On another note, I gotta give props to
StannyStanny , for making a game where the MC goes down on the MILF (

), as many "I" tagged games skips over that kinda content, and it pisses me off, just like when real "pron" does, when it skips panty play in picture galleries, despite taking 100-200 pictures of the model for that gallery, as another example of an opportunity wasted. So kudos to you for including it, as like I said, many devs ignores foreplay, and it also adds content, while waiting for the moment they go all the way together. That was the praise, now for the critique:
The "bloken engrish" is strong in this game (so far), and there's too many spelling errors to bring them all to front street, phrases repeated, and some sentences so bad, it becomes a little bit tricky to understand what a character is trying to actually say, and some lines clearly said by the wrong character in the game. So, long story short, I think it's safe to say that the dev most likely can't be a native speaker of english (which is fine in itself), and also needs to spend a little more time on checking who says what, when he's coding it. And he definitely needs a proofreader, who's quite adept in english, and I officially volunteer to do the job, as it would be easy enough for me to do that, especially now when the game is in its early stages, and all you really need is the internet, and he could send me the script, and I could fix the dialogue with ease, as english is almost my native language at this point, heck, I even think in english when I'm chilling at home, and NOT even on the internet at the time. And while my english might not be ABSOLUTELY perfect, as I am a scandinavian by birth, I think he'd be hard pressed to find someone at my level just randomly, and who's willing to do the job for free, to boot.
Because I think this game has quite decent potential, but the bad dialogue lessens the experience quite a bit, and kinda pulls you out of the immersion of the game, and I'm more than willing to help, if the dev wants to, of course. And despite what it might seem like at first glance when reading this post of mine, I'm pleasantly surprised by this game, and wanna help make it even better, if he'll let me. So, here I am, offering my services, and for free. So,
StannyStanny , the ball is in your court now, and the decision is entirely up to you. Best regards and peace from Tico, whatever you decide to do.
(Oh, and I'm planning to make my own game as well, so I understand enough of basic coding to fix when the wrong character speaks, as long as the script file isn't packed inside an RPA pack, but even that I can handle by decompiling the archive, if necessary.)