Java - Lilith's Throne [v0.4.10.7 Hotfix] [Innoxia]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Really interesting content when it comes to races and hybrids, freely-transforming demons, and running a business out of your aunt's house, But it all falls to shit when you consider how slow the updates and how meaningless the content they add is, I played about a year ago and decided to do a new arcane-focused run (magic) and honestly the new content isn't worth the replay, as of there's so much placeholder in the overworld that I don't understand why even bother having an overworld, everything is either unwritten or "Will be added soon!" I genuinely don't see the point of adding this to the game in this sorry state.

    About the sex scenes, there's a certain novelty in being able to choose different body parts and so on during each session, but it quickly fades when you realize NPC dialogue is dogshit (no offense to the writer) and every sex scene is just going to more or less be the same, NPC AI is also really boring so there are no interesting surprises to wait for, it all just sort of happens.

    Overall I kinda like the magic system, perks are cool, the main city is cool, overworld sucks, new content is barebones and kind of shit, sex scenes are about as interesting as watching paint dry, slavery system is looking alright, but definitely needs work.

    I'm being generous giving this a 3/5 considering that this game seems like it'll hit v1.0 by the end of 2060.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to love about this game.
    • Some of the best character customization out of all the text rpgs of this kind (i.e. CoC, TiTS, etc) as well as a great fetish system that affects how your character responds to certain actions.
    • A neat enchanting system that allows you to make items that help with combat stats or even force TFs to happen, or fetishes to grow on the wearer. (These can be used on yourself or your slaves/companions.)
    • A solid and consistent world with interesting characters and locations.
    But there is also a glaring flaw: the modular, turn-based sex system is boring. At first, it's exciting that you get to control what direction the lewd scenes go in, but that excitement quickly vanishes when you realize that there are no curated, well-written sex scenes. Even unique characters lack their own scenes, meaning you'll find yourself missing the finely crafted sex scenes of something like TiTS or CoC.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 - DNF; Did get me off

    Gameplay is standard RPG. Combat is simple and boring. There is lots of player customization.

    Porn is awful. I'm surprised at how many reviews are comparing it to TiTS. It works like a turn based game, like:
    "You defeated catgirl. (Your turn): > Enter missionary position. You enter missionary position. (Enemy turn) Catgirl begs 'please don't do this'. (Your turn): > Take off pants. You free your dick. (Enemy turn) Catgirl says 'wow you're really big'."
    And this goes on and on. It's not very arousing. Furthermore, every single sex scene is like this, so it's always exactly the same. Sure one time you can force her to blow you, another time you can do anal, whatever, but it's all the same bland repetitive text. Story npcs will have a few unique dialogs, maybe a few unique positions, but besides that their porn is the same.
    Another way to describe this is that no character has her own set of scenes. Every "scene" is just the same sandbox turn-based event.

    - Horrible development speed. I don't believe anything substantial was added in the past 2 years.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game suffers from most of the problems that the "top level" erotic games suffer from: the dev gets bogged down adding a bunch of random ankle-deep content instead of finishing the game. Admittedly, this is probably wildly profitable - but its still worth noting.
    Overall a very competent game with a lot of content that for me personally is worth revisiting once every 5 months.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my most closely followed games. The scale of the endeavor is staggering but the developer is making steady progress. If you enjoyed other text adventures like, T.I.T.S. or Degrees of Lewdity, don't miss this one!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    There has been written enough about the general pros and cons of this game, so this is just a list of a few personal comments.

    This is the only game that completely satisfies my pregnancy kink (my kink No. 1 surpassing even incest) BEFORE the ending. There are games like Sisterly Lust and Harem Island where almost everyone the MC had fun with can or will get pregnant, but due to the totally different concept, these games can't offer what LT offers. What they can offer is of course that all the people you meet can be unique, have their own personality, etc. After you got the 1000th random imp pregnant, it doesn't really matter to you anymore except for the statistics.
    I also still enjoy the freedom when doing things, transforming the kinks of my loved ones to my likings and ordering custom slaves (which I can set free if I want to), like spider women. This is still unsurpassed.
    A year ago, I would have had no hesitation to give the game five stars, despite its flaws.
    Unfortunately, things have gone quite off the track. For me, it starts with the nonsensical premise later in the game that you could cut off the UK from the rest of the world under a pretext and the whole rest of the world would believe that without investigating. But OK, this is fiction, and in a game like this, it is rather not that important. There have been technical issues like each turn taking too much time, the CPU power being drained (I mean, this is a Java text-based game, not Crysis Part 94234), bugs, etc. I've become a supporter twice to get a new version because at the time it was worth it for me, but the endless delays regarding 0.4 were simply too much for me.
    Still, this and a few other games like Teraurge belong to the very few titles that are really distinct.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Insomniac

    Far as text based adventures go, this is one of the best. Plenty of content, multiple branching paths, open world, etc. All things you'd expect from a game like this. Decent story, plenty of kinks, which can be enabled or disabled depending on preference. All around a pretty fantastic game.

