VN - Ren'Py - Lilith Rising [v2.1.0ns] [Jubei]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Doesn't work on Mac. Ive downloaded the game countless time and each time I can't the game to run. it shows ups in my downloads as folder and the game folder isn't in the the games application. I tried opening the application with the game folder out and inside the games application and both times the game says to open and then closes without any display of the game opening. So if anyone know how to get bypass this please let me know, I was exited to play this game when I first found it, now it just has disappointed me.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has a pretty boring loop - you click on everyone around a campfire in turn, then you click on a map location pointlessly (because there's not actually a choice), then you skip through some boring monster combat and then you click on bedrooms to reset the day. All the while with every empty headed female character trying to throw themselves at you and you making zero effort.

    The UI is ok, though often text that looks clickable isn't and the game compeletely ignores your sound settings during sex scenes.

    The renders aren't very good, maybe they would be but everything has outlines to show it's clickable and that takes away from it. The female models are good, especially sophies
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Endgame Gaming

    I don't understand the bad reviews on this game.

    -Attractive LI's with unique personality's.
    -Well thought out story.
    -good quality renders.
    -animations are also good quality.

    -Story moves a bit fast (but relative to how long this story could be it might have been necessary.)
    -no dialog during sex scenes and are pretty short.(but as stated in pros they are well done)
    -if you don't choose certain things in the right order the game will present you with the wrong dialog.

    In summary this is a good fantasy game. It has some flaws mostly in season 1 if you make choices out of order. Some people whine that you don't have a choice of who you sleep with, but if you don't the whole story would unravel. This is not a slow burn either so if that's what you like I don't recommend. Otherwise it is a good play.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This vn had a lot of elements to become at least decent and failed miserably, the renders and art are decent, but the author can't right to save his life, it's actually insane, most ridiculous part is that it gets worse, i held out on checking updates after the first chapter came out and you can definitely see a decline from chapter to chapter, dialogue is horrendous, story is all over the place riddled with plot holes and contradictions every single sentence...
    I wish i could point any redeemable quality but even the scenes and everything else is lazy to say the least.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Can tell the dev put work into this, and props for it being polished (no bugs/smooth UX) and having a decent amount of content for how long its been out.

    Unfortunately it doesn't work for me. The writing is very cheesy, and the characters don't have personality, this is more of a sex fest game than anything else.

    If you just want a sex fest game, you will probably like this one. Otherwise I would pass
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Josus Joestar

    Lilith Rising [v2.0.11ns] preliminary review

    Visual/Audio; 3/5
    Rendering quality is okay for the 2022 standard. Nothing notable about it. However, the audio choice really fits this game theme.

    Character Appeal; 1/5
    All the characters are really pretty but very shallow. Their dialogues seem forced and weird, especially for the twins, like how and why they always share the same dialogue.

    Story/Scenario 0.5/5
    Very cool concept but extremely flawed execution.

    Enjoyment 0.5/5
    The bad story, cringe dialogues, and subpar visuals made me regret the decision I give Lilith Rising a shot.

    Final calculation 1.25/5
    Revamping the whole story might just be more viable, I think.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Story 1/5
    Man this had some potential, but i cant stand when story dosent line up with choices and expects you to follow some set storyline.

    The witch i turned her ass down since i dident trust her for a second, so i resisted her twice and absolutly nothing happened between her and MC, yet when you then meet her in the forest she starts asking MC if he remembers what they did, which he does? huh? then she say "after i helped you relax she knew MC was special?" i meant what? she helped him relax? all she did was send him out the door? and then she goes on saying "after i sampled the goods" i mean she did what now? what the fuck is she even talking about...and thats the kind of stuff that ruins a story, talking about things that never happened...

    I saw on the forum its a known issue and dev said he would be fixed in an update or hotfix, but that was back in june 2023 so after a year its not fixed so it seems more likely that they just dont care about such story breaking events.

    And it dosent stop there, if you never do anything with Freja game will still say you had sex with her at the chapter end overview...also its forces Val on you as well, going to bed only skips the scene but it still happens but chapter end overview never even talk about Val even though shes apprently a forced expect every girl to be forced on you and game ignoring all your choices even if you turn down a truely dosent get much worse then this.

    Also im not really a fan of MC and hes mindset, constantly thinking how hot someone is or how amazing it would be to get help with jerking off from someone, i mean let it be up to the players to think what they want to think instend of trying to force it onto them, if a player hate the character and read such shit about her it really just kills the hole game.

    It also has a weird system where turning someone down after a date i never wanted to go on? but then next second you get the option to enter her room for sex? what? i just turned her ass down....and all you can do about it is skip the scene but it will still happen and tell you so doing the story shortly after.....

    Not only that i talked to another LI that said "visit me in my room to night to have some fun" this is one i was going after in my playthought but when i went to her room shes sleeping? what?....

    This story is in such a shitty state that it needs a full rework to be saved so story lines up with choices or make it a pure kinetic novel which is basicly is right now anyway.

    Girls 2/5
    I dident like Val or Freja much did like the sister Gwen but theres no faithfull route or waiting for who you want to be with, game do whatever and forces LIs on you, so nothing really matters.

