprinted on Barbie dolls and want everything to have Barbie dolls." That is, when it doesn't translate to "Foreign looking people are icky and smelly."

"Writing boooring"
- of course, that's a valid opinion to have, but I found that most of the times, this translates to "I started skipping though content because my dick demands tits, now I missed so much of it nothing anyone says in the game makes sense anymore, and I blame the author for that."

"No one likes [fetish X] so this game suuucks!"
- translates to "I really hate the idea that anything could ever be made that is not tailored specifically for me, personally, free of charge. Therefore, this thing must not be allowed to exists."

"There's no sex, just tease!"
- translates to "I cannot be trusted with choices, because I just turned down every option to interact with anyone in the game except the slow burn ones, and now I don't have anyone to interact with in the game except the slow burn ones."

They're void of value, and just get a little headshake before moving on, or a tap on the nose when they're being really obnoxious about it.

There is interesting feedback out there though, like one where a player was really annoyed by some of the one-choice menu's that are in there, which are there on purpose, for dramatic and pacing reasons, but strike some as unneeded and annoying. That prompted me to add a keyboard biding so you don't have to take your free hand from the keyboard to click the mouse :sneaky:, which I feel is a really neat, small improvement.
And of course I love some of the deeper analyses, like Miðgarðsormr 's daughters' view on the office ladies, which completely blindsided me. That really helps me to figure out how some parts of the story are received, and understand how to be a better storyteller.
my favorit game, and i like slov story, not need 2 min play time and fuck all, like the art and dont give up


Active Member
Apr 1, 2019
Interesting points about critique and feedback. Tbh, a ton has changed about how I perceive feedback and critique about LomL. When I first started out still wet behind the ears, I took nearly everything really seriously, trying to find the nugget of wisdom wherever I could. But let's be honest about it, it doesn't take long to figure out 90% or so of "feedback" seems to consist of the same three or four hackneyed old varieties, e.g.:

"Grls uuugly" - translates to "I imprinted on Barbie dolls and want everything to have Barbie dolls." That is, when it doesn't translate to "Foreign looking people are icky and smelly."

"Writing boooring"
- of course, that's a valid opinion to have, but I found that most of the times, this translates to "I started skipping though content because my dick demands tits, now I missed so much of it nothing anyone says in the game makes sense anymore, and I blame the author for that."

"No one likes [fetish X] so this game suuucks!"
- translates to "I really hate the idea that anything could ever be made that is not tailored specifically for me, personally, free of charge. Therefore, this thing must not be allowed to exists."

"There's no sex, just tease!"
- translates to "I cannot be trusted with choices, because I just turned down every option to interact with anyone in the game except the slow burn ones, and now I don't have anyone to interact with in the game except the slow burn ones."

They're void of value, and just get a little headshake before moving on, or a tap on the nose when they're being really obnoxious about it.

There is interesting feedback out there though, like one where a player was really annoyed by some of the one-choice menu's that are in there, which are there on purpose, for dramatic and pacing reasons, but strike some as unneeded and annoying. That prompted me to add a keyboard biding so you don't have to take your free hand from the keyboard to click the mouse :sneaky:, which I feel is a really neat, small improvement.
And of course I love some of the deeper analyses, like Miðgarðsormr 's daughters' view on the office ladies, which completely blindsided me. That really helps me to figure out how some parts of the story are received, and understand how to be a better storyteller.
Exactly, NR, your take on the repetitive criticism of morons who only want to fuck every 3 minutes of play is very correct. The same goes for those who swear by botoxed bimbos endowed with monstrous tits and asses and who have put their brains in their cunt. Throw it all in the trash and continue on your way, to the delight of your real supporters who appreciate real stories with real characters ...


Engaged Member
Oct 1, 2017
Rubbish. You don't have to be a professional writer, coder, developer, etc. to offer valid and insightful criticisms. Ex. Before I even touched a line of code, I was noticing logic errors in games...and I didn't even know what that was until much later. And there is no one, "right" way to code. Many routes can be taken to achieve a desired result. That's the beauty of programming.