    The only downside is that it's a bit... clunky. Just trying to learn all the different things takes a decent amount of time. There's submenus in submenus occasionally, which can be a bit difficult to manage until you know where things are at. Though, i do think it's completely worth the investment if you like this type of game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another fantastic enjoyable experience for first timers who likes text-based battle turn-base combat. It's about same level as Trials in tainted space (y)

    There is some things that needs to be fixed though, the lag on moving/after pressing buttons, way too delayed. It's even worser at outside of the world.

    Maybe some music in the game perhaps? Or pictures of the areas changing background layout.

    I don't like that there isn't option to you know, take control and force having fun with the Sidequest/mainquest npcs as option.

    I think that there should be customized difficulty though. I didn't have enjoyment after re-playing since everything is somewhat same dialogue and stuff, doesn't change much game experience, even with difficulties, you need to narrow it down by cheeky strats

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  9. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best text games I've played in general. I really enjoy the non-sex aspects of the game more than anything, theres a variety of flavor and roleplay options that makes the game a gem. I personally prefer it over TiTS because I feel that game went overboard with shit like 10ft furry penises and characters that are 90% boobs and ass, which in lilith is all optional. The customization in lilith is something to be desired and something it has over other text based rpgs, I haven't seen this level of it very often. The writing is also (imo) much better than TiTS or CoC with some outliers and goofy awkward dialogue here and there. I'm looking foward to its future and the future of its developer, and hoping it doesn't get abandoned and trashed like most games of this sort. Props to innoxia.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Original Post: June 6, 2021

    Looking at it for what it is in a vacuum, this is one of the better text adventure games that are currently being worked on, although whether or not progress is being made is debatable at best . Lilith's Throne holds up quite well for someone checking it out first time, and it will be hard to not find your kink in full display somewhere in the game. With that said, for everyone that has followed Lilith's Throne for any amount of time in the last year, there is some good, bad, and a whole lot of ugly with the way things are going.

    The Good:
    • Hours of content with plenty of variety and replayability
    • "Actively" being worked on by the developer
    • Dozens of fetishes to explore or avoid, depending on your preferences
    • Lots of future potential
    The Bad:
    • The balance is practically nonexistent on low to medium difficulties
    • The writing comes off as amateurish and cringey at times, especially some of the most recent additions
    • Systems that were actively being worked on in versions prior to 0.4 have been temporarily abandoned in favor of fleshing out other sections of the game for now
    The Ugly:
    • The developer has stopped adding content with depth and has instead focused on shallower additions which include but are not limited to:
      • A poorly written date sim
      • No meaningful story content
      • Dozens of clothing options... most of which were originally created by modders
      • Armpit and other atypical sex options of equal 'uniqueness'
      • No major updates, many of which included features that have been promised regularly since the end of 2020 and have not seen the light of day yet
    • Update regularity has died down severely, with the updates being scarce in content that isn't purely cosmetic... in a text based game
    • Just read some of the latest conversations in the forums. They will cover more than I ever could.

    After following this game for almost two years now and noticing no meaningful changes added to the core game, it's hard to say that the potential for greatness that this game had is still as strong as it was. There is some potential for future improvements, but until the developer gets their shit together, this game is practically finished outside of a few minor changes for the foreseeable future given the precedent set by past updates.

    If I am wrong about the direction this game goes in the future, something I dearly hope is true, then this review will be changed accordingly. Until then, the core of Lilith's Throne is enough to keep new players engaged while the fallout and arguments in the forum will provide far more entertainment than the game ever could.


    One year later, and we now have one additional town that has a grand total of... 20 minutes of additional content. If that. The few meaningful additions that have been made include one BDSM spider lady, a bakery, and a spa. There has been no other content that has been added outside of flavor text for certain items, new colors for certain items or body parts, and more clothes you will likely never bother using added within the last year.

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great fun, really love the amount of customization and control of player transformations and the ability to transform npcs. Combat certainly isn't a slouch either, with the varying styles giving the player playstyle options for multiple playthroughs.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I really want to love this game, but every update just kills my interest and fuels my disappointment. The customization is some of the best that I've seen in any other porn game, and it's fun making OCs to have sex with, but the updates are so pointless and spread out that it makes it hard to appreciate these things.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Monstrous Moonshine

    If Innoxia hires some developers to help her, I'll change this to an "excellent". If not, I will keep this as a "terrible", not because the game is, but because the speed of the development is.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    awqsrem man

    This game is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME.

    In terms of story its kind of similar to the evil version of Fall of Eden.
    In terms of gameplay its similar to Corruption of Champions.
    So why would I recommend it over both of these?
    The settings menu. You're straight? Okay you can disable random male encounters.
    You dont want your character getting fucked in your vagina? Tape it over. Like seriously, there's an item that makes it impossible for you to get fucked in the vagina.