    Animations 3/5
    Pretty averger, maybe even a bit below like 2.5/5.

    Music 3/5
    Pretty standard stuff, a bit boring but some of it does suit the game atleast.

    Choices 0/5
    They just dont work, story does what it want no matter what choices you make, so think of it as a kinetic novel, since its in such a poor state as it is now that it needs a total rework to fix every choice and story to become a real VN.

    I can not recommend anyone to play this one in its current state, its simply just way to big a mess and everything you do is ignored unless you follow a already set storyline perfectly.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Can't get past the horrible writing. One statement seems fine, the next seems like it came from a different and much younger person. All from MC. Gets too juvenile. In general it seems like the MC is a child with the way he acts. Too cringy for me had to call it quits. I don't jump into every game that looks good and I try to vet games like this but it happens. I can think of only two other games I could not get past the writing. Sad because the renders looked very nice. Maybe if they hire a writer? Or alternatively fire the writer?
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I think the story was really bad. The way the characters talk feels wrong. the adult scenes are super short and boring. And lastly i cant stand it when there is a narrator that tells you what is happening, i mean it is a visual novel, show us what is happening and dont use a narrator to do so!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Played 1st season on steam and had mixed feelings.

    1) Fantasy universe, one of my favourite - demons, elves, monsters, ancient artifacts (like fangs or demon-slayer). The whole premise for an amazing story.
    2) Beautiful girls (Freja - the best one in my humble opinion), decent animations, I would say that LIs have very well written personalities, but so far I can say it only for Freja, maybe because game has more content with her.

    1) First of all - it's a kinetic novel, I don't remember any significant choices that impact the story, only flavours, like - to creep on the sleepy Qwen or not to creep. The same with choosing which quest to play next - you don't have a choice.
    Also from what I saw - harem is also forced, like for example you can't escape date with sisters, otherwise you can't get out of the free roam, OR when Jezz asks you for a sample and you can only fuck Val (even if you didn't flirt with her before, yeah, just like that), I tried it with Freja (she is my main LI) but she was just unavailable that night.
    It's not like i hate it, but I bought game long ago and just were waiting until 1 season is fully done and I remember Dev mentioning that LIs are optional, he even said that you will get consequences for fucking around with multiple LIs (like in the Witcher), I dunno, maybe it will be like this in future or Dev changed his approach, if it's the latter then it looks like false advertisement to me.
    2) Next - writing is poor, abrupt, sometimes illogical, sometimes characters discuss things like they discussed them earlier in a game, but i hear it at first, and I usually read dialogues very thoroughly. It's like those talks were left in the background or smth, it really lacks some consistency, also the story is rushed, like very rushed, LIs fall in love with MC from first sight, I just don't believe them, I don't feel for them. All of this makes it really hard to immerse myself, and, oh common - it's a fantasy, of course I want some immersion.
    I would say that 40% of the game - quests with some action (very not bad actually) and 60% - dialogues/dates during free roams between quests. And these 60% of dialogues become very boring because of poor writing.
    3) Not much of content, the 4th chapter is really really short, basically - it's a 1 quest (save Qwen) and 2 free roams - before the quest and after, oh and night action.

    Oh and I almost forgot - that scene with Jezzabelle (alchemist), right after MC's family members were killed, was weird as fuck, I am not even talking that she blew him, but also renders where all the time she was smiling, that was creepy ... first I thought MC was tripping but no, apparently it was for real.

    Anyways, I am willing to change my opinion of the game if it becomes better at least in some aspects, so.... we shall see.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Just finished version 1.0.2, and I'm giving Lilith Rising 2 stars, which is a pity considering the amazing renders, beautiful characters, and the plot revolving around fantasy/medieval settings being something I enjoy. Right off the bat, I feel the story is paced poorly, with the lack of back story, and how the scenes just changes from one to another without much information and story going on. Choices does not really seem to matter much at all. In the beginning, with MC being mean to the servant and all, I feel that was pretty uncalled for. Also the part where the witch blows MC off right in the middle of a dire situation, is pretty stupid, despite the scene being kinda hot. In episode 3, where the Jezz requires some 'sample', perhaps make Freja/Jezz as an available option too, maybe with an additional scene as well, instead of it just being only Valery, and even if you skipped meeting Valery that night, the dialogue in the morning still points to Valery being the one to help MC, and the book also updates that you have sex with her, even though I tried to avoid it. Relationships also seem to move too fast, after meeting new characters for a bit, you'd end up having intimacy with them.

    Plot can easily be made interesting, but definitely lacks in that aspect. I hope Dev takes in all the reviews and comments, and make some changes to the upcoming seasons to make Lilith Rising more enjoyable.

    Good renders
    Beautiful girls
    Some pretty hot animations albeit it being short

    Mediocre story
    Poor pacing
    Choices does not seem to matter
    Font size seems to change throughout the game
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Short summary:

    It’s what you’d expect. Fantasy medieval setting, the story is forgettable, characters actions make no sense, everyone wants to fuck you. That kind of thing. Girl are generally fine, some renders are good, most are not.

