Game had very good potential.
~Apprentice of sorcerer to the mission find master.
So much things could be happen..
Feels like author decide to econom own energy and did things with minimum efforts.That's why game is really-really short.
Art is super good - but can't rate it high just because of talent artist.
Rated only on based what aftertaste feels product give to me.If it hentai product - then how good hentai aspects was.How much it affected and hooked me.
Due to minimum efforts - its very lack of something to reflect in you.
Like others noticed - at some point girl just accept
everything what going to happen.You want to girl to be get fucked - here we go,take it.
-Welcome straight to brothel!
-I'm in! 
Where is dillema and fighting reasons? Dont give me porn,give interesting way of inner drama or cirumstances
WHICH leads to porn.
Instead.Girl has been sexually harrased by annoying school-type kid in local bath (
even name suited for shcool kid King-bath-Kenji or smth.

Because she cant endure hot steam later been fucked.Wow how miserable it was..Why she cant just turn his balls in two
cube of ice or just explode his dick with magic?
Or another chain of events that leads to whole city look at you naked and announced you -
Public degenerate.
How HOT!!
Sugoooi!!! Im so rock hard about it now! Mmmm ssssexy.
Im get thah main japanese kink is humiliation girls as hard as it possible.
But it is below human being to get pleasure of it...And even main heroine dont really implement any reactions to this because she is a imagined doll.
Without any questionable hentai - gameplay here is collecting resourses to proceed next to straight finish.No fights,no lvl up progression.Just go fetch another thing.When you think what is going to happen in Grand Finale - Titles,thank you for playing.The End.
..And why cant i play blonde who act like innocent but can suck souls through the dicks?? It could be way more fun..Sigh
Low effort game.