Thanks for the game, looking forward to future developments! The models are lovely, posed really well and in general the rendering is great. The writing is better than average and the overall story is decent for the 'innocent girl ends up in increasingly depraved situations that she learns to love and then crave, with aliens' genre
I did have some issues though, not sure if they've already been pointed out:
* as I played through I got to the end of the Kharoline/twins/Oscar stories through just seeing Oscar at night and at 5pm, visiting the park a few times and then rescuing Emma, and then remembered Kharoline had supposed to arrange for me to have sex with a guy and that never occurring. Seems as soon as
twins_progress hits 7 it triggers
scene_kharoline_015, which then sets
kharoline_progress to 15 and means the Brandon/Joseph scene never happens.
* the clock showed minutes greater than 59 a couple of times towards the end of my playthrough
* after going to bed on Saturday when Emma is in the house (via the sidebar action) and waking up, it would still be Saturday each time. Using skip to next day worked fine however.
* Esmerelda asks you to meet at the pool at 12pm, but the event only triggers if you go at 11am.
And some tweaks:
* buttons for the computer are super-small and the power button is tiny and a pain to click - the close button at the top-right is confusing because it closes a page but not the whole thing. Maybe start with it at the email view and not have a blank page at all, so the close button just exits back to the living room and there's no power button.
* emails should be sorted so the newest are at the top, I missed the second Oscar email because it was just underneath the previous Oscar email. A red dot to show unread emails perhaps, the text saying "There's a new email from X" is easy to miss and then ignore because it keeps saying that even if you've read the email before.
* I didn't realise I needed to use the search to progress with Victoria, I thought her quest log implied I'd find out more progressing other quests.
* the text for actions and time skipping on the RHS is small and tightly spaced and it's easy to mis-click, would be nice if the text was a bit bigger and spaced out more - the day/time/money indicators are also tiny and hard to see. The images for interactions could do with some text to say what they are for e.g. "Hang out and chat" and "Make out with Kharoline" for the sofa.
* a skip day option would be good, or at least it would be nice to not have to click "get out of bed" just to skip from morning to the daytime
* Victoria and the veterans events require pinpoint timing which is annoying - having early morning/late morning/afternoon/evening/night periods would be much easier to handle, with e.g. Esmerelda for late morning and then Connor and Mitchell each on a specific afternoon.
* timekeeping plays into constantly clicking locations on the city screen to see if there's anything to do, would be great if locations that are closed at the current time/weekday were greyed out so you can see straight away where you can actually visit. Especially if you're doing Mon/Wed/Fri at Esmerelda's and Mon/Thu at Victoria's.
* events often require waiting until X days have elapsed since the previous event, and it's not obvious how long that is or even that there is a wait sometimes. Which leads to a lot of location clicking to see if anything can happen (see previous), but for the Brandon/Joseph event you need to wait a whole week and then be at home on Saturday evening - which means you could just miss it by never being there at that time, but more likely is that you'll advance the story and never get it at all. Would be good if the quest log showed when/where to be for events tied to specific times and places.
* I missed advancing Esmerelda's quest for ages because my Mon/Wed/Fri routine meant I never triggered the next event because it was Tue/Thu only and I didn't know that.
* some scenes are very dark, to the point I found it hard to make out any detail under dimmer lighting due to the lack of contrast
* Lily is oddly shiny in some scenes, looking at the renders I think it's the reflections and highlights in some of the daytime scenes e.g.
esmeralda_pool_12_day and
paraiso_esmeralda_043_day. Maybe she was at the baby oil in-between renders
* would be very nice to be able to access the quests from the city screen and maybe when your current location has actions you can choose.
* have the quest log indicate characters with more to do (or those you've finished instead). Maybe have it in order of meeting each character instead of alphabetically?
Wow, I've gone on a lot, sorry! It's just because I enjoyed it and will definitely be playing future instalments when they are released. Thanks for the game!
P.S. Kudos on the nicely structured codebase, not a 10,000 line script file in sight lol