    Good Things

    • Girl models
    • Some animations are sexy (though very short)

    Bad points

    • Story is nonsense
    • Not believable, cartoony characters
    • Attention to monsters and fight scenes doesn’t add anything to the game
    • No choices of note
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    With a nostalgic fantasy settting and "chosen one" premise, this game shows masterfully that all you really need is a simple story.
    The renders are amazing, and all the girls are interesting. Sex scenes are hot.
    I bought it on Steam and am looking forward to the next seasons.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Obviously a game made by a VERY inexperienced writer. The game starts off with MC acting like a complete jackass towards one of his maids, immediately makes me dislike the MC which I'm supposed to play as. Right off the bat, the game is not doing so good.

    The poor writing is further visible in the stiff dialogues and terrible pacing. The game doesn't have any significant world building or character development, they introduce all the characters and then BAM the attack on the castle happens.

    The story is very generic, when I first played this game I felt as if I had already played the game before which I hadn't, then I realised that this game is just an amalgamation of other VNS like Vis, Snowstorm, Long live the princess, swordbearer, Nephellim and all the other medieval MC is the "chosen one" type stories.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Models: 10/10
    Story: 3/10
    Dialog: 3/10
    Sex Scene : 7/10
    My Thoughts of the Game
    Simply Great Models Story, out of place in some Moments Like when he Found out that The Castle Got attacked he run didn't help and didn't give the option to help either and Also the idea of the Witch want to suck the MC While the Castle Burning and his Love and Mother Both Might be Dead What Kinda person would agree and say okay suck me and when he finally save his Loved one and Forget all about his Mother and Ofc the Problem I made him say no the witch yet later on it's like i didn't so why put Option if they won' t matter anyway and sex Scene could be better to add Option like Suck on her Lick her Kiss her Some Option to do and also the fact that no girl talk about what you did with others like they didn't hear you or something and also the Fact that a lot of moment should be Better I mean it's all in Old time SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND REALLY ? Come on, Memes not in the Right Place here Felt like the deve Wanted to get it done so he Rush things Up didn't take his time to Get The Plot Together
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v1.0.2ns


    • Nice looking backgrounds/sets
    • Good looking models


    • Story is quite boring.
    • It's an unlabeled Kinetic Novel.
    • No seriously, choices don't matter.


    Good looking but boring. No choices, no point.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    version 0.3

    Here are some of my thoughts on the game after I've played it so far:
    1. The story isn't that great but it's not that bad either.
    2. Apart from that, I think the storyline goes too fast, like going through a number of things that make the story a little strange.
    3. When the castle is attacked and the main player is saved by a magician/alchemist (I forgot the name), I think it's strange because suddenly the main player gets a blowjob from the women even though the castle is being attacked and burning. Why not make another alternative story for the scene, like before the women and the main character promised to meet. Then the day before the attack, when the main player and the women meet, the women gives the main player a blowjob. I think it's kind of like that. And actually I wish there was another story between the main player and his sister (forgot her name), before the attack happened.
    4. When the main player runs away and finds an abandoned house, why does the main player choose to stay in that house for up to several weeks. Why don't the main players seek help in other areas and prefer to live in these abandoned houses?
    5. Apart from that I like the rendering, it looks really good. But I feel a little weird about Freja's hair color when it's wet, it looks so different when it's dry.
    6. A cave or ruins that the main player and Freja go to where the main player gets two daggers, I don't think the place looks like a place that hasn't been occupied in a very long time. Looks too clean for a place that he said had not been lived in for a long time. The fight is also less exciting. By the way, when the main player throws a dagger that was found in this place and the main player suddenly moves quickly to the dagger he threw earlier, it reminds me of the movie "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV".
    7. It was very strange when the main player's abandoned house suddenly turned into a place with several houses and a large fence. Even though it was built by several people, I think it's too fast. Besides that, the main player lives in the house alone, isn't there enough equipment to build? so it would be strange if they could finish construction so quickly. Unless they also take other equipment with them when they leave the village.

    Sorry this is just my opinion, and thanks for the game.
    And sorry for my bad english.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 0.3.1

    The game is a classic medieval fantasy revenge story where you have to retake a kingdom from the invaders.
    The renders are gorgeous, same thing for the LIs (some are yet to be fully fleshed out).
    The sex scenes are animated and the amount is appropriate to the length of the game (three episodes / 3-4 hours of gameplay).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    For the visuals alone, this is a must-play; it doesn't have the best story or writing true, but they are decent enough that they don't detract from the enjoyment of the game. , but the sex scenes are hot, and for a porn game, good visuals and hot scenes with acceptable writing are really enough.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Pro's: High quality renders

    Con's: Unoriginal story, unbelievable scenes, choices not mattering, silly dialog choices

    To start, the renders are quite good, very high quality but that is kind of where it ends. Between a story told a thousand times (father dies, mom/sis kidnapped and must rescue them), scenes thrust in for no reason (MC is pulled aside in the middle of his family being attacked for a BJ to "calm him down"), random old English words used, and choices not mattering (refusing the BJ only for characters to ignore that choice and assume it happens later in it the story) the game leaves a lot to be desired.