This is for v0.40
TLDR: As always with weighted scores on this site, do not trust the reviews that are only a few sentences long and don't actually go into detail about the game itself.
This game is a prime example of an artist thinking they can make a game without any experience with games themselves, and certainly not enough experience with H games to be making one.
Content is lackluster, grindy, needlessly repetitive, and H content is far and few in-between.
Not Fap-worthy.
- The assets are ugly outside of the very few scenes that actually matter with awkward full body sprites that don't even fit into the map well.
- The gameplay is insanely grindy for no decent reason even with cheats, with certain events only being available on certain days at certain times and only if you took very specific steps in a specific sequence meaning you are going to constantly be navigating menus to check the steps for the specific event line you are following and hoping that you are doing things correctly
- The RPGM curse of 90% of the gameplay being slow aimless walking is on full display here, even with the built in teleportation system
- H content is way too sparse, spread out, and short with each event either being extremely lackluster consisting of a short animation loop followed immediately by it ending and usually at this point being followed by a message that that is the end of current content
- Combat is thankfully not important beyond the Tenten content so far, but it is extremely unbalanced and annoying
- Stat grinding is obnoxious and just plain stupid
Really the whole game feels like it would be better as a kinetic novel or even just put in Renpy since there are very few locations you actually need to be on any given day so most of your time is spent walking.
The plot is basically just that Naruto lent money to Tsunade, Tsunade lost it while gambling, and now Naruto is living with her, but since you rarely interact with her on a daily basis, you might as well not be living together.
There are a few typical at home interactions, such as classics like Tsunade stuck in the dryer, helping her with some chores, watching TV with her, and so on, but all of these require special items and stupid BS to progress to the actual content.
Multiple plot interactions feel like they were intended for the player to NOT be Naruto that it really just feels like the PC should be an anonymous ninja rather than Naruto...who apparently can't even get away from a couple of street thugs or pick locks or do anything that a powerful ninja can do.
The art is decent, but only on the level of like, someone who is still learning the basics of how to draw, lacking the traits of higher quality art that make the difference between middle school art student and professional artist.
This is compounded by the fact that the developer's attention is horribly misplaced for this game as there are placeholder animations for combat skills, meanwhile the content people are actually here for is extremely lackluster and sparse.
Overall, this needs an immense amount of work and refining and possibly even remaking before this could even be fappable as even with cheats it takes way too much time and effort to make any progress at all with not enough content to make any of it worthwhile.
I would personally recommend avoiding this game until it nears completion because as is you will just get annoyed rather than aroused.