This update is full of bugs!
For example, Paul's scene in the kitchen in the morning. After triggering the scene (by taking coffee), the time doesn't advance, the journal is not updated but keeps saying to visit the kitchen in the morning. So, it's impossibile to progress with Paul and you can trigger the same scene infinite times. The same for Moddy: it says to visit the shop but nothing happens.
It's completely broken.
Yeah Paul's events don't progress the time ^_^ which quest won't advance and keeps saying to visit the kitchen mate?
I haven't actually touched either Paul's events or Moddy's events this patch so if there are bugs there, they've been lurking for some time :d
OK I found a new groping event at the marketplace.
If you sleep enough you can go Jogging with Danny
And I need someone who can lead me to the shady district up north in the town center.
But now I am out of options
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this guide should help mate
Hello people, I'm a little lost and searching in this thread didn't exactly help:
- How many routes are in this game? I understand there are 4, one that we don't know yet and Faithful, Hotwife (Sharing I suppose) and Cheating.
- How do you go the Sharing route? do I need to cheat first with Calvin?
- What happens if I cheat with Calvin? can't go sharing route?
The Sharing route is an option when Danny's in Lisa's hotel room after the ruins, there are no pre-requisites to it. You can be on the Sharing route without cheating. The cheating route simply denotes that Lisa has been unfaithful at some point, it's almost always an option to cheat throughout the game whether you cheat with any character on the way or not. It's just a counterbalance to the Faithful route.
I hope this clears it up a little ^_^
Like any updated list of content and how to activate them in the game ?
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Some custscenes are glitching my game. After they're over Lisa starts walking very slowly and there's no way to dash again.
Which scenes mate? That happens when I don't reset the Player Character's move speed back to normal. It'll fix itself if you play another cutscene in which Lisa moves and I've remembered to reset the move speed lol ^_^
greatest foe yet!
He's a small child who will repeatedly get the best of Lisa on her quest to find a cat..
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this should help mate!
The quest of the bathhouse when u wanna leave the place after u get changed u still cant leave the game says u wearing the bikini even if ur not
So u get stuck there needs fixing
Did this happen when you were with Gina? Or outside of an event mate? Sorry about that one buddy x
Where can you find george after the initial meeting?
Sleep a few times and the giggleboy will once again appear
Thought I'd continue Paul's route regardless of all the warnings and that creeps disgusting, punchable face but I don't think I will anymore especially after that theatre scene. Is entire Paul route going to be too dark and rapey? or it's going to mellow down to Lisa doing things out of reluctance and not getting raped? I don't mind dark content but that was just disgusting to watch, I almost punched my screen trying to wipe that smug face.
Don't know about the others but props to dev for bringing out such emotions in a game, that was certainly first for me.
I hope your screen survived the encounter mate xD
Yeah Paul's route is very much like that throughout, Duncan's route is perhaps even worse

do yourself a favor and
yeet the Paul :d I dunno if you played past the theatre scene but there's a Paul End directly afterward ^_^
Why is the new version takes 0.50 GB less space?
New PC, new compression settings, it was a whole thing xd
Duncan looks like Bogdanoff, could add dupm eet/pupm eet memes
Man I just googled "Bogdanoff" what am I looking at here? xD Hahahahahaha, is that plastic surgery?
I found sort of a solution for this until Pale can fix it. Go to beach and sunbathe. After u do that u should be able to move normally again.
Ah that's even better than my suggestion! :d Yeah any cutscene where I haven't been totally negligent will fix the movespeed issue ^_^
so wait. This is not worth it according to Palegrass?
So the Paul and VIV scene in the begining are almost everything?
Those two count for like 1/4 of the total CGs added ^_^ but yeah this patch is heavily focused on building more RPGM experience than adding story content, it's something I should've been making alongside story content on the way but I am a man with a vision and very few braincells
Where do you trigger "Grope Training"? That part of the guide is blank.
My bad dude, I forgot to add it because on the release of 2.65 those scenes weren't written. Now there's 1&2 available.
It's just outside after unlocking the hot tub at Lisa's pool, the bed beside Sharon will be activatable ^_^
I just found a lesbian sex scene with Viv in the beginning no else. This game is complicated there is no clue where should go. We read on her journal but still marked all end of version. I tried to explore and meet someone on the map but nothing new or just repeat the scene. Could someone help me find another scene plz?
Yeah man there isn't much story content in this patch, it's all over the place ^_^
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this is the guide for new stuff <3
Haven't been back to this game in ages, what's the extent of the newest update? A worthy update?
No mate, it's terrible
Real talk though I'd suggest leaving it until 2.70, it'll be up next month ^_^
Only new event I can't get to pop is grope training 3... it stays greyed out out completing the first two scenes.
Yeah mate sorry I popped 2.651 out quickly yesterday and didn't have time to finish up the last one! ^_^
It loves you too <3
Drugs you say..?
Now we're getting into some very important themes.. :d!