    There's a lot of freedom in this game. A bunch more than the afore-mentioned titles, and even if you feel pushed towards a relationship you don't like, You always hold the choice of whether to have it or not(unless you lose the combat of course.)
    Don't wanna fuck the slime queen? You don't have to. You defeated a succubuss? You can walk away as she's crying about not getting that dick. The bouncer tells you you're cute? Blue ball the shithead.

    The combat, transformation and potion systems are all pretty well tied in, sex is a big boon, but you can skip it almost completely and get essence from the emporium.
    Abusing slaves for infinite money is really easy now but whatever, money wont buy you that much after you have your first 30-50k anyways.

    This game has about 20 hours worth of main+side story content rn. A good play, and ver 0.4 is coming out soon.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    its a good game but it has stayed at nearly the same spot for a year story wise.
    pros insane level of customization(lots of different races, colors, and genitals to choose from), the pregnancy mechanic(not just a god damn debuff and after you/the npc you impregnated give birth to your children you can find them in the alleys and have sex with them), and mod-ability (you can put any weapon/clothe/races/item in the game)
    cons short story(story stops before field), lag(play too long and it will take seconds to walk one space), and minimal power scaling(you can become so power full without doing a lot of work)
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Liliths Throne is, at first glance, an impressive game with a rich array of customization options and fetishes to explore. Unfortunately, it suffers from several crippling issues that hamper its potential.

    Development began in 2016 by Innoxia (sole developer), who started off as an inexperienced coder, with all signs pointing to someone who was/is self-taught. Even though she has learned and improved over the years, the game was built on rocky foundations that had to suffer multiple revamps just to keep up with the ever-growing list of demands and ambition from the developer (and partially the community). This holds true even to this day.

    I have followed this game since 2017. Initially, I was enthusiastic and optimistic but over time I started to realize a few glaring issues with this whole project. Innoxia is an impulsive developer who lacks focus. She rarely meets her own deadlines, refuses to hire help, and suffers from a long track record of dishonesty and lack of transparency. (I.E; Progress on the main story had been halted since 2018 in favor of side-content. For 2 years, in almost every post, she told us she was making progress on the Fields/Elis (main story) and that the next update would deliver on her promise. In January 2021, we learned that she hadn't even started on it yet. [*1]) Alternatively, she begins to work on something, loses focus/motivation halfway through and moves on to something else instead, leaving half-baked content behind.

    To segway into that, a lot of content in the game is unfinished and shallow. The expression "Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" fits this game to a tee. It offers a lot of customization and fetishes but none of them have any impact in the game. This affects the sex scenes as well, as despite all the fetishes the game offers, they are hardly explored or in-depth to make it interesting and fresh over long periods of time. Balance in the game is basically non-existent, meaning you can become rich and powerful early on if you know what you're doing. Updates are relatively frequent, but actual progress is not. Little has changed in 2 years of development, aside from minor side-content, some of which is pretty niche and/or fan-servicing (poorly written too).

    Overall, the game offers several hours worth of fun for new players, but it's a load of wasted potential in the hands of a developer that doesn't know what to do with it.

    [*1] Addendum: In June of 2021, we have finally reached Elis, even if unfinished and filled with placeholders.

    [Edited at: 6/6/2021 -- Reason: Changed review to keep up with the present state of the game. Main point still remains though I shortened it to make it easier to read.]
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I do love the fact that every time you have sex, it's interactive and not just a wall of text like in CoC.

    Plenty of different fetishes and unique dialogue that come with them. Unique character customization.
    In conclusion, I love this game and hope to see what the dev does next with it! ^_^
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    As far as the porno goes, LT is like that one Pornhub video you've whacked off to a hundred times: a hot, cheap thrill that gets the job done, but as far as actual content, well, there's nothing I can say that hasn't already been said. I will say that the dangers of blind ambition are on full display here. Trot it out when you need to get the job done, but don't bother otherwise.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    So.. I'm giving this a low 3 1/2 stars.

    It has a good setting and a decent sandbox setting. There is a lot to do and a lot to learn. There are good quests, a decent build up and then it ends.

    However, there are a lot of problems.

    1) Money is too easy to work out, you can easily make 150k+ on your first day if you know what you're doing.

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    2)Combat is easy.

    3)The difficulty spike heading into the sewers is really high. (Despite Combat being too easy).

    4)Once you've completed the game up until now then there isn't much to do. You get way too powerful, way too soon and it kind of ruins any future progress.

    On the other hand, the mechanics are pretty good, if a little too intricate. The writing is good for a porn game. I'd say try it blind, the first playthrough is good, the second, not so much.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the better, more flexible porn games anywhere, to the point i hold a lot of others to its standard. updates are slow due to it being a one person team, but again if you're on this site you're not paying for it are you?