I'd never heard of this game until I registered here, and that was yesterday.
Man, I'm really impressed. I think the framework here is actually better than TiTS and CoC; I like having more stats and more character build choices, and I love this freeform nature of the sex scenes that lets the player have more control over how a scene plays out.
The problem is that the same freeform approach is really hampered by a lack of content at this stage. You quickly start seeing the same descriptions over and over and over again, and species traits (fur, wings, etc) don't really have any role in the scenes so for the moment they're little more than cosmetic descriptors.
I'm really looking forward to more, but I hope that sooner rather than later the dev will take a break from writing the main quest and really flesh out the content for this dynamic sex scene system, because it could be incredibly powerful if it had more variety and more context-relevant text to draw from.
Really the only gripe I have is that this is another patreon project which treats the $1 patrons like a garbage-tier instead of their front line of active supporters.
I hope there will be more filters for vanilla people like me who are not into extreme stuff.
Oh I remember those days... I was vanilla as shit the first few times I played through CoC. I wasn't into furry porn, futa, traps, transformation or any of this glorious stuff... But those games don't just corrupt the characters mate, they'll corrupt
you too.

Before you know it you'll be on your knees in the game begging some centaur to shove his cock down your throat and blow the big one straight into your stomach, and in the real world you'll be hard as a fucking rock and squirming in your seat.
And you know what? People like what they like, but I'm super glad I found CoC when I did. Because being coerced by a game into expanding my sexual horizons turned out to have a positive impact on my actual sex life. I don't plan on getting pegged by wolf-morphs or anything, but my girlfriend swinging a strap-on dildo around and begging me to blow it is hot. as. fuck... And I don't think we'd have gotten there without games like these.