Any chance you can seperate the lesbian sexfight games? Those are the ones I'm interested in. Basically games like Princess of the Ring. I guess most of the games by Toffi-sama too
I'd argue most of Toffy's games are not BF. Rather, bizarre ryona combat rape. But technically I guess Fairy Fighting might qualify (edit: from Eluku, though

). Remember both parties need to be able to use sex moves to be mentioned here: one-sided rape is a no-no.
You'll be interested in
Ladies Sex Bout, or
Lust Memory(RJ262855).
Succubus Rhapsodia can be made fully lesbian as well.
I've been trying to jog the memories deep within my loins. Here are a few obscure (
male protagonist) contenders for the list:
There were these two original, strange, romantic games from the same dev.
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I don't have these anymore, but if my memory doesn't fail me, battles were sex-fights. They're puzzle/adventure games with no translation, don't expect quick&easy sex.
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: Another odd thing, a voice work made into a sex-fight against 2 succubi.
The issue being, the time to make one climax is always more than enough time for her sister to recover...
The sequel got abandoned
RJ096225 + its DLC RJ125462 : ELEMENTS!
Removed from DLsite a while back. Gorgeous little gem from an age long past. Also lost this one
omar1218 you're in luck! Turns out I kept the subtitles plugin somewhere safe(r than where I had Yuusha itself

Dialogues were the funniest thing! It's about all the translation needed. Vintage zip attached, with readme and all.
So, some mod/user/bot decided to tag my files with [Virus]. So poof, here they go. Too bad if you missed them.
Good luck finding that again, it was HexSubs by boned. From Hongfire. Relay your
warm thanks to the one(s) responsible.
I'm pissed off. Whomever did that,
NOTIFY THE POSTER FIRST. Don't go saying behind people's backs they have herpes, damnit!
While you're at it, send with the notification, the report from whatever shovelware antivirus was used (which cannot even tell the dll was last modified in 2009...).