I like reading both dissenting opinions and critiques of games that I enjoy. They may notice something outside the scope of my lovestruck, myopic view. For Light of My Life, I generally enjoy everything about this game, but if someone puts forth an interesting point to challenge my perceptions, I will certainly listen, regardless if they are an experienced critic or not. The professionals can become too stuck in their methods anyway. Newcomers and amateurs are necessary to mix things up and provide fresh perspectives. Without them, innovation would grind to a halt. Art (especially AVNs) is created for a largely amateur audience, not just professionals. Feedback from that audience is imperative for improvement.

P.S. All artwork critiques have an element of opinion lodged within. The two are never completely separated. An example of lighting. While bad lighting might be universally noticed, what constitutes good lighting in a scene might not be universally agreed. One expert might think a soft light works better while another expert might think a harsher light is more proper.
Of course you don't need to be any of those to offer valid and insightful criticism if you know the difference between critique and opinion that is. Which most people who start something here do not. Some people defend the writing of AWAM which is absolute and utter garbage even noticeable by absolute amateurs. So people like you who know how to express their views are sadly the minority on this board in general.
Often times all you can read is stuff like "where are the tits i demanded yesterday?" or "Update bad cause to much dialouge and story makes no sense and didn't see enough vagina" which is absolutely ridiculous if you payed a single minute of attention to the story presented in this game.

Most people who complain in here however do not know the simple difference between those 2.

The write stuff like "Women Ugly. Why don't they look exactly like i would want them to?" and when you point out that this is against the rules they start babbling about how their personal opinion is critique. Which it is not. Hence my explanations yet again so they freaking understand it one day.

I like to do that as well. My daughters for example experience the office ladies as kind of antagonists that threaten the love triangle of the MC and his wards while as well representing the different stages of a mother that is missing in the wards life.
1. A single lady not bound by anything to experience her sexual desires freely.
2. A Lady who is becoming a mother who is frustrated by her pregnancy and the hardships that come with it.
3. A Lady that is living through a sexual frustrating time in her life while also being a mother and a caretaker at the same time.

An observation or rather a point of view i would have never thought off. But a valid one and a interesting one to say the least. That is feedback that is substantial as the dev as well as others from amateurs to pro's alike can work with that. Understand the viewpoint. Debate it. Question it etc.

But what in the world are we or the dev supposed to do with "Girls ugly" or "Why is there no sex scene?" or "Why update take so long?" Thats just absolute useless as those people neither read anything in the game nor the OP. And the update time was explained so many times already that you must be a newbie to not have read it yet.

Your P.S is exactly what i would want people to realize who constantly babble complete and utter nonsense. Group A likes Lighting this way. Group B likes lighting the other way. Group C has a different approach and Group D thinks in general that the darker a scene with only influences of light from certain angles are whats best.
This opens debate and gives alot of insight to work with for the dev and others.

More debate, more dialouge and more discussion in general. And less to 0 arguing about "how the girls look" or why personal preferences are not met.

Exactly, NR, your take on the repetitive criticism of morons who only want to fuck every 3 minutes of play is very correct. The same goes for those who swear by botoxed bimbos endowed with monstrous tits and asses and who have put their brains in their cunt. Throw it all in the trash and continue on your way, to the delight of your real supporters who appreciate real stories with real characters ...
The amount of botoxed bimbos endowed with monstrous tits and asses would make you think the "bears" had enough on their plate to chew on. Yet they keep coming here and other games demanding the same stuff over and over again. Like demanding from a chef only to cook one dish for the rest of his life because that is what they like. Absolutely ridiculous.
Hopefully they all meet such a bimbo IRL and marry them. Only to figure out that is no longer what they want and than they hunt down the games with such characters and do the opposite of what they are doing right now.
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